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Question 2


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Reader can divine what Epics' powers are, right? They probably wouldn't let new Epics meet Vondra in person unless Reader signs them off as safe. That way the police can't inadvertently bring someone like CorpseMaker inside to assassinate the mayor.

Yes, he can find out their powers, he just can't find out their weaknesses (unless being touched by Upgrade). So yeah he's probably a check-off station before anyone can meet Vondra. 

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Yes, he can find out their powers, he just can't find out their weaknesses (unless being touched by Upgrade). So yeah he's probably a check-off station before anyone can meet Vondra. 


Cool. (And he must not be introduced to Upgrade. Ever. :o)


I'm kind of having fun imagining how a Reader-Backtrack conversation would go.


Reader: His name's Steve Lawrence. Worked at a 7-Eleven.


Backtrack: Oh yeah? Two can play at this game. I know where you were born, pal!


Reader: He used to be the admin of a Firefly wiki. Total nerd.


Backtrack: Twelve minutes before we walked in here you spilled your bag of tortilla chips. Eww, then you ate one off the floor! Isn't that disgusting?


* glances around *


Backtrack: Impact? MV? That's disgusting, right?


* blank stares *


Backtrack: Aw, c'mon. I'm just as cool as he is.

Edited by Kobold King
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Cool. (And he must not be introduced to Upgrade. Ever. :o)


I'm kind of having fun imagining how a Reader-Backtrack conversation would go.


Reader: His name's Steve Lawrence. Worked at a 7-Eleven.


Backtrack: Oh yeah? Two can play at this game. I know where you were born, pal!


Reader: He used to be the admin of a Firefly wiki. Total nerd.


Backtrack: Twelve minutes before we walked in here you spilled your bag of tortilla chips. Eww, then you ate one off the floor! Isn't that disgusting?


* glances around *


Backtrack: Impact? MV? That's disgusting, right?


* blank stares *


Backtrack: Aw, c'mon. I'm just as cool as he is.

This should become canon. Right now. 


Kobold, a question: what would it do to Lightwards if he met Mommy, and she cleaned the blood out of his jacket? 

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This should become canon. Right now. 


Kobold, a question: what would it do to Lightwards if he met Mommy, and she cleaned the blood out of his jacket? 


Tears would well in his eyes before he pulled her into a tight embrace, sobbing about all the mistakes he's made in life. :P


Lightwards has a few minor parental issues, but ultimately he'd just be happy to have a clean coat.


(Fun fact: Thomas Cardinal's parents both passed away a few years before Calamity, and he took in his mother's terrier as his own pet. The first time he used his power was when the dog got loose from the house and was hit by a car--when the distraught Thomas Cardinal put his hand on the body, it came back to life at his touch.)

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Tears would well in his eyes before he pulled her into a tight embrace, sobbing about all the mistakes he's made in life. :P


Lightwards has a few minor parental issues, but ultimately he'd just be happy to have a clean coat.


(Fun fact: Thomas Cardinal's parents both passed away a few years before Calamity, and he took in his mother's terrier as his own pet. The first time he used his power was when the dog got loose from the house and was hit by a car--when the distraught Thomas Cardinal put his hand on the body, it came back to life at his touch.)



I hope that poor dog fled before it could see what Thomas Cardinal became. :P (I know that's not an option, given his habit of removing free will, but let me dream, okay? :P


Where did Vondra live before Koschei? How far from the center of town? 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Does anyone have any ideas for how Kathy and/or Travis can die? That sounds cruel, but it's just a lot to keep track of. Or, if one of you newer players wants to adopt either of them or Mare, we could work that out. Thoughttown is just full of my Epics.

Kobold, what kind of things would Vondra have Edgerunner doing?

After that Empathy post, I want to write a badchull Max scene to make me feel better, but I don't have much for him to do until Gordon does something.

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Does anyone have any ideas for how Kathy and/or Travis can die? That sounds cruel, but it's just a lot to keep track of. Or, if one of you newer players wants to adopt either of them or Mare, we could work that out. Thoughttown is just full of my Epics.

Kobold, what kind of things would Vondra have Edgerunner doing?

After that Empathy post, I want to write a badchull Max scene to make me feel better, but I don't have much for him to do until Gordon does something.

Joe said CorpseMaker gets to kill at least three Epics before he kicks the bucket. Why not have CorpseMaker kill one or both of them?

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I hope that poor dog fled before it could see what Thomas Cardinal became. :P (I know that's not an option, given his habit of removing free will, but let me dream, okay? :P


Where did Vondra live before Koschei? How far from the center of town?

I actually don't know enough about the National Guard to answer that question. :P

I would guess inside of town, in a hastily built fort somewhere by the police station. If there had been attacks on the city government by that point, then they might be closer to city hall.

Does anyone have any ideas for how Kathy and/or Travis can die? That sounds cruel, but it's just a lot to keep track of. Or, if one of you newer players wants to adopt either of them or Mare, we could work that out. Thoughttown is just full of my Epics.

Kobold, what kind of things would Vondra have Edgerunner doing?

After that Empathy post, I want to write a badchull Max scene to make me feel better, but I don't have much for him to do until Gordon does something.

Travis could take up employment with the Warriors of Light. ;):P

I don't have any ideas for Kathy, but maybe Travis could die while snapping a photo of an Epic's weakness in effect? It's a dangerous line of work, after all.

Considering the criminal presence in the city, he'd probably keep Edgerunner occupied with spying on Quicksilver's goons or assassinating his minor Epics.

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Joe said CorpseMaker gets to kill at least three Epics before he kicks the bucket. Why not have CorpseMaker kill one or both of them?


I forgot all about that.


Do we have all the sacrifices lined up already? Or should we negotiate deaths with Joe in PMs, to keep things secretive-like?

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Does anyone have any ideas for how Kathy and/or Travis can die? That sounds cruel, but it's just a lot to keep track of. Or, if one of you newer players wants to adopt either of them or Mare, we could work that out. Thoughttown is just full of my Epics.

Worst case, introduce them to Nighthound.

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Worst case, introduce them to Nighthound.


I didn't think they were that bad….I mean, taking pictures of Epics might not be the smartest line of work, but it doesn't make you a terrible person. :P 


Speaking of Nighthound….


HOW DO YOU DO IT? Seriously, I'm writing Koschei's next scene, and I have to keep distracting myself. Maybe he's not as bad as Nighthound, I don't know, but he's definitely a Complete Monster, and writing him is filling me with a desire to have him crushed by a dirigible while everyone at the scene of his latest crime goes out for ice cream. How do you write Nighthound so well without going insane? :P 

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I didn't think they were that bad….I mean, taking pictures of Epics might not be the smartest line of work, but it doesn't make you a terrible person. :P


Speaking of Nighthound….


HOW DO YOU DO IT? Seriously, I'm writing Koschei's next scene, and I have to keep distracting myself. Maybe he's not as bad as Nighthound, I don't know, but he's definitely a Complete Monster, and writing him is filling me with a desire to have him crushed by a dirigible while everyone at the scene of his latest crime goes out for ice cream. How do you write Nighthound so well without going insane?  :P


Just keep repeating "Remington Springfield. Laser-Guided Karma." The mantra should help. :P


How's this as an icon for Stephen Vondra?



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I didn't think they were that bad….I mean, taking pictures of Epics might not be the smartest line of work, but it doesn't make you a terrible person. :P


Speaking of Nighthound….


HOW DO YOU DO IT? Seriously, I'm writing Koschei's next scene, and I have to keep distracting myself. Maybe he's not as bad as Nighthound, I don't know, but he's definitely a Complete Monster, and writing him is filling me with a desire to have him crushed by a dirigible while everyone at the scene of his latest crime goes out for ice cream. How do you write Nighthound so well without going insane?  :P

I was more thinking along the line of Nighthound killing them. :unsure:


I don´t? :P


Seriously though, experience with writing people driven to insanity by demonic beings living in their head helps. Like many problems it is a matter of (unpleasant) practice.


Just keep repeating "Remington Springfield. Laser-Guided Karma." The mantra should help. :P


How's this as an icon for Stephen Vondra?



Yeah, that also helps. :P


Badchull or in other words perfect. ;)

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Just keep repeating "Remington Springfield. Laser-Guided Karma." The mantra should help. :P


How's this as an icon for Stephen Vondra?




It really is Laser-Guided Karma. That scene will be most satisfying to write. :P Edit: I keep telling myself it's practice for writing Complete Monster villains in general, but man, I hate this guy. 


I love that icon. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Icon hereby officialized.


So, general question. Would it be better to introduce Stephen Vondra doing his thing now, or should he make his first appearance when Backtrack and the twins meet him?


Also, is the Headshot who worked for Koschei the same one who joined the Museum Quartet in Portland? :o

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Icon hereby officialized.


So, general question. Would it be better to introduce Stephen Vondra doing his thing now, or should he make his first appearance when Backtrack and the twins meet him?


Also, is the Headshot who worked for Koschei the same one who joined the Museum Quartet in Portland? :o

Good question. It shouldn´t take that long until he meets the twins and the situation would make for a dramatic entrance, so I´m not against waiting. Now, I´m also wondering if Baxter should just make an apperance or if I should wait for a story prompt with him.


Glad, I´m not the only one that noticed.

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Icon hereby officialized.


So, general question. Would it be better to introduce Stephen Vondra doing his thing now, or should he make his first appearance when Backtrack and the twins meet him?


Also, is the Headshot who worked for Koschei the same one who joined the Museum Quartet in Portland? :o


Either way, I think. 


….if you want him to be? Gah, there are so few decent names for sniper Epics out there, and Koschei would never in a million years work with a guy who called himself Bullet Shooter Man. :P 

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Either way, I think. 


….if you want him to be? Gah, there are so few decent names for sniper Epics out there, and Koschei would never in a million years work with a guy who called himself Bullet Shooter Man. :P


"Bullet Shooter Man?"


"Ugh, no."


"Bullet Whiz?"




"Bullet Bill?"






Koschei thought for a moment. "That one's good. Though I thought I heard of an Epic in Portland who went by that name."


The Epic with the rifle frowned. "How about Sergeant Shoot-em-up?"


"Headshot's fine."



I think I'll formally introduce Vondra once Backtrack and the twins meet him. He can be referenced before then, if other players want to get a start.

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Either way, I think. 


….if you want him to be? Gah, there are so few decent names for sniper Epics out there, and Koschei would never in a million years work with a guy who called himself Bullet Shooter Man. :P

Dead eye, gunslinger, dead shot, Marksman, Cowboy, Lucky Lucke, snipe, scope, camper,

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Dead eye, gunslinger, dead shot, Marksman, Cowboy, Lucky Lucke, snipe, scope, camper,


I like those, actually. You are clearly far more gifted at this than Dalles!Headshot. :P


(I might actually have an Epic called Sergeant Shoot 'Em Up at some point. Something gun-related, I guess. :P)

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Joe said CorpseMaker gets to kill at least three Epics before he kicks the bucket. Why not have CorpseMaker kill one or both of them?


Travis could take up employment with the Warriors of Light. ;):P

I don't have any ideas for Kathy, but maybe Travis could die while snapping a photo of an Epic's weakness in effect? It's a dangerous line of work, after all.


Worst case, introduce them to Nighthound.

I just need a plausible reason. Altermind is meeting with Lightwards tonight, but he won't bring Travis and Kathy could go either way. If Lightwards were to kill her at the meeting, Altermind would be furious and ruin the alliance. Maybe when Alrermind leaves, Travis gets bored and goes to do some spying and Kathy follows. Would Nighthound be able to find them? If so, then,unless a new player claims them, I'll sacrifice them to Nighthound.


I didn't think they were that bad….I mean, taking pictures of Epics might not be the smartest line of work, but it doesn't make you a terrible person. :P 


Speaking of Nighthound….


HOW DO YOU DO IT? Seriously, I'm writing Koschei's next scene, and I have to keep distracting myself. Maybe he's not as bad as Nighthound, I don't know, but he's definitely a Complete Monster, and writing him is filling me with a desire to have him crushed by a dirigible while everyone at the scene of his latest crime goes out for ice cream. How do you write Nighthound so well without going insane? :P

Just after Empathy, I felt like a nicer post, but Flashpoint has nothing to say and Max is waiting. I couldn't do either of my nicer characters.

I actually don't know enough about the National Guard to answer that question. :P

I would guess inside of town, in a hastily built fort somewhere by the police station. If there had been attacks on the city government by that point, then they might be closer to city hall.

Considering the criminal presence in the city, he'd probably keep Edgerunner occupied with spying on Quicksilver's goons or assassinating his minor Epics.


Okay. Who was it that writes Quicksilver? Was it Seonid? Are there any minor Epics made up yet that she could kill?

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I just need a plausible reason. Altermind is meeting with Lightwards tonight, but he won't bring Travis and Kathy could go either way. If Lightwards were to kill her at the meeting, Altermind would be furious and ruin the alliance. Maybe when Alrermind leaves, Travis gets bored and goes to do some spying and Kathy follows. Would Nighthound be able to find them? If so, then,unless a new player claims them, I'll sacrifice them to Nighthound.


Just after Empathy, I felt like a nicer post, but Flashpoint has nothing to say and Max is waiting. I couldn't do either of my nicer characters.


Okay. Who was it that writes Quicksilver? Was it Seonid? Are there any minor Epics made up yet that she could kill?


I believe Fatebreaker is the one who created Quicksilver.


I do not believe we have any random cannon fodder Epics in The Dalles yet. You could draw one from Voidus' exhaustive list on the Epics of Oregon thread, though.


You're welcome to kill Sergeant Shoot 'Em Up if you like. He can convert any metal within ten feet of himself into spare bullets, which are magically channeled into whatever gun he's currently holding.


His modus operandi? Shooting things. :P

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