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Question 2


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Sure thang. Here ya go:




Primary: can sharpen any object to a point, making a shiv. Must be able to hold it in his hand for it to work.


A low level thug, sent out as bait. Quicksilver wants to get info on the enemy Epic. Surveillance will be observing.


Who is Surveillance you ask? One of Quicksilver's Slivers(yeah his gang members call themselves Slivers) who can transform objects into surveillance equipment: cameras, bugs, motion or heat  sensors, stuff like that.

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So Quicksilver is sacrificing Shiv? (This is weird, as there is an admin who is commonly referred to as Shiv.;) )

And Surveillance will have set up equipment? Do the objects still look their their original objects but just function as he surveillance equipment or does it physically change shape?

Edited by Mailliw73
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Kobold, what will Bactrack's path through town and time with Vondra look like? I'm just trying to plan out when to sprinkle in the rest of the Koschei flashbacks, and if having one that takes place in a church would be too logistically problematic. :ph34r:


They'll be brought to the edge of town where Reader is kept, where they can be read and their threat level can be determined. There could be a church somewhere around there--Reader could even have his office in a former church, if Mail-me has no objections.


I can help justify pretty much anything you need. The biggest obstacle will be convincing Backtrack to peer into Koschei's head again. :P

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Oh, right, Shivertongue. We can call him Shank instead, same principal.

And yes, he is being sacrificed. 'Cause that's how Quicksilver rolls. Shank was asking for it though. He was reckless didn't have enough self-control. Resented Epics with greater powers than his, so he used his abilities constantly and he went bad fast.


Edit: The surveillance equipment can be disguised to look like anything, but there is always a symbol of an eye on it somewhere.

Edited by Fatebreaker
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They'll be brought to the edge of town where Reader is kept, where they can be read and their threat level can be determined. There could be a church somewhere around there--Reader could even have his office in a former church, if Mail-me has no objections.

I can help justify pretty much anything you need. The biggest obstacle will be convincing Backtrack to peer into Koschei's head again. :P

Oh, that would be super creepy, if the offices were in a former church and Backtrack saw what had happened there. The only problem I can see is that what happens in the church is kind of horrific, and Vondra seems like more of the type to turn it into a memorial than an office.

Maybe Vondra asks for a demonstration to prove his powers are harmless? Or the "peek into the past" contest with Reader could take a dark turn....

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Yeah, brilliant is not a word often used to describe Shank. He thinks he's been sent out to raid a general store for supplies. This will slow him down when he initially tries to run, but when he turns to fight most of what he took will be used as weapons. I don't think I mentioned it, but objects he turns into shanks are strengthened enough to stab someone with. He could conceivably roll up a newspaper and kill you with it, but he's not very imaginative. 

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Oh, that would be super creepy, if the offices were in a former church and Backtrack saw what had happened there. The only problem I can see is that what happens in the church is kind of horrific, and Vondra seems like more of the type to turn it into a memorial than an office.

Maybe Vondra asks for a demonstration to prove his powers are harmless? Or the "peek into the past" contest with Reader could take a dark turn....


Maybe it could be an office... with a memorial plaque outside of it? That's all I can think of. Or perhaps Reader just likes visiting the memorial for some reason.


Backtrack might be motivated by a pure trainwreck mentality. Powerless to keep himself from repeatedly exposing himself to the horror. :o


(Finally got around to posting Aldo's story in the Oregon thread. As I warned you, it's got a hefty dash of meta in it.)

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Maybe it could be an office... with a memorial plaque outside of it? That's all I can think of. Or perhaps Reader just likes visiting the memorial for some reason.

Backtrack might be motivated by a pure trainwreck mentality. Powerless to keep himself from repeatedly exposing himself to the horror. :o

(Finally got around to posting Aldo's story in the Oregon thread. As I warned you, it's got a hefty dash of meta in it.)

Could be. Or maybe the sanctuary is set aside as the memorial and the offices are now an office? I could see them making concessions, what with vanillas moving back to the city in search of safety, needing the space and using existing buildings first. And I can see Vondra setting up offices nearby to protect the site from vandals.

(I loved it. :D Now to figure out how Nathan will respond past "Wow. That was...something else." Mostly how to write that he sanitized his own story without relating a bunch of information we've already read.)

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They'll be brought to the edge of town where Reader is kept, where they can be read and their threat level can be determined. There could be a church somewhere around there--Reader could even have his office in a former church, if Mail-me has no objections.


I can help justify pretty much anything you need. The biggest obstacle will be convincing Backtrack to peer into Koschei's head again. :P

That will work just fine.

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Could be. Or maybe the sanctuary is set aside as the memorial and the offices are now an office? I could see them making concessions, what with vanillas moving back to the city in search of safety, needing the space and using existing buildings first. And I can see Vondra setting up offices nearby to protect the site from vandals.

(I loved it. :D Now to figure out how Nathan will respond past "Wow. That was...something else." Mostly how to write that he sanitized his own story without relating a bunch of information we've already read.)


I like that idea. Let's call it a canon.


(Thanks.  ^_^ Poor Nathan. He gets all the wackos and ominous bits of foreshadowing. :P)

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I like that idea. Let's call it a canon.

(Thanks. ^_^ Poor Nathan. He gets all the wackos and ominous bits of foreshadowing. :P)

A canon it is. I'll post the next flashback when things get underway a bit more.

(Kidnapped by a wacko, rescued by a wacko, punched by a wacko, cornered and ominously foreshadowed to by a wacko. I need to give him a break soon, or his eye will twitch worse than Panacea's. :P He'll have to change his moniker from Traveler to Twitchy.)

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A canon it is. I'll post the next flashback when things get underway a bit more.

(Kidnapped by a wacko, rescued by a wacko, punched by a wacko, cornered and ominously foreshadowed to by a wacko. I need to give him a break soon, or his eye will twitch worse than Panacea's. :P He'll have to change his moniker from Traveler to Twitchy.)


"You want to know what happened in Oregon? I'll tell you what happened in Oregon! NATHAN SPERRY HAPPENED TO OREGON!"


^ Nathan + nervous breakdown + Intervention. :P ^

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I've added the bios for my Dalles and Calamityville Epics. I've included the Slivers, Quicksilver's team.

Where would it be acceptable for Event Horizon to rate in the organization?  Aura would be new to it so probably not very high ranking.

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"You want to know what happened in Oregon? I'll tell you what happened in Oregon! NATHAN SPERRY HAPPENED TO OREGON!"

^ Nathan + nervous breakdown + Intervention. :P ^

"I am GETTING RID of this STUPID museum an' its STUPID jungle an' its STUPID STUPID EMPEROR!"

Lightwards backed away, laughing nervously. "Now, now, Traveler--"

"It's NATHAN!" he slurred.

"Nathan, then. Don't you want to sit down and talk this out, like you usually do? Or--oh! Don't you want your own dinosaur?"

"I don't wanna dinosaur. I wanna see you go splat when I figure how ta shut off the flying mechanism thingy. This Museum is a symbol of oppression an'....an' YOU! I wanna see it go splat."


I kind of like hammered!Nathan, actually....:P

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Where would it be acceptable for Event Horizon to rate in the organization?  Aura would be new to it so probably not very high ranking.


He can be one of the upper level members. Sweet powers by the way.


As of yet, I think aura would be somewhat low level.


The Slivers are encouraged to think independently and maintain a level of autonomy. However, they must clear everything with Quicksilver.  


First Dalles post coming soon.

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He can be one of the upper level members. Sweet powers by the way.


As of yet, I think aura would be somewhat low level.


The Slivers are encouraged to think independently and maintain a level of autonomy. However, they must clear everything with Quicksilver.  


First Dalles post coming soon.

Sweet.  Looking forward to the post.

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Well, he has to match Vondra, so I made sure to lay the Badchull Sauce on thickly.

I like him quite a bit. :D He already seems like a Worthy Opponent for Vondra.

And...call me crazy, but am I the only one beginning to grow a bit fond of Backtrack? Maybe it's partly because I feel sorry for him, torturing him with Koschei's twisted mind, but I kind of like the guy. ;)

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