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Party one - The original party

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(let me know if you want a party name or anything, i'll change the thread title)

Entire Party

The ride out from the city is wholly uneventful. As you were told, there was a man waiting a few miles out from the entrance to take back the wagon. Looks like you go on foot from here. The trail rises before you, a set of rocky outcroppings and uneven footing.

As you climb the mountain, rocks and debris slow your ascent. Numerous tracks of different creatures ascend the hillside. The climb levels off as you get closer to the cave mouth. You see a man the size of a galleon lying on the ground at the cave opening. As you get closer, you can see that death has taken him. Despite his obviously decomposed state, the man does not exude the odor of decay. There are no signs of a struggle. Who was he, and how did he die?

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Cave Opening Umieri

Umieri lifts the javelin, ready to throw it and looks for anything that could pose a threat.

Whispering, "Careful, might be an ambush."


spot check


I vote for White Order as the party name.


Edited by Emeralis00
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Cave Opening Umieri

Umieri lifts the javelin, ready to throw it and looks for anything that could pose a threat.

Whispering, "Careful, might be an ambush."


spot check


I vote for White Order as the party name.


Glancing about, you notice nothing that causes immediate alarm. You do notice a few sheaves of paper poking out of a large satchel at the gargantuan man's belt.

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Cave opening Seynir

I also look around : 19

And then look at the corpse, attempting to see if the cause of his death was any of the arcane effects I know (without approaching any further) : [ooc] knowledge arcana, right? 10[/ooc]

Edited by Satsuoni
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Cave Opening Striax

[ooc]do I see the paper, because if I don't , ignore the following[/OOC

While keeping alert for danger , I walk over to look at the paper in the mans belt.

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Cave opening Seynir

As I see Striax approach the corpse, I caution him:

"Be careful with that. I would suggest our trap expert" - I glance at Turjan -"Check the area, and the body for traps, before you touch them. Just in case."

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Cave opening Seynir

I also look around : 19

And then look at the corpse, attempting to see if the cause of his death was any of the arcane effects I know (without approaching any further) : [ooc] knowledge arcana, right? 10[/ooc]

(yeah, knowledge arcana is fine. You could also make either a knowledge nature or survival check if you want to check for more mundane causes of death)

Cave opening Seynir

As I see Striax approach the corpse, I caution him:

"Be careful with that. I would suggest our trap expert" - I glance at Turjan -"Check the area, and the body for traps, before you touch them. Just in case."

Turjan nods and begins inspecting the area, and then the body carefully, poking and prodding here and there with his 10-foot pole. After a while, he stands up and shakes his head, "There aren't any traps that I can find, magical or mundane."

He stands up and holds some of the bundles of papers. The papers themselves are huge, ranging from about the size of a poster to even larger, and most are bound together crudely.

"These papers are also written in an unknown script. They appear to be an ancient form of giant. I can speak giant, but I can't make heads or tails of this. If i spend some time with it, I might be able to figure something out, but I can't make any guarantees. Maybe an hour or so."

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Cave opening Seynir

"I, for one, have no objection for a delay, although I think we should move a bit out of the open."

I examine the body carefully, looking for other causes of death:

[Nature: 14, Survival: 5], planes: in case he was killed by outsider that leaves recognizable marks: 18]

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Cave opening Seynir

"I, for one, have no objection for a delay, although I think we should move a bit out of the open."

I examine the body carefully, looking for other causes of death:

[Nature: 14, Survival: 5], planes: in case he was killed by outsider that leaves recognizable marks: 18]

You see no outward sign of death, either physical or magical. The best that you can ascertain is that he essentially just stopped living, suddenly.

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[ooc]I don't have one readied - see my character sheet. I am still figuring out what many of the utility spells do. I cannot re-prepare the spell now, right? Unless I go to sleep on the spot.[/ooc]

Edited by Satsuoni
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[ooc]I don't have one readied - see my character sheet. I am still figuring out what many of the utility spells do. I cannot re-prepare the spell now, right? Unless I go to sleep on the spot.[/ooc]

Yeah, if it isn't readied you can't cast it. detect magic essentially shows you magical auras on anything that's magical. also - Tip: as a wizard, you can leave slots unprepared. If you do, you can prepare spells in them later, it takes about 15 minutes to do.

from here:

Spell Selection and Preparation

Until she prepares spells from her spellbook, the only spells a wizard has available to cast are the ones that she already had prepared from the previous day and has not yet used. During the study period, she chooses which spells to prepare. If a wizard already has spells prepared (from the previous day) that she has not cast, she can abandon some or all of them to make room for new spells.

When preparing spells for the day, a wizard can leave some of these spell slots open. Later during that day, she can repeat the preparation process as often as she likes, time and circumstances permitting. During these extra sessions of preparation, the wizard can fill these unused spell slots. She cannot, however, abandon a previously prepared spell to replace it with another one or fill a slot that is empty because she has cast a spell in the meantime. That sort of preparation requires a mind fresh from rest. Like the first session of the day, this preparation takes at least 15 minutes, and it takes longer if the wizard prepares more than one-quarter of her spells.

Essentially, this lets you keep slots open for utility spells. You obviously want to generally prepare your battle spells ahead of time.

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[ooc] Ok, I'll keep that in mind and keep two cantrips open from now on. Also, do the rules above apply only for female wizards? Why "she"?[/ooc]

it applies to anyone. The rules usually alternate between using "he" and "she" in 3.5 so that one sex doesn't feel excluded :P

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[ooc] oops, sorry. :P I edited it so that Umieri uses detect magic. Its been a long time since I've seen anyone not prepare detect magic.[/ooc]

The huge chain mail and halberd worn by the giant man give off a strong magical aura of no particular school, however nothing else appears to glow.


In the meanwhile, I search the body for other clues and belongings: 19

You find no other belongings other than more huge pieces of paper. He appears to have all ready been picked clean of anything that would be of value.

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I nock an arrow and approach the cave entrance.

[ooc]Move Silently, 21; Search and Spot if/when I reach the entrance, Search, 22; Spot, 8, I'm searching for traps, or anything dangerous. Our name should completely be the 17th Shard, With Umieri as a Servant of Ruin/Harmony, because he hears voices.[/ooc]

Edited by Tulir
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I nock an arrow and approach the cave entrance.

[ooc]Move Silently, 21; Search and Spot if/when I reach the entrance, Search, 22; Spot, 8, I'm searching for traps, or anything dangerous. Our name should completely be the 17th Shard, With Umieri as a Servant of Ruin/Harmony, because he hears voices.[/ooc]

You notice nothing out of the ordinary.

Beyond the body of the titan is a single cave that winds down into the earth. The cave is low and shallow, obviously dug by small crude hands. Many footprints mark the dirt, and debris litters every corner. In the back of the cave, a narrow tunnel, poorly lit, leads deeper.

(FYI - only a character with trap finding can find traps generally, as most have a DC over 20. But spotting for danger is always a good idea, anyways.)

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Cave opening Seynir

I join Striax and examine the footprints, trying to decipher what manner of creature they originate from, while I wait for Turjan to make sense of papers : (Nature: 25)

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Cave opening Seynir

I join Striax and examine the footprints, trying to decipher what manner of creature they originate from, while I wait for Turjan to make sense of papers : (Nature: 25)

The tracks appear to originate from just about every sort of creature you can imagine, and even several you don't recognize. You notice humanoid footprints, goblin, troglodyte, troll, and the list goes on. Many of the footprints are too muddled up in the chaos to discern. It would seem that the entrance to this dungeon has been very popular, and not just among the people from the near by cities.


After about an hour of studying the papers, Turjan announces that he's done the best he can.

"Like i said, this appears to be some ancient form of Giant," he starts, "I couldn't make out a whole lot of specifics, but it appears to be sort of like a diary or journal."

Pointing out a few figures in the headings, he continues "However, judging by the dates recorded, if I assume the ones that appear to be the latest dates to be relatively recent, say within the past few years or so, then these entries would collectively span well over several millennia."

Paging through a few more pieces, he goes on, "This would explain why the language he spoke was nothing like what the language is today. As far as the actual content, that would take months and access to a huge library to even begin to discern, if it's even possible. The language is significantly more complex than modern day Giant."

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Cave opening Seynir

"Well, while these papers would certainly be of interest to a historian, I don't see how we could apply them to our current situation, so, unless somebody want to carry them, I say we leave them as we found them and proceed into the cave. We should be cautious, though. According to these footprints, the cave appears to be a popular destination for all kinds of monsters, and it does not seem like many were leaving after entering, so either they are inside, or whatever ate them is."

"By the way, Umieri, I have noticed you used Detect Magic some time ago. Does that giant have any magical items that we can use?"

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(FYI, due to the number and size of the documents, carrying them around is going to be fairly futile. They would weigh in excess of 500 pounds, or about 226 kg depending on which system you prefer. I won't try to dissuade you, but that's a whole lot of dead weight to carry around for no real purpose.)

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[ooc]I suspected as much. I was somewhat sarcastic[/ooc]

Cave opening Seynir

Waiting for the reaction of other party members, I glance at the corpse again.

Several millennia, huh. I have never tried giant, but one has to wonder how long this corpse was around here. I think I'll hold out for something fresher

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