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Hello, and Welcome to Therapy: An RP

My name is Iris Winter, and I am a trained therapist in my interdimensional office.

Everyone is welcome, and I will do my best to try and help you with anything you might need. 

I am, as of yet, the only one on my staff, but I will be accepting applications via PM.

All of my clients will be treated with as much fairness as possible, but I am a mere mortal and am, sadly, not perfect.

There will potentially be a male therapist option in the future, as, this might be more comfortable for some clients.

Utmost respect and politeness is asked at all times, as well as no foul language or off color topics. 

Thank you, and I hope you receive the help you need. 


Most sincerely,

                      Iris Winter 




Hi guys! This was an idea that I had...

All messed up RP characters are welcome, or, make your own to play with. 

All of the things I tell your character will be as true as i can get them. I'll be backing up with research.

I do ask that we use quote boxes for non RP things, and only have one character at a time.

Have fun (if anyone will actually play)


~ Stick ❤️ 


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A call comes on the phone. “Hello?” somebody asked, sounding very nervous. “A-are you th-th-there? Hi? Th-there’s a m-m-monster in m-my closet. There’s a monster in my c-closet any no one believes me. My friends t-told me to g-g-get a th-therap-pist, so I c-c-called y-you. I d-don’t think I need you? But I don’t w-want them to a-a-a-abandon m-me. S-s-so I did wh-what th-they said. C-can I come see you? T-t-tomorrow? D-do you kn-kn-know anyone wh-who can k-k-kill monsters? Maybe they’ll know h-how to st-st-stop it f-f-from d-disappearing.”

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2 minutes ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

A call comes on the phone. “Hello?” somebody asked, sounding very nervous. “A-are you th-th-there? Hi? Th-there’s a m-m-monster in m-my closet. There’s a monster in my c-closet any no one believes me. My friends t-told me to g-g-get a th-therap-pist, so I c-c-called y-you. I d-don’t think I need you? But I don’t w-want them to a-a-a-abandon m-me. S-s-so I did wh-what th-they said. C-can I come see you? T-t-tomorrow? D-do you kn-kn-know anyone wh-who can k-k-kill monsters? Maybe they’ll know h-how to st-st-stop it f-f-from d-disappearing.”

"Hello, yes, I'm here. Ok, can you take a deep breath for me? What's your name and how old are you? What time would you like to make an appointment?" Her voice is kind and steady. 

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2 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

"Hello, yes, I'm here. Ok, can you take a deep breath for me? What's your name and how old are you? What time would you like to make an appointment?" Her voice is kind and steady. 

There’s some quiet whimpering on the other end before the voice replies. “My name is A-A-Athena. I’m n-n-nineteen y-years old. C-could I m-make an a-a-appointment for ei-ei-eight in th-the morning? Or is th-th-that t-too ea-ea-early?”

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Just now, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

There’s some quiet whimpering on the other end before the voice replies. “My name is A-A-Athena. I’m n-n-nineteen y-years old. C-could I m-make an a-a-appointment for ei-ei-eight in th-the morning? Or is th-th-that t-too ea-ea-early?”

"It's very nice to meet you, Athena, my name is Miss Iris." Iris says gently, "Eight is perfect for me. Are you alright right now?" 

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4 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

"It's very nice to meet you, Athena, my name is Miss Iris." Iris says gently, "Eight is perfect for me. Are you alright right now?" 

“If it d-d-doesn’t kill me. It h-h-hasn’t yet, s-so my fr-fr-friends say I’ll b-be fine. B-but I kn-know it’ll g-get me eventually.”

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4 minutes ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

“If it d-d-doesn’t kill me. It h-h-hasn’t yet, s-so my fr-fr-friends say I’ll b-be fine. B-but I kn-know it’ll g-get me eventually.”

"Athena? Where are you right now? Are you alone?" 

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Just now, Just-A-Stick said:

"Athena? Where are you right now? Are you alone?" 

“I’m a-at m-m-my d-dormitory. I-I’m al-l-lone r-right now, m-my roommate’s a-at a p-p-party. That didn’t get invited to.” She says the last words bitterly, sounding a lot less scared than before.

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Just now, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

“I’m a-at m-m-my d-dormitory. I-I’m al-l-lone r-right now, m-my roommate’s a-at a p-p-party. That didn’t get invited to.” She says the last words bitterly, sounding a lot less scared than before.

"Alright, can you take some deep breaths for me? Are you still scared of that monster?" 

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1 minute ago, Invisible said:

A call comes in on another phone across the room. It rings in a warbly, otherworldly tone.



1 minute ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

"Blong bLoNg BLONG" 

A phone rings

The answering machine picks up.

"Hi, you've reached Iris Winter at her therapy office. If this is an emergency, please contact you're local helpline. Leave a message with a time you would like to schedule an appointment and I will get back to you. Thank you. Beep."  

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12 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

"Alright, can you take some deep breaths for me? Are you still scared of that monster?" 

“I forgot! I forgot to be sacred!” More whimpering comes from the other end. “Okay, I-I-I’m stil sc-sc-scared.”

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1 minute ago, Just-A-Stick said:



The answering machine picks up.

"Hi, you've reached Iris Winter at her therapy office. If this is an emergency, please contact you're local helpline. Leave a message with a time you would like to schedule an appointment and I will get back to you. Thank you. Beep."  

The person on the other side sighs. "I've been forcibly ripped across-" they start leaving a message, then suddenly get cut off, the line breaking.

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Just now, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

“I forgot! I forgot to be sacred!” More whimpering comes from the other end. “Okay, I-I-I’m stil sc-sc-scared.”

"Alright, please take a deep breath. Are you safe in your own environment?" 

1 minute ago, Invisible said:

The person on the other side sighs. "I've been forcibly ripped across-" they start leaving a message, then suddenly get cut off, the line breaking.

The answering machine records it, then stops. 

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2 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

"Alright, please take a deep breath. Are you safe in your own environment?" 

The answering machine records it, then stops. 

“N-n-no! It-it’ll kill me! Someday it will! M-m-maybe tomorrow, maybe n-next week, maybe in a y-y-year!”

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1 minute ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

“N-n-no! It-it’ll kill me! Someday it will! M-m-maybe tomorrow, maybe n-next week, maybe in a y-y-year!”

"Athena? Listen to my voice ok? Just take a deep breath, ok? As big as you can." Iris said, trying to comfort the distraught girl. 

Just now, Invisible said:



ok, no pressure. :) 

It;s not for everybody, but i've been told I'm good at it lol 


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4 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

"Athena? Listen to my voice ok? Just take a deep breath, ok? As big as you can." Iris said, trying to comfort the distraught girl. 


Athena attempts to take several breaths, but ends up sobbing instead. “I c-c-can’t! N-not while th-th-that thing is h-h-here!”

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4 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

"Athena? Listen to my voice ok? Just take a deep breath, ok? As big as you can." Iris said, trying to comfort the distraught girl. 



You are.

I... make a better rip-apart-peoples-emotions-like-a-blunt-axe-so-they-never-recover person.

I'm better at thinking of those thangs.


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4 minutes ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

Athena attempts to take several breaths, but ends up sobbing instead. “I c-c-can’t! N-not while th-th-that thing is h-h-here!”

"Can you leave the room? Go somewhere away from the monster?" 

4 minutes ago, Invisible said:



Ok, thank you :P 

That makes me happy actually... I try to be good at it lol

also if anyone want to see what  Iris looks like, she's now in my about me :) 


Edited by Just-A-Stick
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