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Nightblood Details

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7 hours ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

at the BoTF, Nightblood essentially was stuck into an ocean of investiture and absorbed more than a Shard vessel like Rayse held.

Assuming BoTF means Battle of Thaylen Field - I'm not sure what you mean here. He struck down a Thunderclast, killed some Thrill Controlled Alethis soldiers and, when Dalinar opened the perpendicularity, we was only washed in the initial outpour (that, like the Dor with Raoden's first Aon, was over-pressuruzed by build-up and quickly faded) which was enough to Sate him and stop his feeding on Szeth and Lift. He was never in the perpendicularity, and was not even close enough to collapse it once it stabalized (like he did Ishar's in RoW). 

7 hours ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

And when Rayse was stabbed, Nightblood's physical aspect was in a house

But, it does not matter where his physical shell was located, much like Dalinar and his visions, his Cognitive Identity was in a Demense (part CR, part SR - but not in Shadesmar) which also had an altered flow of time (all of the Rayse/Taravangian interaction happens in seconds to Szeth - like the Demense Kaladin entered to meet Tien at the end of RoW - with a different temporal perception due to SR influence). His Command, Sapience and activity were all compressed in that altered state, and he didn't even feed on Taravangian (black smoke from the blade, but no feeding on the wielder and no black veins on his arms). 

Why would his physcial shell do anything when he was leaking in the Demense, not the house?

RoW Ch 113


The sword at Szeth’s waist—that strange, terrible sword—manifested here, in this realm where Odium brought Taravangian. The god looked down and saw the curling black darkness, and seemed surprised.

Taravangian seized the sword and pulled it free of its scabbard, hearing it scream for pleasure. He turned and thrust it upward—black smoke curling around his hands.

“Destroy!” the sword bellowed. “DESTROY!”

Taravangian rammed it up into Odium’s chest.


Edited by Treamayne
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23 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Assuming BoTF means Battle of Thaylen Field - I'm not sure what you mean here. He struck down a Thunderclast, killed some Thrill Controlled Alethis soldiers and, when Dalinar opened the perpendicularity, we was only washed in the initial outpour (that, like the Dor with Raoden's first Aon, was over-pressuruzed by build-up and quickly faded) which was enough to Sate him and stop his feeding on Szeth and Lift. Ne was never in the perpendicularity, and was not even close enough to collapse it once it stabalized (like he did Ishar's in RoW). 

But, it does not matter where his physical shell was located, much like Dalinar and his visions, his Cognitive Identity was in a Demense (part CR, part SR - but not in Shadesmar) which also had an altered flow of time (all of the Rayse/Taravangian interaction happens in seconds to Szeth - like the Demense Kaladin entered to meet Tien at the end of RoW - with a different temporal perception due to SR influence). His Command, Sapience and activity were all compressed in that altered state, and he didn't even feed on Taravangian (black smoke from the blade, but no feeding on the wielder and no black veins on his arms). 

Why would his physcial shell do anything when he was leaking in the Demense, not the house?

RoW Ch 113

  Reveal hidden contents

The sword at Szeth’s waist—that strange, terrible sword—manifested here, in this realm where Odium brought Taravangian. The god looked down and saw the curling black darkness, and seemed surprised.

Taravangian seized the sword and pulled it free of its scabbard, hearing it scream for pleasure. He turned and thrust it upward—black smoke curling around his hands.

“Destroy!” the sword bellowed. “DESTROY!”

Taravangian rammed it up into Odium’s chest.




If Szeth were to have drawn Nightblood immediately after he had consumed Rayse, would he still have drained Szeth's Stormlight? As it said he seemed like he had eaten as much as he could.

Brandon Sanderson

At that point, Nightblood had entered into essentially a food coma... Well, no, the food coma one came when he was drawing from the perpendicularity. I don't think he was in food coma mode at that point. I think that he could still have drawn more at that point, I'd have to go look at exactly what I wrote, if I'd put him into food coma mode or not. It is possible.

This is one of the things I wanted to answer with the book. A lot of people have been theorizing, could Nightblood eat an entire Shard? And indeed, Nightblood could not eat an entire Shard. That is not within his capability. In fact, one of the reasons that he leaks Investiture is: he's too stuffed full of it. There is more Investiture in the sword Nightblood than it can actually hold, it's supersaturated. And it leaks Investiture (that it's done some weird things to). But it is constantly hungry for more and constantly leaks it, but it definitely can get full for a time, and it could not eat an entire Shard.

I did see questions about that from people floating around, and it's something I'd been meaning to get to eventually. Nightblood is definitely relevant to things that are happening in the Cosmere, but it is not as simple as grabbing the sword, sticking it into a Shard, and defeating the Shard, unfortunately. Though, as you see in this book, there are reasons for a Shard to still be afraid of Nightblood. It didn't destroy Odium, but Rayse still really had a bad time.

I know there are other WoB where he clearly states that Nightblood hit their limit when they were exposed to the perpendicularity. It (I assume by its intrinsic nature to absorb investiture) met infinity for a brief time and absorbed it's max limit, and fell into a gibbering state of ecstasy.

Having hit that maximum, one would think that Nightblood would have flooded out liquid investiture from having just absorbed it's entire capacity in a matter of seconds? But, that isn't described. It doesn't have a flood of excess..and that to me..seems like there should be a specific reason. Same with when Nightblood was in the house with Taravangian and Rasye was absorbed. There must be a connection between Nightblood's physical and Spiritual aspect..if for no other reason than the investiture has to go somewhere. I suppose one could argue that when they were sucking up Rayse..all of that went straight into the SR, but that doesn't seem logical for Nightblood specifically. They're not Human..and I don't think comparing them to Dalinar in a vision is apples to apples. I need to look at the rest of Ch 113 to see what the descrition of Nightblood is when he stabs Rayse and just after.

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1 hour ago, Treamayne said:

Why would his physcial shell do anything when he was leaking in the Demense, not the house?

Nightblood ALWAYS cuts on all three realms and leaks into the physical. Why would this situation be the only time he leaks into the SR / Demense?

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32 minutes ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

I suppose one could argue that when they were sucking up Rayse..all of that went straight into the SR, but that doesn't seem logical for Nightblood specifically. They're not Human..and I don't think comparing them to Dalinar in a vision is apples to apples. I need to look at the rest of Ch 113 to see what the descrition of Nightblood is when he stabs Rayse and just after.

Go for it (though I quoted that section above - the rest is T taking the power and gloating). 


Also, I was not comparing Nightblood and Dalinar, I was making references to other times we have seen a Demense (my term until we have one) where SR "Time" is affecting a Cognitive Aspect - because it gives context to the situation. Nightblood's "self" is in the Demense, where he is being wielded. He is leaking in the Demense, because that is where he is being wielded. Why would anything be excreted from a physical shell in normal-physicial-realm time when Nightblood is actively working and leaking somewhere else.

For that matter, Nightblood was never even unsheathed in the Physical Realm. We have seen (M:SH, Oathbringer, etc) that a Physical Realm object that is "Manifested" in the CR (and presumably SR) hasn't physically moved at all. 

I will agree that it seems strange that it's not mentioned, though I would guess the absense is due to narrative reasons, not Realmatic reasons. Here's the sequence:


OB Ch 118:


“Uh-oh.” Lift summoned Wyndle as a rod in case the assassin lost his starvin’ mind—what was left of it—and attacked her. She slipped off the rock, then ran over.

He held the strange Shardblade before himself. It continued to leak black liquid that vaporized as it streamed toward the ground. His hand had gone all black.

“I…” Szeth said. “I have lost the sheath.…”

“Drop the sword!”

“I … can’t.…” Szeth said, teeth gritted. “It holds to me, feasting upon my … my Stormlight. It will soon consume me.”

Stormsstormsstormsstorms. “Right. Right. Ummmmm…” Lift looked around. The army was flooding into the city. The second stone monster was stomping across the Ancient Ward, stepping on buildings. Dalinar Kholin still stood before the gap. Maybe … maybe he could help?

“Come on,” Lift said.


Szeth tried to walk toward Dalinar. The darkness had grown up his arm, and the sword drank his last wisps of Stormlight.

There was … was a lesson in this … wasn’t there? There had to be. Nin … Nin wanted him to learn.…

He fell to the ground, still holding the sword as it screamed mindlessly.


The little Radiant girl scrambled to him. She looked toward the sky as the sun vanished behind clouds. Then she took Szeth’s head in her hands.

“No…” he tried to croak. It will take you too.…

She breathed life into him somehow, and the sword drank of it freely. Her eyes went wide as the black veins began to grow up her fingers and hands.

OB Ch 119: 


The assassin lay on the ground, staring upward, practically covered in those vines. Lift held them at bay, teeth gritted. Her will against the darkness until …


Like a sudden detonation, a force of light flashed across the field. Gemstones on the ground flared up, capturing Stormlight, and the assassin screamed, drawing in Light like glowing mist.

The vines shriveled, as the sword’s thirst was slaked by the Stormlight. Lift fell back on the stone and pried her hands off Szeth’s head.

I knew I liked you, a voice said in Lift’s mind.

The sword. So it was a spren? “You almost ate him,” Lift said. “You almost starvin’ ate me!”

Oh, I wouldn’t do that, the voice said. She seemed completely baffled, voice growing slow, like she was drowsy. But … maybe I was just really, really hungry.…

Well, Lift supposed she couldn’t blame someone for that.

The assassin climbed unsteadily to his feet. His face was crisscrossed with lines where the vines had been. That somehow left his skin grey in streaks, the color of stone. Lift’s arms bore the same. Huh.

Szeth walked toward the glowing column of light, leaving an afterimage behind him. “Come,” he said.


Note that when Lift shows up, she noted the Black Liquid pouring off of the Sword. After that, it's not mentioned again. I doubt he stopped leaking as they walked toward Dalinar, fell, etc (all before the Perpendicularity) so it seems like a case of Sanderson skipping details that would slow the climax, rather than some hidden clue to the secrets of "Nightblood's Realmatic Function"(tm) 

It could also be that we are in Lift's viewpoint, and she is looking at Szeth's face adn her hands and the Colorless patterns left by the tendrils. She just did not notice (maybe).

They recover the sheath quickly (like 11 sentances later), but that's from Dalinar's standpoint. So we don't know if Nightblood was not leaking due to being sated, or if Dalinar just didn't "notice" because he was busy counting Radiants.


Two more people crossed the battlefield. Lift he had anticipated. But the assassin? Szeth scooped the silvery sheath off the ground and slammed his black Shardblade into it, before stepping up to join Dalinar.

Skybreaker, Dalinar thought, counting them off. Edgedancer. That was seven.

He would have expected three more.

1 minute ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

Nightblood ALWAYS cuts on all three realms and leaks into the physical. Why would this situation be the only time he leaks into the SR / Demense?

Technically not correct. The WoB says that he destroys on all three realms. When in the physical he cuts into the Cognitive and Spiritual. 

I would guess that, for example, if Szeth had also been "pulled in" and Tarvangian had used Nightblood on him, then his physical shell would have turned to smoke, just like the Lifeless in Warbreaker.  But Rayse didn't have a physical shell to "evaporate" until after Nigthblood was done with him.

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32 minutes ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

I know there are other WoB where he clearly states that Nightblood hit their limit when they were exposed to the perpendicularity. It (I assume by its intrinsic nature to absorb investiture) met infinity for a brief time and absorbed it's max limit, and fell into a gibbering state of ecstasy.

Are you sure we aren't confusing the BoTF with Dalinar's confrontation of Ishar. That is when Nightblood collapses a perpendicularity.

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2 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

For that matter, Nightblood was never even unsheathed in the Physical Realm.

This is not true. It is stated that Taravangian removed him from the sheath in addition to a mention of Szeth resheathing it when the deed was done. I am at work so cant find the source at this exact moment....

5 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

But Rayse didn't have a physical shell to "evaporate" until after Nigthblood was done with him.

The problem is not that Rayse wasnt there physically. Nightblood was in the physical realm the entire time, even though he manifested in the vision. Nightblood always sucks peoples souls up, and spits it in the physical. Why would this be any different?

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4 minutes ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

This is not true. It is stated that Taravangian removed him from the sheath in addition to a mention of Szeth resheathing it when the deed was done. I am at work so cant find the source at this exact moment....

Confirmed, thanks (Ch 114):


He was aware of what he’d left behind in the mortal realm. Szeth had long since climbed to his feet and sheathed Nightblood. Beside him, the assassin had found a burned-out corpse, mostly eaten by the sword’s attack. That was Rayse, Taravangian’s predecessor, but Szeth wasn’t able to tell. The sword had consumed clothing and most of the flesh, leaving bits of stone-grey bone.

They think that’s me, Taravangian thought, reading the possible futures. Szeth didn’t see what happened to me spiritually. He doesn’t know Odium was here.

So, we don't see if/how much was leaked in the house anyway because we have no Szeth Viewpoint and TOdium doesn't mention it. 

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4 minutes ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

This is not true. It is stated that Taravangian removed him from the sheath in addition to a mention of Szeth resheathing it when the deed was done. I am at work so cant find the source at this exact moment....


"He was aware of what he'd left behind in the mortal realm. Szeth had long since climbed to his feet and sheathed Nightblood. Beside him, the assassin had found a burned-out corpse, mostly eaten by the sword's attack"

-Rhythm of War Chapter 114

Before that it is said that Taravangian draws the blade, IN the vision. 



"The Physical Realm faded as Odium pulled Taravangian into the place between worlds. Taravangian's body was not as weak here. This form was a manifestation of his mind and soul. And those were strong. 

The sword at Szeth's waist - that strange, terrible sword - manifested here, in this realm where Odium brought Taravangian. The god looked down and saw the curling black darkness, and seemed surprised.

Taravangian seized the sword and pulled it free of it's scabbard..."

-Rhythm of War Chapter 113

It is also stated in that same passage that Szeth very clearly did not unsheathe Nightblood, as he reached for his waist "not for the terrible sword" but for a knife, which he stabbed into T.

Interestingly, the sword was drawn in that place between worlds, but Szeth had to re-sheathe it in the PR.

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2 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

So, we don't see if/how much was leaked in the house anyway because we have no Szeth Viewpoint and TOdium doesn't mention it. 

Exactly. Following the details of our conversation, you would expect to see a huge amount of leakage in the house, proportional to the amount a single alethi creates when hit by Nightblood. That is an inconsistency that probably only Brando can answer. Will have to hope i'm lucky next spoiler stream 😆

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6 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

So, we don't see if/how much was leaked in the house anyway because we have no Szeth Viewpoint and TOdium doesn't mention it. 

True, but if there was a room filling black miasma of leaked out investiture, I'm POSITIVE that would have been noted.

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20 minutes ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

Exactly. Following the details of our conversation, you would expect to see a huge amount of leakage in the house, proportional to the amount a single alethi creates when hit by Nightblood. That is an inconsistency that probably only Brando can answer. Will have to hope i'm lucky next spoiler stream 😆

20 minutes ago, listerfeend said:

True, but if there was a room filling black miasma of leaked out investiture, I'm POSITIVE that would have been noted.

Which is why I have said since the beginning that Nightblood is shown as leaking in the Demense (vision, whatever you want to call it) there would be no reason for that leakage to cross realms. Rayse's body likely appeared in the PR as it looked when Szeth sees it (as shown in HoA when we see three different vessels appear) - so the Damage was done in the CR/SR combo Demense, and the mangled corpse showed up in the PR after he was dead. 

Actually, since we know that Nightblood normally vaporizes the physical form of what he destroys, the fact that there is a corpse at all indicates there was no physical object to turn into smoke (and the leakage all happened in the Demense).


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1 hour ago, listerfeend said:

Are you sure we aren't confusing the BoTF with Dalinar's confrontation of Ishar. That is when Nightblood collapses a perpendicularity.

I am talking about how much investiture Nightblood can take in, and how when they took in all that they could at the BoTF, they went into a "Food coma," as Sanderson described it, from trying to draw on infinity.

I am getting at why doesn't Nightblood gush out an overwelming amount of liquid and/or gaseous investiture when they've absorbed soooo much. At the BoTF, Nightblood absorbed more investiture than Rayse was holding when he was stabbed. That's what I talking about, but Nightblood collapsing that singularity is another excellent example of a time that (proportionately to regular actions of Nightblood as they've been described in Warbreaker and SA) I would think that there should be a far greater output of "excess investiture" since that is yet another time that Nightblood stabbed into the SR (infinite investiture) and drank they're fill.

Edit Note: I'm adding the below to avoid double posting

@Treamayne Said: "Which is why I have said since the beginning that Nightblood is shown as leaking in the Demense (vision, whatever you want to call it) there would be no reason for that leakage to cross realms. Rayse's body likely appeared in the PR as it looked when Szeth sees it (as shown in HoA when we see three different vessels appear) - so the Damage was done in the CR/SR combo Demense, and the mangled corpse showed up in the PR after he was dead. 

Actually, since we know that Nightblood normally vaporizes the physical form of what he destroys, the fact that there is a corpse at all indicates there was no physical object to turn into smoke (and the leakage all happened in the Demense)."

Ok, I understand where you're coming from with Taravangian and Rayse in regards to time dilation/lag. Time was wibbly-wobbly there and I am more than willing to set that aside as possibly something to do with that, because until someone explains the temporal mechanics of moments like that, there's really no use in speculating, because that's entirely conjecture. Also, I can logically see Todium absorbing all of that (if there was a massive amount of black excess investiture) to conceal what he had done, because that would be bang on the mark for him. 

I'm still falling back on the BoTF, as well as (since @listerfeend reminded me of it) when Nightblood collapsed the perpendicularity when Dalinar and Co met Ishar. Those are two instances of truly massive investiture absorption that (if Nightbloods uptake and outake of excess investiture is 1 to 1) would produce insane amounts of black liquid and gaseous investiture. 

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1 hour ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

I am talking about how much investiture Nightblood can take in, and how when they took in all that they could at the BoTF, they went into a "Food coma," as Sanderson described it, from trying to draw on infinity.

I am getting at why doesn't Nightblood gush out an overwelming amount of liquid and/or gaseous investiture when they've absorbed soooo much. At the BoTF, Nightblood absorbed more investiture than Rayse was holding when he was stabbed.

In both of those events Nightblood ate more or less the same amount of investiture, because in both of those events it was enough to make him fall into a food coma. We see him leaking a lot during the battle of the Thaylen Field, leaking lots of liquids, especially when he killed the Thunderclast - here is what you're looking for (liquid state is far more concentrated than gaseous state). But Nightblood is already almost full - what he consumed is like a drop of water added to an already full glass of water. This isn't that much compared to what he already holds. A Vessel is less invested than an Unmade so don't expect massive amounts of investiture added to Nightblood - he didn't even eat all of Rayse.

1 hour ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

That's what I talking about, but Nightblood collapsing that singularity is another excellent example of a time that (proportionately to regular actions of Nightblood as they've been described in Warbreaker and SA) I would think that there should be a far greater output of "excess investiture" since that is yet another time that Nightblood stabbed into the SR (infinite investiture) and drank they're fill.

He didn't fall into a coma when he stabbed perpendicularly, I've provided quotes here before but he was still feeding on Szeth's Stormlight at an alarming rate after collapsing Dalinar's perpendicularity. Brandon clearly said in WoBs that he isn't sure when Nightblood falls into a coma, but books are clear. He didn't eat a lot in RoW ch 111, compared to killing Rayse.



I really don't get your point guys and disagree that we should have seen a massive amount of smoke in those events. We don't know the rate of leakage - it doesn't have to be proportional, it can be logarithmic or something else. We see him leaking liquids and liquids are a far more concentrated form of matter than gasses - a small pool of black liquid can be comparable to a huge plume of smoke you're looking for. The rate of the leakage can also be restricted by the surface area of the sword. Nightblood gets full really fast because he already is almost full, there is no space for more so whatever he consumes is just a little drop compared to what he already holds. He doesn't eat a lot.


4 hours ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

I feel like the bands were close to perpendicularity levels of investiture. 

Not even close to being close. The Bands aren't even as invested as a Shardblade is and a Shardblade is still beneath Nightblood - who don't form any perpendicularity. Whatever Nightblood eats and leaks is not enough to form a perpendicularity. Vin ingested all of Mists and she didn't form a perpendicularity. To form one you need a lot of investiture.



You've said that Shardblades can be made in other magic systems. So if it's not like a Shardblade from Roshar, what makes it a Shardblade?

Brandon Sanderson

The "Shard" refers to the heavy Investiture of a Shard of Adonalsium. Most of what you’ll see will see are the Roshar ones, but it is technically possible to make them out of the other magic systems. It's going to be a heavily invested magical weapon, is kind of how I would define it.


So are the Bands [of Mourning] one?

Brandon Sanderson

I would not call them one, but they are close. They're not Invested enough.

Calamity Austin signing (Feb. 25, 2016)




Are the Bands of Mourning...would they be like similarly invested as Nightblood?

Brandon Sanderson

Not quite to the extent of Nightblood. In fact not remotely close to the extent of Nightblood.

Calamity Philadelphia signing (Feb. 20, 2016)




What would happen if a Shardblade hit Nightblood?

Brandon Sanderson

Nightblood would act like a Shardblade, in that it would stop a Shardblade. It is significantly more Invested than a Shardblade, so it would have some ramifications beyond that.

Barnes & Noble B-Fest 2016 (June 11, 2016)


4 hours ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

It is interesting that Nightblood manifested as a sword in the spiritual realm. I mean, of course he does because he cuts on all three realms, but Brandon has been cagey about what he looks like in CR. It makes sense that one would be different of the three considering his unique creation, but if he looks like a sword in spiritual, why wouldnt he in cognitive?

Nightblood doesn't just cut in 3 realms, he exists in 3 realms at once like pure investiture does. For me it's more interesting that he manifested as a "curling black darkness" and "black smoke curling" despite aluminum sheath - it seems to suggest that he leaks in other realms despite aluminum cover - he doesn't leak "just" in the PR. 



Is atium Invested?

Brandon Sanderson

Is atium Invested? Atium is Investiture distilled into the Physical Realm, right? So is electricity electric? Or is it--


Well I think the question Sharders had was if it's Invested, how can people Push and Pull on it. That was the struggle.

Brandon Sanderson

Atium breaks a lot of rules, in the same way that you will see other things break rules. Atium plays weirdly. When you get distilled Investiture, you're starting like-- My kind of rule for myself is it's kind of like when you start going on the quantum level, the rules just start playing weirdly. Because it's like, what Realm does atium exist in-- is another thing. Because-- Pure Investiture like that is like a mini black hole, right? It's like existing in three Realms at once. Kind of, and things like that... There's lots of weirdness.

The writerly answer is there is lots of weirdness because when I built atium, I didn't have the rest of the cosmere built, right? And so it breaks a lot of rules that I later set up that everything else has to follow, right? So the writerly answer is we just have to accept that atium and lerasium and some of these other distilled Investiture things are going to play very weirdly with the magic systems. But that's okay. Nightblood will too, and some of these things that were built even after the cosmere was coming together.

Salt Lake City signing (Dec. 16, 2017)


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29 minutes ago, alder24 said:

For me it's more interesting that he manifested as a "curling black darkness" and "black smoke curling" despite aluminum sheath - it seems to suggest that he leaks in other realms despite aluminum cover - he doesn't leak "just" in the PR. 

Wow, really good point. I hadn't considered that. If the aluminum sheath does not work beyond the physical realm, that might be what Brandon was hinting to when he mentioned that it would be even more dangerous to transport nightblood through shadesmar than through physical realm. 



This is very confusing upon further reflection. If the sheath only exists in physical, then is there a floating nightblood in the CR that is constantly destroying things as szeth moves through the world? Clearly this isnt happening, but the sheath definitely wasnt in the vision. Very curious indeed. Perhaps the sheath in physical stops only the consumption in cognitive but doesnt prevent the cognitive form of nightblood from leaking. 

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1 hour ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

Edit Note: I'm adding the below to avoid double posting

FYSA: I don't know what device you are using (I use a PC, not mobile), but you can add a "quote" to a post edit by clicking quote, going to the editor and using "cut" to snip that quote, click edit on your post, go to the end and "paste" the quote box. It will even still send the notification that a quote was posted. 

1 hour ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

I am getting at why doesn't Nightblood gush out an overwelming amount of liquid and/or gaseous investiture when they've absorbed soooo much. At the BoTF

I don't know if maybe we were both typing a post at the same time, but I addressed the Oathbringer Climax here:

3 hours ago, Treamayne said:

I will agree that it seems strange that it's not mentioned, though I would guess the absense is due to narrative reasons, not Realmatic reasons. Here's the sequence:


OB Ch 118:


“Uh-oh.” Lift summoned Wyndle as a rod in case the assassin lost his starvin’ mind—what was left of it—and attacked her. She slipped off the rock, then ran over.

He held the strange Shardblade before himself. It continued to leak black liquid that vaporized as it streamed toward the ground. His hand had gone all black.

“I…” Szeth said. “I have lost the sheath.…”

“Drop the sword!”

“I … can’t.…” Szeth said, teeth gritted. “It holds to me, feasting upon my … my Stormlight. It will soon consume me.”

Stormsstormsstormsstorms. “Right. Right. Ummmmm…” Lift looked around. The army was flooding into the city. The second stone monster was stomping across the Ancient Ward, stepping on buildings. Dalinar Kholin still stood before the gap. Maybe … maybe he could help?

“Come on,” Lift said.


Szeth tried to walk toward Dalinar. The darkness had grown up his arm, and the sword drank his last wisps of Stormlight.

There was … was a lesson in this … wasn’t there? There had to be. Nin … Nin wanted him to learn.…

He fell to the ground, still holding the sword as it screamed mindlessly.


The little Radiant girl scrambled to him. She looked toward the sky as the sun vanished behind clouds. Then she took Szeth’s head in her hands.

“No…” he tried to croak. It will take you too.…

She breathed life into him somehow, and the sword drank of it freely. Her eyes went wide as the black veins began to grow up her fingers and hands.

OB Ch 119:


The assassin lay on the ground, staring upward, practically covered in those vines. Lift held them at bay, teeth gritted. Her will against the darkness until …


Like a sudden detonation, a force of light flashed across the field. Gemstones on the ground flared up, capturing Stormlight, and the assassin screamed, drawing in Light like glowing mist.

The vines shriveled, as the sword’s thirst was slaked by the Stormlight. Lift fell back on the stone and pried her hands off Szeth’s head.

I knew I liked you, a voice said in Lift’s mind.

The sword. So it was a spren? “You almost ate him,” Lift said. “You almost starvin’ ate me!”

Oh, I wouldn’t do that, the voice said. She seemed completely baffled, voice growing slow, like she was drowsy. But … maybe I was just really, really hungry.…

Well, Lift supposed she couldn’t blame someone for that.

The assassin climbed unsteadily to his feet. His face was crisscrossed with lines where the vines had been. That somehow left his skin grey in streaks, the color of stone. Lift’s arms bore the same. Huh.

Szeth walked toward the glowing column of light, leaving an afterimage behind him. “Come,” he said.


Note that when Lift shows up, she noted the Black Liquid pouring off of the Sword. After that, it's not mentioned again. I doubt Nightblood stopped leaking as they walked toward Dalinar, fell, etc. (all before the Perpendicularity) so it seems like a case of Sanderson skipping details that would slow the climax, rather than some hidden clue to the secrets of "Nightblood's Realmatic Function"(tm) 

It could also be that we are in Lift's viewpoint, and she is looking at Szeth's face and her hands and the Colorless patterns left by the tendrils. She just did not notice (maybe).

They recover the sheath quickly (like 11 sentances later), but that's from Dalinar's standpoint. So we don't know if Nightblood was not leaking due to being sated, or if Dalinar just didn't "notice" because he was busy counting Radiants.


Two more people crossed the battlefield. Lift he had anticipated. But the assassin? Szeth scooped the silvery sheath off the ground and slammed his black Shardblade into it, before stepping up to join Dalinar.

Skybreaker, Dalinar thought, counting them off. Edgedancer. That was seven.

He would have expected three more.




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17 hours ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

Perhaps the sheath in physical stops only the consumption in cognitive but doesnt prevent the cognitive form of nightblood from leaking. 

If that is the case, then he'd be leaking in SR and CR constantly, which could perhaps explain some of our confusion regarding how much he seems to take in without there being noticeable increases in the description of his "leaking"

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18 hours ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

Wow, really good point. I hadn't considered that. If the aluminum sheath does not work beyond the physical realm, that might be what Brandon was hinting to when he mentioned that it would be even more dangerous to transport nightblood through shadesmar than through physical realm. 



This is very confusing upon further reflection. If the sheath only exists in physical, then is there a floating nightblood in the CR that is constantly destroying things as szeth moves through the world? Clearly this isnt happening, but the sheath definitely wasnt in the vision. Very curious indeed. Perhaps the sheath in physical stops only the consumption in cognitive but doesnt prevent the cognitive form of nightblood from leaking. 

Ok, this hits at what was making my brain hurt so much. If Nightblood is leaking into the other realms, then that in and of itself would explain what I've been having problems with. If Nightblood is actively leaks into the CR and/or the SR (which presumably it makes logical sense that if they leak into one, they'd leak into both) that would mean either their is a flood of black investiture pouring into the the CR..or somethign between wisps and whatever we see Nightblood doing in the PR, and the rest is simply going straight back into the Spiritual. I still feel like there is something missing here though. Mostly because Sanderson has said that the excess investiture isn't just recycled. But, that could also be him playing with words when people ask him questions? I don't know. And it does raise some interesting questions about Nightblood's nature. But, as is almost always the case, we won't know until we know.

Also, leaking around the sheath seems like it shouldn't be possible, but I assume that speaks to the somewhat near-Shardlike amount of investiture that Nightblood has taken in? Does aluminum have a maximum limit of investiture blocking/nullification that Nightblood is overwhelming or is there some Cosmere trick/mechanic at play that we don't yet understand?

also thanks everyone who put up with my brains dogged pursuit of one thing it didn't want to let go of. This was really helpful, and I appreciate it.

O and @Treamayne, I didn't know that I could go back and edit a quote into a post..thanks for that.

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  • 2 months later...

What would happen if a person wielding Nightblood atacled someone who was a Nicrosil ferring and had stored all of their investiture in their metalminds? Would it just act as a normal sword?

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1 hour ago, Iron-Eyes said:

What would happen if a person wielding Nightblood atacled someone who was a Nicrosil ferring and had stored all of their investiture in their metalminds? Would it just act as a normal sword?

I am unsure if you are asking about Person A using nightblood to kill a Nicrosil Ferring who is filling their storage, or a Nicrosil Ferring storing while weilding Nightblood to kill Person B. 

  • For the former, dead Ferring. It won't matter if they stored, tapped or did nothing; if they get hit, they will poof just like any target Nightblood strikes. 
  • If the latter, Nightblood will feed on any Kinetic investiture the wielder is accessing, including investiture being tapped from metalminds; and once that runs out, Nightblood will feed on the wielder themselves until the sword is dropped or the wielder is dead. 




How would Nightblood work when drawn on Scadrial?

Brandon Sanderson

So, you would have to be actively burning a metal or tapping a metalmind, or Nightblood would eat you very quickly.

Oathbringer London signing (Nov. 28, 2017)



On the coppermind it states specifically that Nightblood is fueled by Investiture, would that mean that an Allomancer burning, say, steel, could then [draw] Nightblood and fuel it off of that?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, Nightblood would feed off that Kinetic Investiture, you could make that work. You would have to keep that portal open, and he would eat the power instead of whatever you were planning to do with it, and when you ran out of metal he’d kill you.


Would that also work with say...whatever you have in a Coppermind or metalmind?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, yes, theoretically you could make that work too. That’s an excellent question, you’re the first to ask that.

Shadows of Self San Jose signing (Oct. 9, 2015)



I know that Nightblood is technically a shardblade (invested sword), but can one use it without being bonded to a Spren since on Roshar the only way to breathe is stormlight and use it is by being bonded to a spren? Would Nightblood also work like a shardblade, in that it severs the soul instead of consuming it when it touches a person?

Brandon Sanderson

Remember that the Honorblades do not require one to be bonded to a spren to use, or gain access to powers. Nightblood goes one step further, vaporizing and destroying on all three realms.

/r/books AMA 2015 (May 18, 2015)


Hope that helps

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