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How did the Ghostbloods know Jasnah was on The Wind's Pleasure?

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9 minutes ago, deathofamailman said:

Is it possible that one of Shallan's brothers betrayed her location to the Ghostbloods to buy them time/repay their debt? If they were capable of tracking Jasnah through something like a ship's manifest, why did it take them until the Wind's Pleasure to catch up to her?

It didn't take them that long. Kabsal was a Ghostblood assassin impersonating an Ardent. It is unlikely he was the only Ghostblood operating an Kharbranth at the time. One or more of the remaining member's of his cell likely reported "Jasnah left on the Wind's Pleasure" and that's when Mraize contracted Tyn to get agents onto the boat and try killing her at sea. 

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Mm, that makes sense, I suppose--didn't occur to me that Kabsal might not have been the only member there, and saw her left. And since she had been port hopping quickly enough that it took Shallan a long time to catch up, it makes sense that Kharbranth was the first time they had eyes on her in that time period.

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8 hours ago, deathofamailman said:

Mm, that makes sense, I suppose--didn't occur to me that Kabsal might not have been the only member there, and saw her left. And since she had been port hopping quickly enough that it took Shallan a long time to catch up, it makes sense that Kharbranth was the first time they had eyes on her in that time period.

No worries.  Way of Kings has a huge "reread bonus" level because there are so many details that only become clear with hindsight and information from Oathbringer and RoW. Kinda like Harry Potter:


Whatever people think of the stories themselves, J.K.'s foreshadowing was supurb - such as the Deluminator Chekhov's Gun in Book 1 that doesn't go off until Ron uses it in book 7. 


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It probably wasn't all that hard to find out, she didn't really try to keep the fact that she was leaving for the shattered plains a secret. All it would have taken is a look at the shipping records. Storms, Yalb probably boasted about in a tavern.

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I mean Shallan was able to follow Jasnah all over before meeting her with almost no resources, no connections and little money now imagine having a organization with hundreds of members some in high locations and almost unlimited resources  I feel like it would not be hard to figure out where Jasnah was and the Ghostbloods are probably expecting her to return to the shattered plains sometime and can watch for ships heading that way. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've always had this personal theory that Captain Tozbek was associated with or partially under the employ of the Ghostbloods. When we first meet Captain Tozbek he has a scar on his face, supposedly from fishing tackle. I think that this is a lie and either he got smacked into submission by the Ghostbloods or he is a Sleepless (more on this below), or both. Captain Tozbek says that he is indebted to House Davar and that he will charter his ship to Shallan for a vastly lower price. Since Shallan's father is associated with the Ghostbloods, it would not be a stretch to assume that those he associates with are under the employ of the Ghostbloods also. Plus is makes it easy to not make any money from chartering Shallan if the Ghostbloods are paying the tab. He probably also broke the latch on his own cabin and let Jasnah stay there so it was easier to ambush her.

Tozbek as a Sleepless:
After Shallan lands on shore she notices a bunch of cremlings, possibly the remnants of Tozbek. Also of note, Shallan notices fearspren coming out of the sand around her, but she specifically is mentioned to not feel afraid. These fearspren could actually be coming from the remnants of Tozbek. Plus it seems like every ship on Roshar has a Sleepless to keep them away from Aimia.

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On 2/7/2024 at 2:09 PM, Highprince10 said:

I mean Shallan was able to follow Jasnah all over before meeting her with almost no resources, no connections and little money now imagine having a organization with hundreds of members some in high locations and almost unlimited resources  I feel like it would not be hard to figure out where Jasnah was and the Ghostbloods are probably expecting her to return to the shattered plains sometime and can watch for ships heading that way. 

Well, it specifically says that Jasnah left her a note at each stop about what the next location was going to be. Not hard to follow that trail (WoK Ch 3,5):


“No message, sir. Dock registrar says that Jasnah hasn’t left yet.”

“Ha!” the captain said, turning to Shallan. “The hunt is over!”


“I am Shallan Davar, whom you asked to meet you. I deeply regret not being able to get to you in Dumadari.”

“The fault was not yours,” Jasnah said with a wave of the fingers. “I didn’t expect that you would make it in time. I wasn’t certain where I would be going after Dumadari when I sent you that note, however.”

Jasnah wasn’t angry; that was a good sign. Shallan felt some of her anxiety recede.

“I am impressed by your tenacity, child,” Jasnah continued. “I honestly didn’t expect you to follow me this far. After Kharbranth, I was going to forgo leaving you notes, as I’d presumed that you’d have given up. Most do so after the first few stops.”

On 2/25/2024 at 8:14 PM, Crossen said:

 Plus it seems like every ship on Roshar has a Sleepless to keep them away from Aimia.

It only seems that way because those are the stories we have read so far - but there are only 24 Sleepless on Roshar, only 20 of those follow the First Swarm and it's mentioned often that most are not good at impersonating humans (especially to the point that we see Tozbek - when Arclo has to stay mostly covered and Nikli has to use tattoos to cover the seams). . . now that does not mean that Sleepless Hordelings aren't on many ships (just disguised as normal cremlings). 

Edited by Treamayne
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I would think that a Princess of Alethkar, sister to the King, departing Kharbranth after so long a residency, would be Big News.

And thus, the direction and manner of her travel not so hard to find out?

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