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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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2 minutes ago, Bejardin1250 said:


Your bane is that you see ghosts whenever you fall asleep 

I wish that School was over

My ghost-busting pipe-dreams are all coming together now.

Granted. There's a small itch in the small of your back that you can't quite reach. It will be present for any length of time in which you're not pursuing education.

I wish to know what you want, what you really really want.

Edited by The Technovore
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Here’s an adorable little puppy! It showed up on your doorstop and nobody knows where it came from. Your bane is that when you touch the puppy, you are glued to the puppy.

I wish to be able to sleep restfully on command, with no caveats.

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Your bane is that you are now addicted to dihydrogen monoxide. Withdrawal symptoms include dryness of eyes, lips, and mouth, extreme pain, dizzyness, tiredness, dry skin, sweating less than usual, and death. Have fun!

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1 minute ago, Tani said:


Your bane is that you are now addicted to dihydrogen monoxide. Withdrawal symptoms include dryness of eyes, lips, and mouth, extreme pain, dizzyness, tiredness, dry skin, sweating less than usual, and death. Have fun!

And what do you wish for?

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Your cat brings you a birb. It stinks.

Bane: Your cat will only ever bring you stinky birds from now on. If you don't have a cat, a stray will adopt you and bring you dead stinky birds every day.

I wish for a deck of cards that will last forever and never get marked or broken. Also it's pretty. And has all the cards and all the suits, ace through king, and two jokers.

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Granted. Every game you play with them has stronger consequences than you are prepared for, and it's impossible to prove it's not just a big coincidence. Lost a game of poker to a friend? Maybe you won't get that important job you applied for. Or maybe you just suspended all your tests at school. You won? Hey, you just found a winning lottery ticket! Or maybe you'll get a dotation of chocolate for a year! The loser on the other hand... 

I wish for a balloon floating around with a face painted on it that will be my friend. 

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Granted, no problem. Who would try to mess with the boon? Boons are meant to be given! You receive your balloon. In fact, it's even a magic balloon that won't run out of air and is very difficult to pop.

Banes are also meant to be given.

You have contracted a bacterial disease. This particular bacterium is designed well beyond any weapons modern medicine can deploy. It has no initial symptoms, but is contagious through the air, through droplets, through surfaces, from humans to animals and back again.

Approximately 2 years after contracting it, you will feel a tingling numbness throughout your body. Unnoticeable at first, it will slowly intensify over a period of 5 months until your nervous system is in agony. Once the bacterium finishes proliferating in your brain and spine, your limbs and body will go completely numb, and you will experience total body paralysis, save for your autonomous systems.

After 64 hours in this condition, your limbs and body will regain motor function. Yet, they will remain numb. Indeed, they're moving entirely of their own free will. Your voice emanates from your throat and mouth, forming words, declaring that the worst of it is over and you feel totally normal. But you did not speak those words.

Your body goes about its life, goes about YOUR life, while you're watching in the backseat. Your family members and friends you spread the disease to experience the same. They also recover, and stand, and speak, but only you know the horror your loved ones are actually in.

You're locked behind a barrier you cannot penetrate, the barrier between soul and body that has no door but many windows. You have no way to communicate to your trapped loved ones. Their bodies and your body live on without you, heedless to your existence, or, if they know what they've done, they do not reveal the fact.

The disease spreads across the world. It becomes sensationalized, and memed. They try to find a cure, but are consistently frustrated. Some doctors spread alarm about the bacterium's ability to infect the brain, but are shut down by others who claim there's nothing to worry about. More and more of humanity succumbs to the infection. More and more of humanity finds themselves caged within their own minds. Whose fault was this? Who could've subjected the world to such a horrible fate, a death without burial, without memory? 

It was you. You and your wish.

You and your happy.



It still floats in your bedroom, completely ignored.

The last symbol of an undead species.

Was it worth it? Was it, @Eluvianii?



I wish for a gallon of birthday-cake ice cream! :D

Edited by The Technovore
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2 hours ago, CallsignZen said:


granted, but one of them always plays a little louder than the other one.

I wish to always remember my dreams.

HA! My headphones are so crappy that only one ear works. Your bane made my headphones better than they are LOL

Granted, but all their posts suck

Edited by Kelsier'sGodComplex
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