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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Granted. You lose everything-family friends, everyone. All material possessions. You are injured almost to the point of death, and then you snap. However, the Steel Ministry finds out first and you are turned into an inquisitor. Your bane is that Ruin controls your mind completely.

I wish to understand the Cosmere.

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3 minutes ago, Flaming Coinshoot said:

Granted. You lose everything-family friends, everyone. All material possessions. You are injured almost to the point of death, and then you snap. However, the Steel Ministry finds out first and you are turned into an inquisitor. Your bane is that Ruin controls your mind completely.

I wish to understand the Cosmere.

Granted. The sheer amount of knowledge and intricate understanding drives you insane. As your bane, Brandon Sanderson stops writing after hearing the damage knowledge of the cosmere caused to you brain.

I wish to actually be good a Tetris.

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55 minutes ago, Flaming Coinshoot said:

Granted.  You are good at Tetris. You now see everything, and it drives you crazy when stuff doesn't stack like you like it. 

I wish to finish BotW

Granted. But you have to drag along and protect a complete noob that keeps doing dumb stuff (me). If the noob dies, you lose and have to start over.

Also, that bane isn't a bane, considering it already applies to me.

I wish to get my stuff back in minecraft.

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1 hour ago, The Unknown Order said:

Granted. The sheer amount of knowledge and intricate understanding drives you insane. As your bane, Brandon Sanderson stops writing after hearing the damage knowledge of the cosmere caused to you brain.

This implies Brandon is an Elder God. 

21 minutes ago, Szeth Facpalm said:

I wish for 489,489 dollars and 489 cents cash.

Granted. You get an obsession to keep your finances at exactly that amount, so you only spend whatever you earn until you get back to that number, meaning your lifestyle doesn't actually change at all. You can show off though. 

I wish natural disasters were easily survivable, so that sports like tsunami riding or volcano fishing exist. 

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4 minutes ago, Eluvianii said:

I wish natural disasters were easily survivable, so that sports like tsunami riding or volcano fishing exist. 

granted. Your bane is that they are only easily survivable for everyone besides you, so everyone gives you odd looks when you go inside during tornados.

I wish to be able to breath underwater.

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23 minutes ago, Flaming Coinshoot said:

Granted. Your bane is that you can no longer facepalm.


i wish for my facepalms back :(

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2 hours ago, Szeth Facpalm said:

i wish for my facepalms back :(


The Nightwatcher, knowing how important facepalming is to you decides to not only give you back the ability, but also to give you magically enhanced facepalms.

When you perform a facepalm, a concussive blast of psychic energy is released and radiates out in a sphere of diminishing effect with its power equal to the inverse square of the distance traveled.

This psychic emanation only affects the entity that performed the action that caused you to facepalm. In its weakest state, this psychic energy causes the target to experience mild malaise, akin to the feeling that you get when you've lost a shoe and have been walking around the house for half an hour fruitlessly looking for it. In its strongest state it causes the target's mind to blank, and drool to drip from their slackened and agape mouths. In this state they are receptive to the command, almost like a deeply buried hypnotic suggestion, to "never do that again".

Your bane is that you get rainbow colored acne.

I wish that I could use the mage cantrip magehand in real life.

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2 hours ago, Flaming Coinshoot said:

I have no wish. Just give ma a bane.

Everytime you open your mouth you burp, and everytime you speak in your burpy, belchy manner you also blow a bubble for every word you say. The Nihhtwatcher is all about balance, so though you made no wish you still get a boon. You can dispense an infinite amount of soda pop from your fingertips, whatever flavor you think of including just plain seltzer.

I wish I had the capsules that Bulma uses in DragonBall, specifically the instant house one and the motorcycle one.

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Granted. You're also extremely bad at identifying them for some reason. When you hear Spanish you reply in Italian. When you hear Korean you think it's Chinese. And as a bonus when you hear your native language you reply in Latin. 

I wish for cookies. 

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