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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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On 9/6/2021 at 7:03 AM, Honorless said:

you are not Luffy.

How do you know i'm not Luffy?

14 hours ago, Honorless said:

I wish for the red coat from A Darker Shade of Magic

It's yours. But whenever you hear music that your brain registers as christmas music you start doing the macarena.


I wish for some super-strength study juice (as in it makes it way easier to study and do schoolwork)

Edited by Szeth's Facepalm
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13 hours ago, Mage said:

I wish for a hat like Abraham Lincoln

The Nightwatcher smiles and says, "Finally, I am released!

Fourscore and seven Desolations ago, I, a simple spren of well built log cabins, was joined with the spren of the spirit of the law, and the spren of large cylindrical hats and became something greater than the sum of my parts. I have striven to uphold my sacred charge of dispersing fitting and sometimes ironic boons and banes, never turning the unending legions of supplicants away.

And when I came into being, Mother Cultivation promised that one day, a man of uncommon wisdom would come forth, and I would know this worthy by his judicious desire for the most morally upstanding chapeau in the Cosmere (and in the known universe as well). This beacon of uncommon good sense would request simply 'a hat like President Lincoln'. And she said to me thus, 'This shall be thy bondsmith'.

So I'm going to kick back with some horneater white, and have myself an Emancipation Celebration, because from now on I'll be passively supplying you power and you're going to be the one giving out the boons and banes. Easy street here I come. Look, there's a hammock spren, I'm going over there for a bit, wake me up when the Final Desolation hits."

My wish is that after reading my parody of "He's Got a Hat Like President Lincoln's", ya'll will watch the video of the original song "She's Bought a Hat Like Princess Marina" (spoilered below).


He's Got a Hat Like President Lincoln's (sung to the tune of She's Bought a Hat Like Princess Marina's by the Kinks)

He's got a hat like President Lincoln's
To wear on all his Bondsmith campaigns
He wears it when he's pow'ring the Radiants
He wears it when he's giving out banes
But you will never see him in Azir
Cuz' in the Valley he just remains
But he's got a hat like President Lincoln's
So he just reigns




Edited by Hoiditthroughthegrapevine
Tightened up the parody lyrics, a little better, just a scosh
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The nighwatcher says "ok" and hands you a coconut. you open the coconut and find it is filled with teeth made out of marzipan. You are perplexed. Your bane is that you can only breath out of one nostril at a time (and your mouth, of course).

I wish for a really good nights sleep.

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Granted. You never wake up. Just kidding that was really dark. Your true bane: During all waking hours after this marvelous night of sleep you hear the local country music radio station inside your head at full volume. It turns off at 10 pm and then back on at 7 am. Enjoy sleep while you can.

I wish for juggling skills like Thom Merrilin

13 hours ago, Nameless said:

I wish for a smooth wisdom teeth removal tomorrow.

I got my wisdom teeth out in December, right as my hold on RoW came available. I had already read part one through the preview chapters. I read the whole rest of the book in three days because I was doing nothing else.

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On 9/9/2021 at 10:45 AM, Mage said:

I wish for juggling skills like Thom Merrilin

Granted. you now have to juggle skills constantly in order to survive. (No, the Nightwatcher has no idea what that means either).

I wish for Allomantic Pewter so that I could recover from my wisdom teeth surgery way faster.

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1 hour ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

I wish to be abke to know what to say in every situation

The Nightwatcher is confused as to why you want to be now to know what to say in every situation. She gives you some peanuts instead. Your bane is that you are now allergic to broccoli. 

I wish to be able to tell the ingredients in food just by looking at it.

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13 minutes ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

Granted, but you are allergic to every ingredient you see

I wish for a cool jacket

The Nightwatcher says "Go Go granted".


Your bane is that when you pass gas it's now mostly helium (instead of methane), and that to fill your flying Go Go gadget jacket you have to eat mainly beans. But on the positive side, you are the only person who passes "noble gas".

Doh too slow

2 minutes ago, Nameless said:

I wish to be blind.


The Nightwatcher hands you a set of those blacked over lens glasses you see in cartoons and a cup of pencils. Your bane is that you have to pose for cartoonists.

I wish for something flat.

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19 hours ago, Honorless said:

Granted, you will also never want for food or want food, for the price for this boon is your hunger and appetite

I wish to always be clean

I already have a messed up appetite and I never feel hungry so I get no punishment :D

Granted, but you have terrible breath forever

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26 minutes ago, Nameless said:

I wish for people to remember the little things like doing their laundry, checking their blind spot before merging, and not giving their credit card number out on the internet. Oh, and also MAKING A WISH!

Sorry, sorry. I'm in school so I was rushed. ^_^

Your bane is that you forget all these things and everyone hates you.

I wish for a cool jacket. 

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45 minutes ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

Sorry, sorry. I'm in school so I was rushed. ^_^

No problem.

45 minutes ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

I wish for a cool jacket. 

Granted. Your bane is that the jacket makes you uncomfortably hot whenever you wear it.

Edit- I guess my wish didn't get granted.

I wish for a deevy knife.

Edited by Nameless
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On 9/14/2021 at 2:37 PM, Nameless said:

I wish for a deevy knife



It's a sentient awakened dagger named Melvin. It constantly drones in your head with a nasally monotone voice and it's also a total grammar nazi that's always correcting your grammar. And it likes to point out patently obvious things, like when you are trying to go into a store and you pull on the door handle when it's a door that opens by pushing, it says things like "You know really should push the door open".

Your bane is that like the dagger from Shador Logoth, you must always carry the dagger with you or die.

I wish that wishes were both wings and horses, so that beggars could ride flying pigs.

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