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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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9 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Granted. You will forever have a cat rubbing your leg.

I need to post all books I have read in my about me.

I wish to have the superpower to have the power from any books I have read. Over 100 fantasy books at least


Granted. You may have the superpower for only three minutes at a time, with a cooldown of five hours.

I wish that stellarlune would come out sooner.

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Just now, Some Random Spren said:

Granted, it's buggier than Cyberpunk was on release.

I wish for a non-hemalurgic cookie.

I'm okay with this, as its a book.

Granted *hands cookie* It is non-hemalurgic. (TUBA for the Win!) Your bane is, you loose your sense of taste.

I wish for the house my family is renovating to be sold so we recoup all costs and gain a nice profit.

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Just now, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

I'm okay with this, as its a book.

ah my misunderstanding lol

1 minute ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

I wish for the house my family is renovating to be sold so we recoup all costs and gain a nice profit.

granted, but half the profit is cut because of taxes

i wish for an infinite cookie jar

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Just now, Some Random Spren said:

ah my misunderstanding lol

granted, but half the profit is cut because of taxes

i wish for an infinite cookie jar

Granted, you get a jar that holds a single cookie that is replenished whenever removed(saves energy). As your bane, You can no longer smell(as in, with your nose)

I wish for more people at my school to read Sanderson so that I can talk with them about it.

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Granted. You die painlessly from hunger, as you only said that you "didn't have to eat", which does not mean the same thing as "didn't have to eat to live". :D

I wish for humans to smarten up and stop murdering the Earth.

Edited by Sequence
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6 hours ago, Sequence said:

Granted. You die painlessly from hunger, as you only said that you "didn't have to eat", which does not mean the same thing as "didn't have to eat to live". :D

drat. knew I forgot something. I am now a ghost, and can no longer die.

7 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Granted. They will only play Star Wars: Outer Rim.

I wish to be able to sleep.

granted. You move at half the normal pace of everyone else.

I wish for the dishes to do themselves without any harm comming to them.

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3 minutes ago, Emery the Steelrunner said:

Granted, but you have to eat only your favorite meal every day for every meal.

I wish for the ability to fly.

okay, I'm fine with that. you did not specify the volume I must eat, and my favorite meal can change.

Granted. you lack fine motor skills

I wish for more time

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