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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Granted. You have lots of free time now, so would you do for me all that work I'm supposed to do? And do the same thing for him? And for her? And for them? And for everyone you know? Also, you don't have toes now.

I wish to be able to enter inside the books I read (like, whenever I read Stormlight I can warp myself in Roshar)

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5 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

I wish to fly


As soon as your wish leaves your lips, you find yourself transported 10,000 feet up into the air. To your horror you find yourself plummeting to the ground, unable to stop or even slow your fall. Given that the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 32 ft/s^2, it takes you about 5 seconds to reach terminal Velocity (approximately 174 ft/s). Hurtling through the air at ~118 mph, you have nearly a minute to think about how you should have been more specific with your wish.

But the Nightwatcher isn't without some mercy, just before you hit the ground you find yourself once again transported 10,000 feet above the ground. This time as you plummet you experiment with different body alignments and find that you can control your descent to a pretty great extent, and once again just before you hit the ground you are again transported 10,000 feet up into the air.

As you get used to your new life, you get quite adoept at managing your perpetual falling, and even devise systems with your loved ones whereby they throw you sandwiches, pickles, and other consumables to you just before you teleport back up to fall again.

Could be worse.

I wish I had a pocketwatch that could control time, specifically with the following 3 functions:

1) A button that stops time for everyone/everything not touching the pocketwatch..

2) A dial that advances/rewinds the hours in a day.

3) Another dial and button that allows you to set a specific time/date that you can jump too.

Oh, and, I would also like it engraved with the following, "Time is an arrow, if you don't give it a shot then all you'll ever do is quiver"

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Granted. You are now a ham sandwich and are unable to pick up the scroll, as you have no hands, and are unable to read the scroll, as you have no eyes or cognitive function.

I wish for the ability to keep all of my belongings, friends, and family safe.

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