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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Even the almighty Nightwatcher cant solve your problems. But I can make your life a little better, take an upvote don't worry about the curse from the sound of things your having enough problems.


I wish for a brand new car.

Granted. You get into a car crash after...3 days.


I wish for knowledge in engineering.

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Granted, but we get 2 more Michael Bay TMNT movies.


I wish the cake wasn't a lie.

Granted. You get the cake, but being from Aperture Science, they decided to make it your least favorite flavor. And if that didn't work, they filled it with poison.


I wish for the book Sixth of the Dusk. (While still being able to read.

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Granted but your interference makes Brandons books be released a lot slower causing the other members of 17th Shard to hunt you down.


I wish to be immune to all mental manipulations from others while continuing to have unlimited access to their minds.

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