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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Granted. It is acid snow that melts metal. Have fun!

I wish... I'm quite sure everyone knows what I'll wish for, but hey. I don't like being controlled by clowns. I'd better actually say it, so, I wish to not be controlled by anything.




You'll sneeze anytime someone says "bless you" 


I wish all this snow would go away.

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That 's quite the vicious cycle you just created there.


Granted, although you will be constantly hunted down by all the animals that you have displaced by removing all the snow.


I wish to be able to survive in a vacuum.

Edited by Redbird3000
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Granted. But you're now the sidekick in the quest ;)


I want dusters to become standard good fashion, like glasses.


So? I want a million dollars. Nightwatcher grants wishes, not wants. :P



We kid, of course! The Nightwatcher doesn't play semantic games. (Not unless she finds them fair or amusing, of course.) Dusters become the standard fashion, but they're all that anybody ever wears. Think about that.


I wish for a million dollars.

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We kid, of course! The Nightwatcher doesn't play semantic games. (Not unless she finds them fair or amusing, of course.) Dusters become the standard fashion, but they're all that anybody ever wears. Think about that.




*Shiver*... That's horrifying about 90% of the time...



Granted, your bane is that you still think you're going normal speed.


I wish I had... some caffeine right now.

Edited by BreathTaker
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Gran[EXPUNGED]ed, bu[EXPUNGED] i[EXPUNGED]'s a me[EXPUNGED]aphorical [EXPUNGE]hi[EXPUNGED]espine, as In i[EXPUNGED]'s Kaladin. You're Kaladin's ne[EXPUNGE] O[EXPUNGE]ner. (Oh, and [EXPUNGED]he [EXPUNGED]ame par[EXPUNGED] isn'[EXPUNGED] Li[EXPUNGED]eral ei[EXPUNGED]her)




Your [EXPUNGED]ish is gran[EXPUNGED]ed. All ins[EXPUNGED]ances of [EXPUNGED]he selec[EXPUNGED]ed le[EXPUNGED][EXPUNGED]ers have been replaced [EXPUNGED]i[EXPUNGED]h [EXPUNGED]he [EXPUNGED]ord [EXPUNGED]. Also, your en[EXPUNGED]ire family has been [EXPUNGED]ransformed in[EXPUNGED]o [EXPUNGED]ere[EXPUNGED]olves, so I'd sugges[EXPUNGED] s[EXPUNGED]ocking up on silver bulle[EXPUNGED]s.


I desire a pony.

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Your [EXPUNGED]ish is gran[EXPUNGED]ed. All ins[EXPUNGED]ances of [EXPUNGED]he selec[EXPUNGED]ed le[EXPUNGED][EXPUNGED]ers have been replaced [EXPUNGED]i[EXPUNGED]h [EXPUNGED]he [EXPUNGED]ord [EXPUNGED]. Also, your en[EXPUNGED]ire family has been [EXPUNGED]ransformed in[EXPUNGED]o [EXPUNGED]ere[EXPUNGED]olves, so I'd sugges[EXPUNGED] s[EXPUNGED]ocking up on silver bulle[EXPUNGED]s.


I desire a pony.

This was beautiful.

Granted, it cannot leave your house and t always finds the most wonderful places to leave its droppings. I wish that I had Feruchemy in real life with enough metalminds and I can use them.

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Your [EXPUNGED]ish is gran[EXPUNGED]ed. All ins[EXPUNGED]ances of [EXPUNGED]he selec[EXPUNGED]ed le[EXPUNGED][EXPUNGED]ers have been replaced [EXPUNGED]i[EXPUNGED]h [EXPUNGED]he [EXPUNGED]ord [EXPUNGED]. Also, your en[EXPUNGED]ire family has been [EXPUNGED]ransformed in[EXPUNGED]o [EXPUNGED]ere[EXPUNGED]olves, so I'd sugges[EXPUNGED] s[EXPUNGED]ocking up on silver bulle[EXPUNGED]s.


This was beautiful.


On so many levels.


And Granted. You're captured Voidus and The DA though.


I wish for the DA to be unable to retain any knowledge of my existence.

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Granted. Your brain will be liquefied every time you hear the English language spoken." 24 hours after each liquification you will be reincarnated on the streets of Antananarivo, Madagascar in a brand new body.


I wish for the Nightwatcher to alter my general quality of life in a way that the average person would concur is for the better.

Edited by Kobold King
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Granted. You've been given one million U.S. dollars, and your reputation on this site will always bet at least one greater than the user with the second most reputation.


No matter what device you are using, all attempts to access 17th Shard will result in a Rick Roll. You will never be able to contribute to the site in any way again. On the bright side, you will forever have the highest reputation.


I wish a day consisted of 30 hours, instead of 24.

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Granted.  There is no night where you live, so you must constantly walk around the world in order to make sure that people can keep living.  You are escorted by scientists who do painful experiments on you while slowly driving around the equator.  Enjoy :)


I wish that college acceptances would come out, already.


Oh crap, that one's super easy to curse  :wacko:

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