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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Dang it, got ninja'd. This word already exists. Your bane is to be forced to check out the genders thread in general discussion, instead if me telling you.

I wish for my command word of 'pugs' to be changed to a different word. (And make it a noun, not pronoun, article or conjunction)

Edited by The Honor Spren
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Granted, your command word of 'pugs' is now Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleio-lagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon


I wish for to be Richard the War(Bear)lock

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Granted, but you will now "slip" Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleio-lagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon into every word you say.


I wish I was Batman so I could take down The Honor Spren for murdering the curious small child.

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Granted. The Honor Spren is a spren, though, so nothing you do affects her. Even though you're Batman. Your bane is to always feel like there is something you are forgetting.

I wish to not HAVE to wish away my banes. I most likely will anyway, and I was cursed to wish away banes a while ago, so I'm wishing that particular bane away. Totally not bending rules here.

Edited by Windreader
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Granted, but everyone you know will suddenly receive the impression that you've passed away and no matter how many times you prove to them that you are still alive, they will soon after forget any interactions with you since the "terrible accident"


I wish that I would randomly swap usernames with another forum member and that they would have no clue that their name wasn't originally martyrboy.

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Granted. The Honor Spren is a spren, though, so nothing you do affects her. Even though you're Batman. Your bane is to always feel like there is something you are forgetting.

I wish to not HAVE to wish away my banes. I most likely will anyway, and I was cursed to wish away banes a while ago, so I'm wishing that particular bane away. Totally not bending rules here.


I wish that I would randomly swap usernames with another forum member and that they would have no clue that their name wasn't originally martyrboy.

Granted you swap names with someone who is named "idiot". You are now idiot. Edited by The Honor Spren
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Granted, but the only nights you can watch are dull evenings in rural Arkansas, and the only things your Shard allows you to cultivate are specialty turnip varieties.

I wish for a good night's sleep tonight.

Granted you will sleep soundly tonight but wake up with a massive hangover, that awful feeling of getting up on the wrong side of the bed, and the need for more sleep but the inability to go back to sleep. You shall have this for the next 5 years but tonight will be your only good night's sleep.

I wish to become the shard cultivation of Adonalsium, otherwise known as nightwatcher to the people of Roshar, a being of old magic that grants boons and babes to those who ask.

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Woah! Wait a second! If martyrboy is now idiot, then who am I? Besides, how can I grant your wish if you didn't ask for anything? O_o

I thought the deal was that people who forgot to wish for something after granting another wish get cursed anyway?

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Granted, but your curse will be, that you will be splintered by Odium in the first 20 Rosharan hours of your cexistence as a Shard and taken to Braize/Damnation to being tortured. Also, on Braize you will be gifted with the ability to grant people small boons combined with huge curses, and suffer each curse also on yourself.


I wish to become a highprince in Jah keved, since there are many vacancies on this position.

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Granted. Your curse is to forget the password to your 17th shard account.

I wish my Parshen will be immune to voidbringerizing (or how do you call it? to desolating?)

Edited by Alfa
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Granted. Your curse is to forget the password to your 17th shard account.

I wish my Parshen will be immune to voidbringerizing (or how do you call it? to desolating?)

Hah! Good thing my password is saved to my iPod and I don't even need to remember my password! :P

I will give you nimble form spren trapped in gemstones and have the Parshmen know how to bond these spren. I cannot, however, give you a highstorm within the next hour. Sorry.

Hmmm. . . My bane is to see the world upside down. Give me a suitable boon.

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Granted. They're so happy, that they can't stop laughing when seeing you and aren't capapble of any conversation with you.

I wish for all my Parshmen being sent immediately to some other shardworld.

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Granted. When they stop laughing, they will be forced to speak in a strange tonal language using only the words "blubber," "turnip," and "archipelago." This effect will be forced upon them until you leave their vicinity, and cults will arise proclaiming you to be a wicked sorceress with power over language.



I wish for an awesome meme idea.

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