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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Granted. You got the five books of "A Song of Ice and Fire". You are forced to read them all in a row. Also you are forced to feal the pain of each important character during his/her death. For help: Here is a picture showing, when important characters are dying.



Further hint: most of this deaths are very cruel.

I wish for an easy way to climb the unclimbable mountains and to find the man. With protection from high- and everstorms.

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Granted. You arrive ten minutes after the Everstorm, at a convenient lobby and elevator that has a 24/7 force of two dozen parshmen keeping it clean and dust free.


I wish to be able to erase the spoiler of Tyrion's death in Season 5 Episode 10 from my brain.


Edit: Sorry for the lack of originality, I could not resist when you put Everstorm in your boon request.

Edited by Adamir
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Not this parshmen-after-everstorm-crem again...
Granted. You now have the spoiler, that Dany is eaten up by a Dragon riden by a White-Walker-Tyrion in S6E1.
I wish all the new-voidbringers catapulted through the cosmere. Preferable to Scadrial. To the feat of Marsh. In his worst mood.

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The Voidbringers are catapulted through the Cosmere, zooming through the positive curvature of Riemannian space, all the way back to Roshar. The Nightwatcher does not listen to preferences. 


I wish for a box of indestructible pencils.

Edited by Curiosity
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Granted. Since writing with pencils is dependent on their destruction, you now have a box of indestructable pencil shaped sticks.


I wish to become one of Brandon's pre-release readers. (I don't know what the offical term for these people is, they are the people who read an author's works before they come out and give constructive feedback...kind of like editors, but with less power I think.)

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Granted. Since writing with pencils is dependent on their destruction, you now have a box of indestructable pencil shaped sticks.


I wish to become one of Brandon's pre-release readers. (I don't know what the offical term for these people is, they are the people who read an author's works before they come out and give constructive feedback...kind of like editors, but with less power I think.)


The terms they usually use are "alpha reader" and "beta reader."  Alpha readers are trusted to see the crudest text shown to anybody not actually related to them.  Beta readers are much more common and are invited when the story really, seriously needs input from the outside.

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I want to time-travel.


Granted! You can only time-travel into eras more misogynist than the one you're currently in. That applies to return trips, too. If you zap back to the 13th century, you can say goodbye to the progressive 21st.



I wish for my own dinosaur farm.

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Granted. T-Rex farm with approximately 1500 dinosaurs. You have to feed them but no food at the moment. If you don't they will break out and eat everything you ever loved. Also, after that they became Alcatraz-dinosaurs, who will ever complain about evil bibliothecars and believe, that you are one of them.


I wish  the voidbringers currently flying back to Roshar to change their course to the feet of Marsh in his worst mood.

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OK, but you can't decide how far forward you go.

I wish my brain connected to the internet.


Granted. You may now have the entirety of the internet in your mind and break from information overload.

I wish i could get my homework done.

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Granted, but you'll always finish them a week after the deadlines. Ouch.

I want to learn how to do things without studying them. I want to learn a language? I just wake up one day knowing everything there is to know about it.

Granted, but you never have a chance to apply anything you learn this way.

I wish I could change the material composition of anything.

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The question is 6x9, if I recall correctly. 

Actually, I think the "computer" running the computation to determine what the question was became contaminated by a crashed spaceship bearing all of the "useless" people from some other planet, who then caused the extinction of the original inhabitants...so the correct question was never able to be determined. The question they find is the result of that corruption...if I remember correctly from when I read that book 16 years ago...

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Holy crap, is this thread still going? I started this almost a year ago. 


And to answer the last boon asked, ok. You know the ultimate question to the ultimate answer. And to quote the author of that series, immediately upon discovering exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, the entire universe immediately ceases to exist and is replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable (not for the first time).

I ask the Nightwatcher for all the knowledge possessed by Hoid.

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