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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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4 minutes ago, WayneSpren said:

Wit torments you for an hour. He gives you the Browns as recompense, but you're too busy theorizing to take them.

I wish to have a Ponified Brandon Sandwhich Dinosaur Stickmobile Transformer.

The Nightwatcher gives you a blank look and a RAFO card. You have a vague sense of disappointment for the rest of your life.

I wish I had more Sanderfan friends who live nearby.

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50 minutes ago, Djarskublar said:

The Nightwatcher gives you a blank look and a RAFO card. You have a vague sense of disappointment for the rest of your life.

I wish I had more Sanderfan friends who live nearby.

Granted but you and your Sanderfriends nearby will somehow forget the existence of any Brandon Sanderson books whenever you hang out(i used to look for sanderfans nearby  what i did is i just introduced my friend to the books and  i got one lol)

I wish i was more competent with life in general

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11 hours ago, goody153 said:

i used to look for sanderfans nearby  what i did is i just introduced my friend to the books and  i got one lol

^^^this is the way to go

11 hours ago, goody153 said:

I wish i was more competent with life in general

The nightwatcher grants you a sort of strange case of psychosis. Every now and then, whether you want to or not, you switch personalities. Each personality has a very specialized skill set, and they are very, very good at their specialization. But not very good at other things. It should be interesting...

I wish Oathbringer comes out earlier than is currently planned.

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Granted. Stormlight 3 does come out months early, but you don't get to read it until 2 years after the original publication date :D 

I wish that this small annoying girl from my school would stop carrying Lotr books around in her hands just to look smart (??) when she doesn't even actually read them. It drives me nuts.

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Granted. She carries around Brandon Sanderson books instead. (Come on, you left that wide open.)

I wish to be more allergic to cats

Explanation: I have to go to a place I really don't want to go periodically, but I could get out of it with a viable excuse if I was just a touch more allergic...

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Granted. The Night watcher gives you a list of good questions to ask. Unfortunately, they are written in the dawn chant, and you'll have to figure out how to translate them. As your bane, your hair quits growing. I'd recommend being careful of the hair cuts you get from now on. 



Oh great Nightwatcher, I wish for my own mogwai.

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Your wish is granted.

Please do keep in mind you'll get to see the fall colors only once, since once the leaves fall off they won't regrow until the spring that never comes.  As years pass you find that it's impossible to grow food on ground that's constantly being rained on, slowly starving most of humanity.  

I wish that this hadn't gotten so dark.

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Nightwatcher slaps her knees.

'Too late!'

'Unless of course you wish to alter the fabric of time, which I am afraid is beyond my abilities.  You could ask Chaos though.  I hear his webmaster powers allow him to alter the very fabric of reality, within this site.'

:P  I wish for the ability to draw upon Saidin, without going insane, as well as a guidebook.

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Granted. You still have no idea how to use it since you have always had the ability to doodle in books.

Your bane is that whenever you use this power, you feel a desperate need to sneeze, but you never do.

I wish I was a gold/gold Twinborn with access to plenty of gold.

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Hm... Granted. Through hemalurgy. The holes torn into your soul make you so vulnerable to the thrill that an unmade of Odium possesses you. You become the appointed champion of Odium.

I wish for a lump of Honor's god metal (Tanavastium?)

Edited by Drake Marshall
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21 hours ago, Drake Marshall said:

The holes torn into your soul make you so vulnerable to the thrill that an unmade of Odium possesses you. You become the appointed champion of Odium.

How is this a Bane? :P  

23 hours ago, Djarskublar said:

Granted. You still have no idea how to use it since you have always had the ability to doodle in books.

I'm so confused.  :blink:

Anyway, Drake, you get some Tanavastium.  I'm not sure what it would do, but that sounds really cool. It might give you the Surges. Huh.

Your bane?  You lose all your teeth, Toenails, and Hair.


And maybe a toothbrush.

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Granted. The Nightwatcher hands you a key. The bane is that you are not told what the key is for. 

You eventually find what the key was supposed to open after years of searching. It's a dusty old storage garage, filled to the brim with books. Notebooks filled by Khriss, a journal of Hoid's, and many many more interesting things, including from the individual Shardworlds. Inside, the books contain the entire history, culture, and anything else you can think of related to the cosmere. (Including a few suspicious-looking comic books depicting everything that goes on inside 17th Shard.)

I wish for more time to do my homework.

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8 hours ago, nervousnerd said:

You get an electric toothbrush that will never run out of battery. It is sort of both a boon and a bane because you got what you wanted but not in the right way? Right?

This. :P

But seriously, couldn't you hook up that toothbrush to a generator and get a slow but infinite source of electricity?



5 hours ago, Sand Master said:

I wish to be a Windrunner

The nightwatcher gives you what she feels you deserve. You are transported to Roshar during a desolation. At this time, spren are bonding people more frequently, so you have the opportunity to attract an honorspren.  But while you have the opportunity, there are no shortcuts. You still have to be exceptionally honorable to become a windrunner.

Your bane is that you don't remember your life on earth, you only remember speaking with the nightwatcher and then waking up in Kholinar without prior memories. You have even forgotten how to speak English, but fortunately the nightwatcher gives you a knowledge of Alethi.


I wish for a domesticated pet axehound.

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45 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

This. :P

But seriously, couldn't you hook up that toothbrush to a generator and get a slow but infinite source of electricity?



The nightwatcher gives you what she feels you deserve. You are transported to Roshar during a desolation. At this time, spren are bonding people more frequently, so you have the opportunity to attract an honorspren.  But while you have the opportunity, there are no shortcuts. You still have to be exceptionally honorable to become a windrunner.

Your bane is that you don't remember your life on earth, you only remember speaking with the nightwatcher and then waking up in Kholinar without prior memories. You have even forgotten how to speak English, but fortunately the nightwatcher gives you a knowledge of Alethi.


I wish for a domesticated pet axehound.

The nightwatcher sees it fit to grant your boon. However, on Earth, he sticks out like a sore thumb. Scientific investigators from the government come to take your axehound away for study.

Oh yeah, and you are wiped of all memory by the government, for safety.

I wish to know everything about math, and be able to calculate instantly in my mind.

Edited by The Bear Who Lived
Added wish in "I wish to know everything"
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1 minute ago, Brightness Enna said:

Granted. They fall on you from your own personal raincloud for the rest of your life.

Your bane is that you become hopelessly allergic... ... ... to carrots.

I wish for constantly working wifi for everybody at school, including me

Granted.  Your bane is that you are the wifi antenna, and you have to read all the junk everyone sends to each other.

I wish for a nice gooey cheese sandwich.

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9 hours ago, Lightning said:

Granted.  Your bane is that you are the wifi antenna, and you have to read all the junk everyone sends to each other.

I wish for a nice gooey cheese sandwich.

Granted, no strings attached. But that's because they're invisible, unbreakable, and tying your ankles together. :D

I wish for insight into the minds of women (without becoming one, of course).

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1 hour ago, Elenion said:

Granted, no strings attached. But that's because they're invisible, unbreakable, and tying your ankles together. :D

I wish for insight into the minds of women (without becoming one, of course).

Granted, but who ever looks at you from now on will forget you the moment they look away.

I wish for an end to racism and/or a tamed axhound that can turn invisible and I can control telepathically.:P

Edited by Vaatuu
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