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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Granted, you get some scrambled eggs. In fact, you never run out of scrambled eggs for the rest of your life.

Only problem is your never ending supply of scrambled eggs comes from the fact that your pockets are always full of scrambled eggs. Every pocket. As soon as you put on pants, shirts, jackets, tuxedos, whatever, the pockets are instantly filled with delicious and nutritious scrambled eggs.

So you do what anyone with magically cursed pockets perpetually filled with scrambled eggs would do, you start an all you can eat breakfast buffet.


I wish that there was a sitcom called Baby Mama, about a baby who's also the mom of 3 troublesome teens, and I could watch it.

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Granted, and your bane is.... you, yes you, get to be the Baby Momma! You can watch it back when you grow up, but for now, enjoy a complimentary age and mind reduction!


I wish for a perfectly trained pet dragon.

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Granted, but it becomes so popular that no one wants to watch anything else. They canceled Endgame for it. Thanks a lot, @hoiditthroughthegrapevine.

I wish for the ability to hear other peoples' thoughts at will. 

Storms, that was on the other page. Ha, ha, I'm an idiot.

Edited by Shard of Thought
lil' mistake.
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4 hours ago, Inklingspren said:

I wish to be able to disobey the laws of physics and stay alive.

Granted, unfortunately you don't get to decide which laws of physics no longer apply to you. You realize your dilemma when you try to walk away from the Nightwatcher. Unfortunately for you, for every action of yours there is not an equal and opposite reaction against the force you exert. Your foot pushes against the earth in your effort to propel yourself forward, but the earth does not push against your foot and you slip and fall on your arse. You now live in a world without friction. Your vocal chords no longer are able to vibrate against each other, you have to communicate using Morse code conveyed by eye blinks. Fortunately you have a family that loves you very much, and carts your atrophied, gelatinous body around in a high walled radio flyer wagon. You have to be fed intravenously because, guess what, you can't exert force on the things you are trying to chew, and the big un-masticated chunks of food slide frictionlessly down your throat and get clogged in your plumbing, because the normal peristalsis of your digestive tract is broken as well. But due to the fact that you are basically confined to a world of pure thought and no action, you figure out the grand unifying theory of all physics, and using your enhanced understanding of Quantum mechanics and n-dimensional strings, you are able to travel back in time in your puddled slippery gelatinous state and warn yourself not to make that accursed wish.

Then you wake up in your bed, and as you lever yourself out of your bed using your arms to push off from your mattress, you look towards the sky and say "Thank God for Newton's Third Law of Motion".

4 hours ago, Shard of Thought said:

I wish for the ability to hear other peoples' thoughts at will. 

The Nightwatcher says "Umm, Ok", and as the words leave her lips you hear her think to herself "Man, that boon is it's own bane, poor kid".

As you are riding the bus back from the Nightwatcher's Valley, you spy a cute girl/boy sitting on the seat across the aisle, chuckling to yourself you use your new found power to spy on their thoughts. You hear the following "I don't think anyone is looking, it's probably an ok time to pick my nose..." then you watch horrified as he/she stealthily picks their nose, pretending that he/she is really just scratching their nostril. Then you hear in horror as he/she thinks "That went pretty well, don't think anyone even saw that. Now I am feeling a bit peckish...". Unable to turn away you see him/her put the boogey in their mouth and you hear him/her think "Umm...delicious". You turn away in disgust and instead focus on the thoughts of an elderly gentleman reading the paper, thinking this will be a safe target for your newly acquired powers. Unfortunately you hear him think "Why does my back hurt so much, I think I wet myself when we went over that last bump. I wonder if I can eat tuna fish, have I had too much salt. What's the deal with salt anyway, how come it's bad for you when it tastes so good. That reminds me of the time I was in the war....etc, etc."

It only gets worse from there. You hear every unfiltered, half formed, nonsensical thought emanating from every person around you, and realize that the conscious barrier between thought and speech exists for a reason. Not every thought should be expressed, not every thought is what the person intended to say. There are walls between the Id, the Ego and the Super Ego for a reason, thoughts should be private because intention can only be expressed through filtration of thought.

Doh, Ninja'd by @Atium

3 hours ago, Atium said:

I wish to become an AI.

The Nightwatcher looks at you with pity in her green glowing eyes and says "Granted!"

Ewe R know a sapeent, self-awar spel cheker (could you check that last line I think you have some work to do Mr. AI).


I wish @Atium, the sapient spell checking AI would give @Inklingspren spell checker advice on my spell checker advice thread:

*EDIT* Just realized that my last wish was prohibitively restrictive, and that it required a specific person to do one specific thing. So I'm going to open this up with a different alternate wish (don't care which is granted):

I wish that I had realistic tattoos on my eyelids that looked like open eyes. And since this is a magical wish, I wish that these were animated tattoos, capable of movement and were able to respond to environmental stimulus. Further I wish that these animate tattoos would maintain the perfect illusion that I am awake and paying complete attention to anyone who happens to be talking to me, while in reality my eyes are really closed and I am most likely sleeping.

Edited by hoiditthroughthegrapevine
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granted. Your new eye tattoos are completely realistic and capable of fooling anyone into thinking that they are open, and you are now able to catch up on sleep whenever you feel like it. However, people have been acting strangely about them. It turns out that they are actually tattoos of spider eyes, and are complete with the other six.

I wish to be able to worldhop.

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Granted! Whenever you burn a metal you actually burn-up inside like you feel like you are on fire on the insides. The consolation is that nothing actually happens to you but it's just that you completely feel a burning sensation whenever you use allomancy.

I wish to be really lucky

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(I’m stealing this one for when I asked something similar) granted. You now take the nightwatcher’s place. However, cultivation does not appreciate your taking her child’s power, and you are now her slave.

i wish to be able to look slightly into the future, like with atrium without the atium

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Granted. You can see, smell, hear, taste, and touch in the future. In fact, it seems like you live in the future, however, your body is in present time. You keep bumping into people after they bump into you once, you constantly feel like people say things twice, and bad tastes last twice as long.


I wish to be able to change anything’s taste.

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4 hours ago, Arash.F said:

I wish I could take the sword out of the stone!

Granted.  You can take the sword out of the stone-- but you can't the stone out of the sword! B)  

...Allow me to clarify: the sword will always crave the rocky embrace of stone.  Every time you bring the sword near anything remotely stone-like, it will zoom out of your hands straight at the stone as if it were Ironpulled.  It's very annoying and, frankly, hazardous.


I wish for the tenth pancake.

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On 1/19/2019 at 11:55 AM, Zath said:

I wish for the tenth pancake.

Granted, you now have the elusive 10th pancake!

He goes by the name of Lil' Tashikki, and he's a 100% spiritual pancake:


While he is adorable, he does follow you around incessantly and likes to perch on your head while you are waiting for the bus:



I wish that I could be a cognitive time traveler, and by this I mean I wish that I could start doing a task and then skip forward in time to when that task is complete, so that I have no conscious memory of having done that task, but I still get the benefit of having done that task. So I could go to the gym lets say, and skip forward 2 hours in time to the point where the workout is done, retain no conscious memory of having done the workout but still have the benefit of having done it. Or I could sit down with an Encyclopedia set, and then skip forward 1 week in time where I have the read every volume of the Encyclopedia, cover to cover, and retain the same information from that as I would have had I been consciously aware of reading the Encyclopedia set.

Edited by hoiditthroughthegrapevine
typos typos typos
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33 minutes ago, Rashek of Bridge Four said:

I wish I rulered the world.


A 12 inch ruler appears in your hand and you are instantaneously transported 44,015 miles from the surface of the earth and the Nightwatcher is feeling generous so you are in an oxygenated temperature controlled space suit. You find when you extend your arm fully, and are holding your 1 foot ruler at a distance of 2 feet from your eye, your 1 foot ruler completely covers up the earth. You my friend have just rulered the earth.

Unfortunately you only have 12 hours of oxygen to enjoy your time rulering the earth as you drift slowly through space, but here's a cool picture of you during your brief yet glorious time rulering:


I wish I had the magical power to summon things that were lost. Like my car keys. I could just summon them from wherever they were currently at and they would appear in my hand (not embedded in my hand, but on my hand so that I could grasp them).

Edited by hoiditthroughthegrapevine
typos, always typos
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