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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Granted. The Nightwatcher does not approve of self-harm or masochism. She does like emotional pain, though, so she puts sad music in the background of your head. BoS's too.

I wish for an ice cube.

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Granted. The spren was forced into their bond to you by a committee, and is incredibly resentful. It refuses to help you surgebind and, as it just so happens to be a fearspren, terrifies you whenever it gets bored.


I wish to know all the secrets of Hoid's life (lives?).

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4 hours ago, AonEne said:

I wish for an ice cube.


You get a corrosive, radioactive ice cube made of tritiated water. Every hydrogen atom in your ice cube is the radioactive 2 neutron isotope of Hydrogen, tritium.

The Nightwatcher put it in your lemonade, you noticed something was off when you saw that your ice cube wasn't floating and that your straw was melting. But don't worry, super heavy water is only mildly radioactive and has a half life of only 2 weeks.

Doh, didn't see there was another page...


Granted, you can now do back flips, unfortunately you always have to land your back flips doing the splits, and then you are compelled to scissor your legs together to rise up to a standing position and finish this move off by saying "Thank you, thank you very much" using your best Elvis impersonation voice ( which I gotta say is pretty decent).

I wish I had a watch that uses tritium tubes for illumination in low light conditions because they're freaking awesome, come on Nightwatcher help me out.

Edited by hoiditthroughthegrapevine
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Granted. You can now turn into any creature you so desire. However, when you do, you must stay in that creature’s form for at least a year. And then, however long you spent as that creature you now have to spend as a human before you can again change form.

I wish that I didn’t have to go to school today.

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2 minutes ago, BringerofShadows said:

I wish for people to get along.

Granted, there is no more conflict in the world because, in a single instance, the frontal lobes of every sentient being were removed. The world now looks eerily like the pictures on Jehovah's witness pamphlets, where people are stretched out on picnic blankets sharing food with lions, squirrels, eagles and bears, only all the animals and people are drooling a lot more.

I wish that I could melt cheese using just the power of my mind.

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5 hours ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

Granted, there is no more conflict in the world because, in a single instance, the frontal lobes of every sentient being were removed. The world now looks eerily like the pictures on Jehovah's witness pamphlets, where people are stretched out on picnic blankets sharing food with lions, squirrels, eagles and bears, only all the animals and people are drooling a lot more.

I wish that I could melt cheese using just the power of my mind.

Granted, but it always burns. 



I wish for T-Series to loose all their subscribers. 

Edited by BringerofShadows
*sigh* Grammar.
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47 minutes ago, BringerofShadows said:

I wish for people to subscribe to PewDiePie!

Granted, but for every subscriber PewDiePie gets, two people subscribe to T-Series. And three subscribe to DudePerfect so they can #TiethePie despite that being an obvious ploy to become the most subscribed channel

I wish for two randomly selected cities in the world to switch places, without the residents of them knowing about it. I'd also like a helicopter so I can fly over one of the cities and watch people's reactions when they leave the city limits. :ph34r:

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(Lol I haven’t been on here in a year it’s nice to see this is still going)

Granted, but no one in your family can remember him, causing endless shenanigans and unecessarily complicated emotions.

I wish for a fully-functioning hyperspace-capable starfighter with a teddy bear on the dashboard. (The teddy bear is crucial you see.)

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