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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Granted. However, your nose is now 150% it's current size, and has a strange mole that may or may not be cancerous.

I wish to be able to go to and from alternate planets and universes at will, basically worldhopping into and out of any fictional TV show, movie, or book I desire.

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33 minutes ago, Stormgate said:

I wish to be able to go to and from alternate planets and universes at will, basically worldhopping into and out of any fictional TV show, movie, or book I desire.

Granted!  All you have to do is focus on where and when you want to go in the story, breathe deeply, and sneeze.  Ta-da!  You're in Roshar!  Or Newcago!  Or the Shire!  Or Endor!  Or Hogwarts!  Or Central City!  Wherever you want!  The ability even extends to video game worlds!  Wow!  Welcome to Aperture Laboratories!  Or Hyrule!  Or the Mushroom Kingdom!  And so many more!  You have to wait 5 minutes before you can world-hop back out of a world, though, so be sure to pick a place and time that will be relatively danger-free for at least 300 seconds after you arrive.

Your bane is that at random times, commercials impose themselves on whatever reality you happen to be in at the moment, superseding everything else that's currently happening and demanding your total attention.  They're the most annoying, poor quality advertisements ever devised by the twisted minds of marketing.  And they're all for goods and services that you already have.  Fortunately, for just $19.99 a month, you can upgrade to Worldhopper Premium and go ad-free!  ...If only you could figure out how to access your account and actually upgrade your stormin' subscription!  ARGH!!

Ninja'd.  Storms.  

17 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

I wish for Stan Lee to be alive

Granted!  Stan Lee lives in your basement.  If you didn't have a basement before, you do now.  He eats all your food and never cleans up after himself.  It's worth it, though, because every other day he pops up and delivers an utterly hilarious one-liner before hobbling back to your basement to read comics.  He's a terrible house guest, but boy, can he make you laugh.


I wish to be the ninja. :ph34r:

Edited by Zath
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23 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

*Wonders what the bane was*

Granted, but it only plays Let It Go.

I wish for a pizza

The bane is you’re an Era 1 Feruchemist, as in living in Era 1 Scadrial :P

2 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

Granted. A koloss thinks it looks cool.

I wish I could find true love today.


Granted. But now your feet are pointed backwards.

I wish to be Kirby.

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