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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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4 minutes ago, WannabeWorldhopper said:

Granted. We get an evil, corrupt Shard who is intent on destroying us.

I wish for really good food from The Happy Inquisitor

Granted, but unfortunately Rock burned his hand while cooking and Lopen took over for him. Needless to say, Herdazian tastes are suited to a select few, and most of the poor fools who ate his stew were condemned to a series of sleepless nights and stomach cramps. 

I wish to live in an eternal Spring morning. (Sunny and temperate, please.)

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Granted. You are caught in a time loop that lasts until 12:00 pm on a perfect spring morning. You will never age, never die (permanently), and will eventually learn how to get whatever outcome you want out of the morning. However, you can never escape the loop, unless you do one thing that nobody, including you, really knows what it is. If you never do this thing, time will progress normally for everyone else, but without you in it.

I wish to have the ability to learn anything to expert level in a day, being able to learn something else to expert level the next day. (I mean things like spherical geometry, quantum physics, as well as telepathy, flight, etc.)

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1 hour ago, TheGirlWhoLookedUp said:

Granted, everyone else hears beautiful music whenever you play. You, however, only hear the screeching  of nails on a blackboard.

I wish to visit Urithiru.

granted. all you got to do is read the books and dream.

I wish that I could become one of Sandersons beta readers (Its a real life wish...)

Edited by Turin Turambar
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10 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

Granted, but you get fired immediately and after word spreads out you are banned from all bookstores so you can never buy his books again.

I wish my writing abilities were on par with Sanderson's.

Granted, but your internet is now so slow you cannot read or post anything more than a paragraph in an hour.

slow internet is worse than no internet.

I wish to win the lottery!

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11 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

Granted. It’s watching Numuhukumakiaki’aialunamor cook

Hey! This thing, he is very entertaining!

Granted, you win “The Day”, a copy of a boring newspaper that summarizes the events of the day.

I wish for perfect grammar skillz.

Edited by Lunamor
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2 minutes ago, P's and Q's said:

Granted! You now have an annoying tendency to correct everyone around you for their far inferior grammar.

I already do that. :P

Granted, but you lose all upvotes currently on your posts and any they may receive in the future.

I wish for an infinite, clean source of energy.

Edited by Lunamor
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Just now, Lunamor said:

I already do that. :P

Granted, but you lose all of your upvotes and any you may receive in the future.

I wish for an infinite, clean source of energy.

The price of generosity I guess. ^_^

Granted, but you lose a bit of your identity every time someone uses your new infinite clean source of energy to charge their phone.

I wish for an regenerating slice of pepperoni and sausage pizza.

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