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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Read my title. :P

The Nightwatcher surveys you, then directs you to a forum where everyone is miserable - but there are no shipping threads.

I wish for MORE shipping threads, with everyone being nice and debating calmly.

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14 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Read my title. :P

The Nightwatcher surveys you, then directs you to a forum where everyone is miserable - but there are no shipping threads.

I wish for MORE shipping threads, with everyone being nice and debating calmly.

As the Nightwatcher grants your wish, the Cosmere enters a state of perfect harmony. The three realms collapse and merge into a non dimensional infinity. All experiences return to the One and its purpose is finally realized.

The one wishes for new experiences.

Edited by SwordNimiForPresident
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19 minutes ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

I wish for unlimited fresh poppy seed muffins that I can eat.

Granted, they are all wearing metal chains and blast rap music.

I wish for a blue lizard. I dunno why, I just want one.

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On 3/9/2019 at 4:13 PM, The Technovore said:

You set that scene up beautifully @Zath, do you happen to be an aspiring writer?

Thanks!  I've considered becoming an author, yeah.  

45 minutes ago, equinox said:

I wish for a recipe for poppy seed muffins

Granted!  The Nightwatcher does a quick Google search, jots down the following recipe on a leaf, and then hands it to you.


  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2-1/2 cups sugar
  • 2 tablespoons poppy seeds
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 1-1/2 cups milk
  • 1 cup canola oil
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons almond extract


  • In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugar, poppy seeds, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, whisk the eggs, milk, oil and extracts; stir into dry ingredients just until moistened.
  • Fill greased or paper-lined muffin cups two-thirds full. Bake at 350° for 20-25 minutes or until muffins test done. Cool in pan 10 minutes before removing to a wire rack. Serve warm.

(Recipe from Taste of Home's website.)


I wish for peace in our time.

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1 hour ago, Zath said:


Awesome! Same story here! Although I don’t really put in the time like want to be/should be... it’s funny how with all the roleplay here, you can really tell the difference between the aspiring writers and... those who are not aspiring writers. There’s just a love for the scene thst you can really feel whenever they post y’know? anyhow...

1 hour ago, Zath said:

I wish for peace in our time.

The nightwatcher cracks a grin. “Finally, It’s you. I’ve been waiting so long.” She closes her eyes and tilts her head to feel the sun on her face. “It has been done. Thank you Zath. You’ve saved us all.” Above her head, the sky cracks, blue and white light spilling out of the seams that stitch the world together. A deep rumbling emenates from the ground, from the plants, from the air itself as the earth takes a deep sigh of relief. You stare up in wonder as the light intensifies, and as the cracks spread. Other colors join the blue and white—green, red, black, yellow—the full spectrum of light and energy joins in and bathes the earth in warmth.

The nightwatcher begins to laugh. Beginning a low chuckle, it quickly becomes a mad, hysterical laugh. She points to the East, at the horizon line of the mountains and sky. “Look!”

A golden light seems to concentrate... first a pinprick, then a flame, then a star. It shines with terrible power and destruction. “He cannot possibly stand against the Collective! It’s over! It’s finally over!” The golden light concentrates from a star back into a tiny point, before blazing across the sky in a single, powerful beam. It flies overhead, consuming everything and threatening with all the rage and hatred of divinity.

Just as you’re nearly convinced you’re doomed to be consumed, the beam impacts against the sky itself, pressing against the cacophany of colors. They contest for a few, precious, breathtaking moments. If you haven’t figured it out before you’ve now realized you are witnessing history on an infinite scale. The golden light falters, then fades, before being blasted back by a brutal unleashing of raw power. When your vision returns to you, the harsh golden light is gone, utterly destroyed.

Standing above you in the air dozens of beings radiating light of all colors survey their newly-reclaimed home. They cry out in unison, their voices gentle, yet piercing, drowning out all noise and enveloping continents.


The Nightwatcher smiles at you again. “Thank you. Your bane is that you’ll have garlic breath for the rest of your life.”

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Just now, BringerofShadows said:

Granted. But then you get polio and are paralyzed from the thigh down.



I wish for people to remember to wish. *Cough Cough* @The Technovore *Cough Cough* 

Granted. However they all wish the same wish and it is the same wish that the first wisher in the wishing thread wished.

I wish for some chocolate ice cream.

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3 hours ago, BringerofShadows said:

Granted, but it tastes like Vanilla. 



I wish for a wish that grants me more wishes.

Granted, but you can only wish for more wishes, thus caught in a endless cycle of wishing for more wishes.

I wish the ability to write a good book, and then somehow create a new Cosmere book with Sanderson

Edited by Truthless of Shinovar
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Granted. Your gradnfather died of polio at the age of 8, and your bilogical father is completely infertile. And yet, you exist. Have fun with that. Also your feet hum when you stand on tile.



[insert a bunch of people calling me out on not wishing here]


I wish for a meteor of solid gold to land in my backyard without wrecking my house or my family.

Edited by The Technovore
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49 minutes ago, The Technovore said:

Granted. Your gradnfather died of polio at the age of 8, and your bilogical father is completely infertile. And yet, you exist. Have fun with that. Also your feet hum when you stand on tile.



I wish for a meteor of solid gold to land in my backyard without wrecking my house or my family.

Granted, it wrecks both.

I wish for my phone’s camera to consistently work.

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Granted. “V” is also transformed as a phenome of “U”, and “W” is also replased by “U”, as well as “X” by “S”, and “d”, “p”, and “q” by “b”. Now that the English language only konsists of 20.5 letters and all books are utterly uorthless, an angry mob of historians, authors, english teachers, and lawyers are now after your heab, and will likely kook, kik, and otherwise kause you to sease to exist.

I wish to marry my true love for time and all eternity.

Edited by The Technovore
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