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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Granted, the world is perfect. However, humans are not.

Your bane is that you are have to watch all of this, and can't doing anything to stop it.

Over time, the new generations learn NOTHING. They repeat the mistakes of the generations before them, building horribly inefficient and polluting factories, cities, and more, all the while killing the environment and ruining the lives of millions. The world was once perfect for them. They had a chance. And they MESSED. IT. UP.


Now they're dead.


I wish that this doesn't happen.

Edited by Mushroom Catalog
I forgot a wish...
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5 hours ago, BringerofShadows said:

Granted, you have the grit and knowledge to finish that math test. Other than that you’re average.





I wish that my Science teacher wasn’t mean.

Granted. Now they have turned into Professor Binns from HP. They aren’t mean, but are incredibly boring.

I wish for my computer to be easier to scroll on.

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On 5/11/2019 at 1:34 PM, BringerofShadows said:

I wish that people wouldn’t wish for things like that. (I’m prude, okay?)

The Nightwatcher grants your wish happily, with the effect of no humans ever feeling any sexual urges ever again (romance still happens, the physical lust is simply removed). It's up for debate whether that's a bane or another boon. (And everyone, I agree, can we not wish for stuff like that?)

I wish for a good song recommendation.

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26 minutes ago, AonEne said:

The Nightwatcher grants your wish happily, with the effect of no humans ever feeling any sexual urges ever again (romance still happens, the physical lust is simply removed). It's up for debate whether that's a bane or another boon. (And everyone, I agree, can we not wish for stuff like that?)

I wish for a good song recommendation.

Granted. The Nightwatcher has a rather, er... interesting taste in music. She summons Parry Gripp, who proceeds to rather loudly sing “It’s Raining Tacos”.

I wish for a taco that doesn’t have everything spill out the bottom when I try to eat it.

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You know that's a good idea.  The Nightwatcher, who is very familiar with waiting and generally forgetful folk on the popular video game Destiny 2, is very empathetic to this sort of thing.  So, she tells you that @Rosharan A.C. will post, but will pull a me and only post once every say, six months

I wish that My Destiny 2 clan would go raiding with me.

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10 minutes ago, Arith Matic said:

You know that's a good idea.  The Nightwatcher, who is very familiar with waiting and generally forgetful folk on the popular video game Destiny 2, is very empathetic to this sort of thing.  So, she tells you that @Rosharan A.C. will post, but will pull a me and only post once every say, six months

I wish that My Destiny 2 clan would go raiding with me.

Granted, you end up dying 37 times and it takes you 12 hours to complete.

I wish for better penmanship.

Edited by Lunamor
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1 hour ago, Ghanderflaffle said:

"Granted, but on the final you forget everything and fail badly." Narrator Ghanderflaffle said as she slid in.

"I wish for more Narrators!"

Granted, but they aren't narrating anything.

(BTW, I did quit my job and have another one lined up for me. I'll prove the Nightwatcher wrong!). I wish college was as easy as kindergarten.

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