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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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5 hours ago, Llstml said:

I wish for more time.


The Nightwatcher's speech becomes slower and slower till it becomes incomprehensible. And then nothing. Everything is frozen. You can't move, because the very air around you is frozen. Time passes, aons come and go. You're still in that glade, frozen in that one moment of the granting of your ill-fated wish.

Unbeknownst to you, The Nightwatcher continues, "your bane is death... or shall I say your boon is death" and summons a sword to swiftly decapitate you.

But to you the sword approaches ever so slowly, ever so slightly. A millimetre every one millenia. You watch its approach with terror and elation in your heart. You want release. You don't want to die. You want release. You don't want to die. You want release. Just kill me please. You want release.....

Edited by Honorless
Ninja'ed by a picosecond
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9 hours ago, Honorless said:


The Nightwatcher's speech becomes slower and slower till it becomes incomprehensible. And then nothing. Everything is frozen. You can't move, because the very air around you is frozen. Time passes, aons come and go. You're still in that glade, frozen in that one moment of the granting of your ill-fated wish.

Unbeknownst to you, The Nightwatcher continues, "your bane is death... or shall I say your boon is death" and summons a sword to swiftly decapitate you.

But to you the sword approaches ever so slowly, ever so slightly. A millimetre every one millenia. You watch its approach with terror and elation in your heart. You want release. You don't want to die. You want release. You don't want to die. You want release. Just kill me please. You want release.....

Perfect! now I have plenty of time for self reflection!

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9 hours ago, AonEne said:

I wish to be able to get out of bed tomorrow. 

Granted. You do get out of the bed the next day. You step out carefully, of course. One does not trust the monkey's paw that is The Nightwatcher. To your surprise the day went great. You weren't tired at all! In fact you had more energy than ever! Now that you thought about it you had the most restful sleep in a long time that night. Evening approaches, you go back home happy. Have a nice dinner, chat with some friends, do some RP, watch a few episodes of RWBY, feel sleepy. That night your bed swallows you.

You did wish to be able to get out of bed for one day


I wish for the ability to always have a little cash in my pockets

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1 hour ago, Honorless said:

I wish for the ability to always have a little cash in my pockets

Granted. However, you will never have any money on you except for the cash in your pocket, which will never be the correct currency for you to use.


I wish for a sixteen absolutely perfect gemstones capable of capturing shards.

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16 hours ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

Granted, but for whatever reason, they are the most incredibly embarrassing thing you’ve ever carried, and everyone constantly ostrasizes you for having 16 shards in your pocket.

I wish for the month of January to pass by quickly

Granted! The next time you wake up, you'll find that it is February. The catch is that this will always be the case. Every time you go to bed after the end of the year, you will remain asleep until the month of January has passed. This is not a stasis either, your body continues to function as it normally would for the entirety of the month. Without the help of friends and family, you will die of dehydration or starvation during your time asleep. If they don't change your clothes or bathe you, you'll wake up filthy. If they don't turn you over every once in a while, you will get bed sores. Also, you age normally during that time. You've just lost 1/12 of your waking life.

I wish to be able to store my motivation to do work when I choose to and then tap it at a later time.

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5 hours ago, SirWolfe said:

I wish to be able to store my motivation to do work when I choose to and then tap it at a later time.

"Granted", The Nightwatcher hands over a pair of metal bracers to you. "Well, try them!", she urges you on. So you do, you start storing your motivation in them. For a second, you were afraid that you'll lose the motivation to keep storing motivation, but it came to you as easy as breathing. So you stored and stored and stored. You decided to stop but couldn't seem to complete the thought. You didn't have the motivation to stop. Somewhere deep inside, a part of you was panicking but couldn't find the motivation to wonder why. The thought bubbled up in your mind to take off and throw the bracers away but you couldn't find the motivation to move a muscle. So you stood there and continued storing motivation.


I wish for the ability of precise hemokinesis (telekinetic manipulation of blood) Mwahahahahaha!

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2 hours ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

I wish for a 4.0 gpa. My current one is only a 3. something.

Congratulations! You now get a perfect GPA regardless of what you do. Unfortunately, your teachers hate you with a burning passion, you find yourself with multiple permanent reports on your school record, and you now have a criminal history (not for murder or anything, just for robbery and repeat arson). If you wanted the GPA to get into college, tough luck, they won't take you. If that's your college GPA we are talking about, have fun trying to find work with that criminal history of yours.

I wish for one week where everything goes right for me. 

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2 minutes ago, SirWolfe said:

I wish for one week where everything goes right for me. 

Granted! for one week everything you see will move to the right for you, no matter how large it is. I am feeling generous today, so I will make it permanent and skip the bane.


I wish to be smart enough to do school easily, but not too smart to interact with people.

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1 minute ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

Granted! But like Taravangian, you're IQ fluctuates at the worst times. You need to do a test? 5 IQ. You need to interact and be social? 160 IQ. Good luck! 

I wish for a new coat. 

Granted. You can never take it off.

I wish for tetrachromacy.

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57 minutes ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

Granted! But like Taravangian, you're IQ fluctuates at the worst times. You need to do a test? 5 IQ. You need to interact and be social? 160 IQ. Good luck! 

I wish for a new coat. 

Granted! You get a nice warm coat! Your bane is simple, you will always feel slightly too warm to be comfortable.


51 minutes ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

What is your boon?

I want my dog to live in a healthy and unaged condition for another 20 years. :)

Edited by Voidus
Merged double post
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2 hours ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

I wish for a new pair of headphones. 

Granted. You are given two phones made out of human skulls. Your curse is that they require investiture to work, and, like Nightblood, if you don't have enough investiture, they will kill you


I wish for the Nightwatcher to bond with someone in Stormlight 4.

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3 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

I wish for tetrachromacy.

Granted! You’re also blind. 

6 minutes ago, Llstml said:

I wish for the Nightwatcher to bond with someone in Stormlight 4. 

Granted! You are now cursed to never be able to spell. 

I wish people would stop skipping wishes. 

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3 minutes ago, AonEne said:

I wish people would stop skipping wishes. 

Granted! as this is such an insidious threat, I shall forgo the bane entirely, leaving only the boon. No one shall ever forget to wish again.



Someone else can wish now.


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3 minutes ago, Silva said:

Granted. People stop skipping other peoples' wishes, but stop wishing themselves.

I wish to not receive a bane for this wish.

Granted, but you receive an extra boon of people wishing again. 

I wish for the wishing system to stop being messed with. :ph34r: 

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4 minutes ago, Llstml said:

I'm sorry, this wish is impossible to grant, care to wish again?

I wish for a puppy. Also, this boon is immune to any and all banes that have anything to do with said puppy, or with my interactions with it. 

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2 hours ago, AonEne said:

I wish for a puppy. Also, this boon is immune to any and all banes that have anything to do with said puppy, or with my interactions with it. 

'How wonderful!" says the Nightwatcher as she hands you a fluffy puppy, "People typically ask for power or wealth, but you asked for a friend." She thinks about your request that the boon be unaffected by the bane, and decides that is fair. She tells you that your bane shall be the "ire of cats", whatever that means.

As you walk home, every cat hisses at you. You try to give one a light pat on the head, and you get scratched and bitten. Who cares, you think as you look down at the puppy cradled in your arms, I've got this little guy right here.

I wish for a handheld lighter that never runs out of fuel or breaks.

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