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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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11 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Heck yes you are. Your TADB posts are always great. 

Awwwww, you’re making me blush :wub:

But in all honesty, that means so much to me you have no idea. I’ve never been very confident in my writing skills (though you’ve probably realised that by now ^_^). 

So thank you so storming much!

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2 minutes ago, The Awakened Salad said:

So thank you so storming much! 

You're welcome! You should be more confident though, you really are a good writer. I see a lot of RPers on here and other students in creative writing classes in school - you're above-average skilled. :D 

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13 minutes ago, AonEne said:

You're welcome! You should be more confident though, you really are a good writer. I see a lot of RPers on here and other students in creative writing classes in school - you're above-average skilled. :D 

Yay! I really do need to write more, so hopefully I can convince my brain to me more motivated now.

Anyway, I think we’ve derailed this thread enough, so back to granting wishes :P.

3 hours ago, Mushroom Catalog said:

I wish to not blush so STORMING often.

Granted, now instead of blushing you do a little dance instead. 

I wish for a little bit more of confidence (only a pinch). 

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1 minute ago, The Awakened Salad said:

I wish for a little bit more of confidence (only a pinch). 

Granted, you gain a pinch of confidence...every time someone pinches you. ;) 

I wish for Sharders to hunt me down so I can share my conversation hearts with them. 

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6 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Granted, you gain a pinch of confidence...every time someone pinches you. ;)

*Runs around aggressively asking people to pinch me* 

Salad: Pinch me.

Random: What?

Salad: Pinch me! Now!

6 minutes ago, AonEne said:

I wish for Sharders to hunt me down so I can share my conversation hearts with them. 

Granted, we all hunt you down. Every single member of the shard shows up to your wherever you are. Unfortunately, we are all stuck there and have to stay there until you leave, where we will follow you to wherever you go.

I wish for a pony. 

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Just now, The Awakened Salad said:

Unfortunately, we are all stuck there and have to stay there until you leave, where we will follow you to wherever you go. 

Where's the downside? 


No I'm not insane I do realize all the many downsides 


Worth it 



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On 1/15/2020 at 4:44 PM, The Awakened Salad said:

I wish for a pony. 

Granted, you get a Ryshadium pony. only problem is that it hates you and tries to kill you whenever you attempt to ride it.


I wish for these powers:


The ability to manipulate any form of energy, including kinetic energy, laser, energy shields, heat, and flame, or I can absorb it and release it whenever I want to treating it as my own energy, however, I cannot convert between different energy types, or generate energy by myself, so I must absorb it from outside sources, like bullets or nuclear explosions.

Secondary power:

time manipulation, I can slow or speed up time for myself or others, even freezing it in bubbles for as long as I want. However, I can only freeze a certain area/number of people at a time, and I have almost reached my limit for unknown reasons.


letting people I love die. I have permanently frozen in time my hometown to keep my family safe, which puts serious limits on my time powers.


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13 hours ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

I wish to become a feruchemist.

Granted, You become a feruchemist. your curse is that you live in Era 3 of Mistborn, and are forced into slavery by the government, who force you to constantly store all your attributes, allowing them to make Fullborn weapons that they use to control the populace. The public doesn't know of your fate, thinking you to be doing this of your own free will, so they hate you. You are eventually kidnapped by terrorists who give you limited access to an A-gold hemalurgic spike, and force you to use it to survive them spiking your attributes out constantly.


I wish to be an A-pewter, F-bendalloy twinborn.

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On 1/17/2020 at 7:36 PM, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

Why did you put your weakness?

So that I could sue the Nightwatcher for giving me two banes! I am suing you for three sets of Shards (Shardblade and Shardplate), 100,000 Nalthian breaths (of the magical variety, that bring me to heightenings, not literal breaths) three beads of Lerasium that are each the size of an emerald broam, the Masque of the Shadowlord, 100 tons of pure aluminum (or aluminium), and my extra bane removed.

This is not a wish, and if I am given a bane, I will bring this to Shard court and have Cultivation strip you of your investiture and give it to me.

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On 1/18/2020 at 9:55 PM, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

I wish I was less tired all the time.

Granted, you always fall asleep at 10 pm every night, and wake up at 7 am every morning consistently, without fail. With your new health amount of sleep, you are no longer tired. However, this happens even when you don't want to sleep. Swimming? Time to drown. Need to be someplace at 4 in the morning? Too bad!

I wish I could function normally on only 2 hours of sleep every 24 hours, and I can choose when I sleep.

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Granted. You're now a small meat and cheese sandwich with a square-ish bun. You're bane is you're so delicious that everyone wants to eat you, and you have to live the rest of your life on the run.


I wish contacts wouldn't make my eyes feel so weird every time I used them.

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19 minutes ago, Rosharan A.C. said:

I wish contacts wouldn't make my eyes feel so weird every time I used them.

Granted, instead of making your eyes feel weird, they cause immense pain. Your curse is that you will have a pair of contacts permanently fused to you face.


I wish for a full suit of Mithril plate armor, with a Mithril sword and shield that cannot be stolen from me.

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