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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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On 11/29/2016 at 2:47 PM, VirtuousTraveller said:

Granted.  The Nightwatcher tells you that she appreciates the references above.

Your bane is that everything you see now appears like an inside joke, but you will never be quite "on the inside" enough to understand it.

*In a booming voice* Enough!! You have kept me waiting for over 24 hours and still you have not made your request. I, The Nightwatcher, am not accustomed to being forced to wait... Due to your insolence,  I will choose for you, and I choose for you to understand just how small and insignificant you are! I grant you possession of each and every one of the shards, one at a time!

*Time and time again you feel emence, distinct, powers flow into and become part of you, only to be replaced by a different power. Power to create, and power to destroy. One by one they enter you, and one by one they leave you, returning to their current holders. You fall to the ground, overwhelmed and exhausted from the experience.*

Your blessing shall be your bane mortal!! You shall live the rest of your life knowing what power truly is and just how weak and insignificant you are in the grand scheme of things. Live your life knowing what it is to trifle with one such as I!


Ok. That was kinda fun. Speaking of fun... My wish is for everyone to watch Brandon's reading from the next book. His reading of Dalinar's past was beyond awesome! 

Edited by DarkJester
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Hm... Granted. You have total immunity to being lied to. Whenever someone utters a lie to you, it sets of a kind of mental alarm in your head and you know they are lying to you.

However, if you have been listening to pattern... You may have noticed that human interactions rely on certain kinds of lies.

And you didn't ask for immunity to deception, or lies with malicious intent, just lies in general.

Most figures of speech, all forms of metaphor, and plenty of other phrasings in the English language set off your lie detection power. You can never actually tell if someone is lying or not since everyone always registers as lying. And whenever someone talks to you, they inevitably set off your alarm multiple times which puts you on edge.


I wish for timeliness, the attribute that Hoid reasons is most valued.

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Your bane is that though you have timeliness,  you will be forced to have to go through drastic measures to have such, such as kill, maul, and murder others.

My wish is for the ability of flight, and wings. I would enjoy the adrenaline rush of the wind flowing through my hair and the nothing but the ground far below me.


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Ah, but if I am killing people in a timely fashion that means their death serves the greater good ;)

Anyways. Granted. Your have the ability to fly with wings. However, since you are a human, with human bone density and limb thickness... The wings need to be enormous. Which in turn makes you so top-heavy that you can't even stand. On the bright side, while you can no longer walk, you really are quite good at flying, once you manage to take off into the air.

Oh, and also, after a few sightings... Your local government wants you for dissection. I hope you can learn evasive flying quickly or your newfound freedom in the air will be short lived indeed...

Those are just side effects from granting your boon in a realistic way however. For your actual bane, your ability to fly is negated by kool aid.


I wish for a pet lifeless squirrel.

EDIT: Ninja'd by stonesinew... Disregard my wish then.

Edited by Drake Marshall
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1 hour ago, Talanelat'Elin Stonesinew said:

Fine, but you will not be able to stop flying until you die.



I wish for free chocolate

Granted, but it's 10% cacao and 90% the dirt it was grown in


I wish that it will snow more

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Granted, though the worse your karma is, more it snows AND the worse your karma gets.


I wish that the person who grants my wish will go and watch at least one Studio C sketch on YouTube. To whoever grants this wish, you are welcome for the funny.:D

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On 12/9/2016 at 4:28 PM, Optima_Primus said:

Granted, but the person is exempt in the first place. Lol


I wish I can be the best at welding.

Granted. However, you can no longer find anything that matches (mismatched socks and clothes and any gloves you find will all be the same hand)

I wish that my bane will be a boon

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36 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

Granted. Anyone within a mile or so of you miraculously heals, but you sustain whatever ailments or injuries they had. Your bane is a boon... To other people.

I wish for a babel fish.

Granted. Your bane is that you have a fear of fish.


I wish for patience

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48 minutes ago, Jedal said:

Granted. Your bane is that you have a fear of fish.


I wish for patience

Granted, you get camomile tea and a personal therapist.


Your bane is that you will never find what you are looking for, but when you stop looking for it it is possible to find.



I wish for creativity and a self-nullifying bane...

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8 minutes ago, Julio said:

You will constantly be thinking about creative ways to kill yourself. When you die, your bane will have been nullified...


I wish to be able to wield both Saidin and Saidar.

Fine, but you will be a mutation of a man and a woman and you will look so ugly that you will drink Bleach


I want to meet Sazed

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1 hour ago, Talanelat'Elin Stonesinew said:

Fine, but you will be a mutation of a man and a woman and you will look so ugly that you will drink Bleach


I want to meet Sazed

Granted. You meet Sazed... Because you died and he had a chat with you just before you passed into the great beyond.

I wish for a babel squid.


PS: Also I can't resist adding a second reply to one of these:

On 12/11/2016 at 10:17 AM, Jedal said:

I wish for patience

Granted. The nightwatcher informs you that you will receive patience in 100 years time.

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13 minutes ago, Jedal said:


I wish to know the mind of a woman.

The Nightwatcher pales at the magnitude of the task, but says that she will try her best.



Granted, you will now know the mind of a woman... by transforming into one at completely random times throughout the day. The process will be very painful and rather embarrassing.


For your bane you will have to listen to your least favorite Shakespeare play all day every Sunday.


I wish to be a powerful duke in a medieval kingdom.

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Just now, Lord_of_Awesome said:

The Nightwatcher pales at the magnitude of the task, but says that she will try her best.



Granted, you will now know the mind of a woman... by transforming into one at completely random times throughout the day. The process will be very painful and rather embarrassing.


For your bane you will have to listen to your least favorite Shakespeare play all day every Sunday.


I wish to be a powerful duke in a medieval kingdom.

I don't really mind, it would really help me understand.

Anyways, granted. However, you will be the wife of a powerful duke, and inherit his land after he dies.

For your bane, you are forced to randomly burst out in rap, specifically Eminem. Oh, how that is going to confuse your late husband.

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