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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Granted. From now on, water is the only solid thing to you. Everything else is like water.


(Water is ground to you, and ground is water. You swim through land now.)


I wish I was a Rithmatist.

Granted, but your hands spasm eternally, forcing you to spend an entire day to make a single chalkling.


I wish that Stones Unhallowed would come out sooner.

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Granted, but your hands spasm eternally, forcing you to spend an entire day to make a single chalkling.

I wish that Stones Unhallowed would come out sooner.

This request is beyond The Nightwatcher's power. The book has been decreed by Sanderson himself to have a new title, and we all know that Brandon is secretly the God Beyond of the Cosmere. :P;)

I want. . . To be immune to fire. In all ways.

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This request is beyond The Nightwatcher's power. The book has been decreed by Sanderson himself to have a new title, and we all know that Brandon is secretly the God Beyond of the Cosmere. :P;)

I want. . . To be immune to fire. In all ways.

granted, but you will be a being of flame, burning all that surrounds you.


I wish to be able to summon anything I have lost at a thought

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Granted. For some reason the hat is upwards down and constantly full with water. If you do not move carefully, water splashes down on your head.


I wish for a bottle of my preferrable drink that never gets empty, regardless how much I am drinking of it.

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Granted, but the portals open into completely random spots in the Solar system, leading to a very high probability that your closet door will open into the freezing nothingness of empty space.

I wish for the power to consciously decide what I'm going to dream about right before I fall asleep.

I wish for a hat that levitates above my head.

Best. Wish. Ever. Edited by Herowannabe
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Granted, but the portals open into completely random spots in the Solar system, leading to a very high probability that your closet door will open into the freezing nothingness of empty space.

I wish for the power to consciously decide what I'm going to dream about right before I fall asleep.


Your wish is granted, but you can never remember these dreams in the morning.


I wish that I could become invisible at will.

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Granted. You have also a head attached to each foot. And yes, they are individuals, and also yes, they argue to each other. Ignoring you half of the time. They also have a different sleep-wake-cycle then you.


I wish for a sapling of Yggdrasil.

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