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1 hour ago, Just-A-Stick said:


I was walking upstairs, (i go to school in an old house)

And I tripped DoWn ThE sTaIrS


Me: *trips_downthestairs*

Me: *is_at_the_bottom_ofthestairs_now*

My teacher: [My_Name]?

Me: *jumps_to_feet*


Me: *grins_like_a_crazy_person*

Me: *goes_back_upstairs*

My teacher: ...

"are you ok?"

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1 hour ago, Wierdo said:



1 hour ago, Through The Living Glass said:

*pokes head out of the shadows*

*whispers* "don't take the cookie... cookie... cookie..."


*maniacal cackling*


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Exponents are easy though

If you have a calculator


How do you do strikethroughs, I can’t figure it out

I don’t want to write a poem about:


A toy car

A paper caboose

A bracelet

A pair of bright-green star-shaped sunglasses

A pair of earrings


(lol I thought it was a pin, then I saw the back and said, wait why are there screws?! 🤣)

A bracelet

A Pipe Cleaner

A skateboard keychain

But I’ll do it anyways



I was walking upstairs, (i go to school in an old house)

And I tripped DoWn ThE sTaIrS


Me: *trips_downthestairs*

Me: *is_at_the_bottom_ofthestairs_now*

My teacher: [My_Name]?

Me: *jumps_to_feet*


Me: *grins_like_a_crazy_person*

Me: *goes_back_upstairs*

My teacher: ...

Have you ever tripped up the stairs before?

also here’s a quote by me:

”I know from personal experience that sliding down stairs is not fun” (unless they’re carpeted) - me


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I really hate my math class and I don't want to go! It's not that I'm terrible at math or anything! The teacher is just really really hard for me to work with!! Yay!! I'm trying to be optimistic!!

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1 hour ago, justice magician said:

I really hate my math class and I don't want to go! It's not that I'm terrible at math or anything! The teacher is just really really hard for me to work with!! Yay!! I'm trying to be optimistic!!

You got this!

You CAN be optimistic!

Math, yagh!

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