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2 hours ago, Lunamor said:

Jenny looked to where Jack pointed and saw a girl throwing darts. It sounded like she was supposed to know who Kasa was, so she waved at her. Hopefully Kasa was nice too.

@Part Of The Narrative

Kasa paused again as someone waved at her. She frowned, disoriented, dropping the dart. "Who..?" She was barely able to voice the question.

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1 hour ago, Part Of The Narrative said:

Kasa paused again as someone waved at her. She frowned, disoriented, dropping the dart. "Who..?" She was barely able to voice the question.

Jenny just shrugged. This Kasa person didn’t seem to know who other people were either.

”Jack says we know each other!”

She gestured at the boy next to her.


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13 hours ago, Lunamor said:

Jenny just shrugged. This Kasa person didn’t seem to know who other people were either.

”Jack says we know each other!”

She gestured at the boy next to her.


"Jack?" She mouthed. They did look slightly familiar...didn't they? She frowned, confused. Maybe she should just...keep playing? That felt wrong though. She shook her head, turning to the girl. "Uh...do we know each other? Are you sure?"


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44 minutes ago, Part Of The Narrative said:

"Jack?" She mouthed. They did look slightly familiar...didn't they? She frowned, confused. Maybe she should just...keep playing? That felt wrong though. She shook her head, turning to the girl. "Uh...do we know each other? Are you sure?"


“I’m not really sure, but Jack thinks we do. He seems pretty trustworthy.”

Jenny smiled brightly.

”Apparently, we’re on a quest to save the world! Oh, and my name’s Jenny.”

She looked at the dart board, admiring Kasa’s aim. Maybe she used darts for fighting.

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4 hours ago, Lunamor said:

“I’m not really sure, but Jack thinks we do. He seems pretty trustworthy.”

Jenny smiled brightly.

”Apparently, we’re on a quest to save the world! Oh, and my name’s Jenny.”

She looked at the dart board, admiring Kasa’s aim. Maybe she used darts for fighting.

“First of all my name is Jace! Secondly we all know each other right before we entered this place!”

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34 minutes ago, Part Of The Narrative said:

Kasa frowned. "Are you sure?"

"yes! we cant have been in here for more than an hour yet you all have forgotten each other!"

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On 6/5/2024 at 5:37 PM, The Aspiring Archivist said:

I guess Terrance is around here, but I doubt he'd be playing anything


Maybe he could help find people too?


8 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"yes! we cant have been in here for more than an hour yet you all have forgotten each other!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Jenny noticed another game with flashy lights. A pinball machine. It looked really fun. She began to wander off in its direction, slowly forgetting about finding her friends. To her perception, Kasa and Jace became two strangers arguing.

@Part Of The Narrative


Jenny is probably once of the most susceptible people to the casino possible :lol:


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2 minutes ago, Lunamor said:


Out of the corner of her eye, Jenny noticed another game with flashy lights. A pinball machine. It looked really fun. She began to wander off in its direction, slowly forgetting about finding her friends. To her perception, Kasa and Jace became two strangers arguing.

@Part Of The Narrative


"jenny! get back over here!" jace said raising his voice!


we need to find roy to bully everyone back in line


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21 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"jenny! get back over here!" jace said raising his voice!



Why did this really familiar guy know her name? He seemed trustworthy, so she walked back over. She’d been standing with him for a reason, although she couldn’t remember it. It would be mean to ditch him.

”That pinball machine looks really cool…”

Jenny sadly glanced over her shoulder at the game.

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3 hours ago, Lunamor said:


Why did this really familiar guy know her name? He seemed trustworthy, so she walked back over. She’d been standing with him for a reason, although she couldn’t remember it. It would be mean to ditch him.

”That pinball machine looks really cool…”

Jenny sadly glanced over her shoulder at the game.

"focus on me! dont look away!" jace said shouting!

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1 hour ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"focus on me! dont look away!" jace said shouting!

Jenny looked back at the guy, her eyes wide. People talked loudly when they were upset with someone.

”It’s just a pinball machine, please don’t yell at me!”

She didn’t like how familiar the shouting felt. She backed away a few steps. Maybe this guy wasn’t actually nice.

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3 hours ago, Lunamor said:

Jenny looked back at the guy, her eyes wide. People talked loudly when they were upset with someone.

”It’s just a pinball machine, please don’t yell at me!”

She didn’t like how familiar the shouting felt. She backed away a few steps. Maybe this guy wasn’t actually nice.

“Look I don’t want to lose you all again. If you stop focusing on me then you will forget who I am.” Jace said soothingly

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7 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“Look I don’t want to lose you all again. If you stop focusing on me then you will forget who I am.” Jace said soothingly

“Oh, ok.”

He wasn’t yelling anymore, that was good. She didn’t understand what he was talking about, but it still made sense. It felt like information was leaking out through holes in her brain.

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15 hours ago, Wierdo said:

"I.. Don't Either..!" He looks at her, worry scrawled on his face

"There are so many people-" Ashton spun in a slow circle, looking for something- anything familiar. "Do we know those people?" She asked, pointing to the group of the others. @Lunamor, @RoyalBeeMage, @Part Of The Narrative, @ others

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17 minutes ago, Anguished_One said:

"There are so many people-" Ashton spun in a slow circle, looking for something- anything familiar. "Do we know those people?" She asked, pointing to the group of the others. @Lunamor, @RoyalBeeMage, @Part Of The Narrative, @ others

Jenny noticed someone pointing at them and waved. Maybe she was part of the “you all” the guy had been talking about.

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1 minute ago, Lunamor said:

Jenny noticed someone pointing at them and waved. Maybe she was part of the “you all” the guy had been talking about.

Ashton waved back. "Let's go talk to them... Maybe they know something?" She leads Lucid by the hand through the crowd and over to them. "Hi." She says very quietly. @Wierdo

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4 minutes ago, Anguished_One said:

Ashton waved back. "Let's go talk to them... Maybe they know something?" She leads Lucid by the hand through the crowd and over to them. "Hi." She says very quietly. @Wierdo

"Okay.." He goes with her, letting her lead him. 

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23 minutes ago, Anguished_One said:

Ashton waved back. "Let's go talk to them... Maybe they know something?" She leads Lucid by the hand through the crowd and over to them. "Hi." She says very quietly. @Wierdo


18 minutes ago, Wierdo said:

"Okay.." He goes with her, letting her lead him. 

Two people. Maybe Jenny had come with a big group. It was odd that she wouldn’t remember so many people. She was only somewhat distressed by that, however. Unbeknownst to her, Edgar’s face flashed briefly behind her in an incredibly sped up Iris message.

”Hello! Do I know you?”

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6 minutes ago, Lunamor said:


Two people. Maybe Jenny had come with a big group. It was odd that she wouldn’t remember so many people. She was only somewhat distressed by that, however. Unbeknownst to her, Edgar’s face flashed briefly behind her in an incredibly sped up Iris message.

”Hello! Do I know you?”

"I d-don't kn-know." She said shakily. She hated talking to strangers. "S-seem f-farmiliar..." 

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5 minutes ago, Anguished_One said:

"I d-don't kn-know." She said shakily. She hated talking to strangers. "S-seem f-farmiliar..." 

He hugs her gently "Yeah.. You seem Familiar.."

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5 minutes ago, Anguished_One said:

"I d-don't kn-know." She said shakily. She hated talking to strangers. "S-seem f-farmiliar..." 

The girl’s voice was shaking a lot. Maybe she wasn’t feeling well.

”Are you alright? Do you need some water?”

Jenny dug through her pack. She briefly stopped when she saw a dog toy. It had a strange metal shell wrapped around it. When her fingers brushed against it, a familiar voice spoke in her mind.

You need to leave this place, Jenny. It’s not right here.

Something told her she could trust it. She nodded, then located the water bottle. Closing her pack, she handed the water to the girl with the shaky voice.

”Here. Also, we really need to leave.”


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12 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

The girl’s voice was shaking a lot. Maybe she wasn’t feeling well.

”Are you alright? Do you need some water?”

Jenny dug through her pack. She briefly stopped when she saw a dog toy. It had a strange metal shell wrapped around it. When her fingers brushed against it, a familiar voice spoke in her mind.

You need to leave this place, Jenny. It’s not right here.

Something told her she could trust it. She nodded, then located the water bottle. Closing her pack, she handed the water to the girl with the shaky voice.

”Here. Also, we really need to leave.”


"uh.. Okay"

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