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19 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Jenny nodded, not taking her eyes off of Aaron in case he tried to bolt.

”Thanks for getting me out of there. This place messes with your mind.”

She emphasized that last part, directing her words to Aaron. The kid was already prone to not listening, so this was going to be difficult.

@Scars of Hathsin

"im glad it worked. i was a little worried when you got so distracted and kept forgetting who I was."

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On 6/8/2024 at 12:26 PM, Lunamor said:

Jenny stepped outside of the casino, and everything came rushing back to her. She remembered who she was, why she was there. She also heard yelling from inside. It sounded like Aaron. She rushed back inside, seeing Jace trying to pull him away. Forcing herself not to look at any of the games, she ran over.

”Aaron, we really need you to leave with us! Please!”



4 hours ago, Lunamor said:

Jenny nodded, not taking her eyes off of Aaron in case he tried to bolt.

”Thanks for getting me out of there. This place messes with your mind.”

She emphasized that last part, directing her words to Aaron. The kid was already prone to not listening, so this was going to be difficult.

@Scars of Hathsin


20 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"please come with us. dont make me knock you out!"

"you remember? good! it worked!"

Aaron starts kicking and screaming again, the plants in the room writhing with him, and launch towards his captors. "Lies" he yells


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44 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:



Aaron starts kicking and screaming again, the plants in the room writhing with him, and launch towards his captors. "Lies" he yells


Jenny nimbly hopped away from a plant attempting to snatch her by the ankle. She and Jace could defeat Aaron in a fight eventually, but this was one of the worst possible places to have it. They need to end this as quickly as possible.

”Sorry, Aaron.”

Jenny closed her eyes, searching briefly for Aaron’s awakeness among the many other casino-goers. It all seemed off, somehow. Not taking the time to focus on that, as soon as she located Aaron’s, she attempted to snuff it out.


Up to you how well this works.


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1 minute ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Aaron feels something come upon him, a sleepiness, he gazes directly at the girl that was trying to drag him away. "Witch" he mutters, vehemently, before slumping forward


The word hit Jenny like a blow to the head.


Aaron had called her a witch. He didn’t see her differently than everyone else did. He hated her too, thought she was a monster even though he’d gotten a chance to know her. She’d thought that he liked her. Was she wrong about the rest of her friends too?

”Let’s get him out of here, Jace.”

Not making eye contact, she started walking back outside. She didn’t want Jace to see the tears welling up in her eyes. She shouldn’t have been crying over a single word.

But this wasn’t the first time she’d heard that word.


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2 hours ago, Lunamor said:

The word hit Jenny like a blow to the head.


Aaron had called her a witch. He didn’t see her differently than everyone else did. He hated her too, thought she was a monster even though he’d gotten a chance to know her. She’d thought that he liked her. Was she wrong about the rest of her friends too?

”Let’s get him out of here, Jace.”

Not making eye contact, she started walking back outside. She didn’t want Jace to see the tears welling up in her eyes. She shouldn’t have been crying over a single word.

But this wasn’t the first time she’d heard that word.


"jenny ignore him! you are not a monster!" jace said as he dragged aaron's body outside.

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9 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"jenny ignore him! you are not a monster!" jace said as he dragged aaron's body outside.

Jenny didn’t respond. Jace had made the jump from witch to monster too. That sort of thought didn’t come out of nowhere. She whispered, not sure if Jace would hear her or not.

”Please don’t lie.”


Is Kasa still inside or would she have left with everyone else?

@Part Of The Narrative

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3 hours ago, Lunamor said:

Jenny didn’t respond. Jace had made the jump from witch to monster too. That sort of thought didn’t come out of nowhere. She whispered, not sure if Jace would hear her or not.

”Please don’t lie.”

@Part Of The Narrative

“I’m Not lying. I am a son of Apollo not Hermes.” 

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Just now, RoyalBeeMage said:

“I’m Not lying. I am a son of Apollo not Hermes.” 

Jenny shook her head. You didn’t have to be a child of Hermes to lie.

”You don’t have to pretend.”

Even if Jace thought that she was a monster, he was still a nice person. She would continue helping him and the rest of the quest-goers. She didn’t want to lie to herself about what they thought of her, however. It would hurt less in the end.

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Just now, Lunamor said:

Jenny shook her head. You didn’t have to be a child of Hermes to lie.

”You don’t have to pretend.”

Even if Jace thought that she was a monster, he was still a nice person. She would continue helping him and the rest of the quest-goers. She didn’t want to lie to herself about what they thought of her, however. It would hurt less in the end.

“I am not pretending. I would never lie to you Jenny.”

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8 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“I am not pretending. I would never lie to you Jenny.”

Jenny stopped, then turned to face Jace.

”Can you look me in the eyes and say that you see me the same way you see the other demigods? Say that I don’t scare you, don’t make you uncomfortable? That you, a child of life, find nothing wrong with death?”

She took a step closer.

”Can you say that without lying?”

The shadows near Jenny flared and an aura of dread emanated from her. Her eyes looked like dark, lifeless voids.


Edit: Ninja’d, I’ll wait for Jace to respond then respond to Aaron.

@Scars of Hathsin

Edited by Lunamor
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1 minute ago, Lunamor said:

Jenny stopped, then turned to face Jace.

”Can you look me in the eyes and say that you see me the same way you see the other demigods? Say that I don’t scare you, don’t make you uncomfortable? That you, a child of life, find nothing wrong with death?”

She took a step closer.

”Can you say that without lying?”

The shadows near Jenny flared and an aura of dread emanated from her. Her eyes looked like dark, lifeless voids.

@Scars of Hathsin


OK :)

@Lunamor @RoyalBeeMage

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1 minute ago, Lunamor said:

Jenny stopped, then turned to face Jace.

”Can you look me in the eyes and say that you see me the same way you see the other demigods? Say that I don’t scare you, don’t make you uncomfortable? That you, a child of life, find nothing wrong with death?”

She took a step closer.

”Can you say that without lying?”

The shadows near Jenny flared and an aura of dread emanated from her. Her eyes looked like dark, lifeless voids.

@Scars of Hathsin

Jace held her gaze, his eyes steady and unwavering.

"I can look you in the eyes and say that you don’t scare me, Jenny. You don’t make me uncomfortable. And it’s not because I'm lying."

He took a step closer, matching her intensity.

"I see you, Jenny, not as a child of death, but as you are. And I don’t find anything wrong with that."

His voice softened, but his resolve remained firm.

"You don’t frighten me. You never have."

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Just now, RoyalBeeMage said:

Jace held her gaze, his eyes steady and unwavering.

"I can look you in the eyes and say that you don’t scare me, Jenny. You don’t make me uncomfortable. And it’s not because I'm lying."

He took a step closer, matching her intensity.

"I see you, Jenny, not as a child of death, but as you are. And I don’t find anything wrong with that."

His voice softened, but his resolve remained firm.

"You don’t frighten me. You never have."

The shadows around Jenny slowly faded. Jace seemed sincere. Even though she could hardly ever read someone’s expression, she felt like she understood him in that moment. She didn’t scare him. That didn’t make sense to her. She was inherently scary. That was just who she was. Maybe the scariness was subjective.

She nodded, not sure what to say. He didn’t think anything was wrong with her. Was he right, or did he just see things incorrectly?

11 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

As they exit the building Aaron wakes up, the veil that had been covering his memories removed, what he was supposed to be doing, and what had been came rushing back. He rushes over to Jenny, hugging her. "I am so sorry for what I said" he says


She was startled by the hug, too focused on Jace to notice Aaron approaching. He was apologizing to her. Was he doing that to be nice or because he actually meant it? She didn’t know if the casino had been influencing his thoughts or just removing the filter hiding them.

She realized that she could never really know what they were thinking. So, she decided to believe the best. She smiled slightly.

”It’s ok.”

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11 hours ago, Lunamor said:

The shadows around Jenny slowly faded. Jace seemed sincere. Even though she could hardly ever read someone’s expression, she felt like she understood him in that moment. She didn’t scare him. That didn’t make sense to her. She was inherently scary. That was just who she was. Maybe the scariness was subjective.

She nodded, not sure what to say. He didn’t think anything was wrong with her. Was he right, or did he just see things incorrectly?

She was startled by the hug, too focused on Jace to notice Aaron approaching. He was apologizing to her. Was he doing that to be nice or because he actually meant it? She didn’t know if the casino had been influencing his thoughts or just removing the filter hiding them.

She realized that she could never really know what they were thinking. So, she decided to believe the best. She smiled slightly.

”It’s ok.”

"Jenny, we should get out of here. We need to find a safe place to regroup and figure out our next steps."

Jace then looked around, ensuring there were no immediate threats, and nodded towards the exit.

"Are we good here?" he asked, addressing the group but focusing on Jenny. "Because if anyone's still got issues, now's the time to air them out."


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On 6/9/2024 at 2:45 PM, Lunamor said:

Jenny didn’t respond. Jace had made the jump from witch to monster too. That sort of thought didn’t come out of nowhere. She whispered, not sure if Jace would hear her or not.

”Please don’t lie.”

@Part Of The Narrative


Sorry I was gone! Let's say she left when the majority of the group did


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1 hour ago, Part Of The Narrative said:



Okey dokey


On 6/10/2024 at 3:42 AM, RoyalBeeMage said:

"Jenny, we should get out of here. We need to find a safe place to regroup and figure out our next steps."

Jace then looked around, ensuring there were no immediate threats, and nodded towards the exit.

"Are we good here?" he asked, addressing the group but focusing on Jenny. "Because if anyone's still got issues, now's the time to air them out."


“I’m alright.”

While she’d decided to assume the best, Jenny still wasn’t sure how to react. She felt rather embarrassed about making a scene. She also realized that they hadn’t found any flowers and wilted slightly. Something in her desperately wanted to go search for them again. She grit her teeth and forcefully restrained herself from going back into the casino.

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2 hours ago, Lunamor said:


“I’m alright.”

While she’d decided to assume the best, Jenny still wasn’t sure how to react. She felt rather embarrassed about making a scene. She also realized that they hadn’t found any flowers and wilted slightly. Something in her desperately wanted to go search for them again. She grit her teeth and forcefully restrained herself from going back into the casino.

“Are you sure? In that case let’s get a move on. I want to get well away from this place.” Jace said looking distrustfully towards the casino. It’s lotus flowers glistening with an erie pink. Turning around he quickly lead the group well past the block that the casino was built in.

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3 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“Are you sure? In that case let’s get a move on. I want to get well away from this place.” Jace said looking distrustfully towards the casino. It’s lotus flowers glistening with an erie pink. Turning around he quickly lead the group well past the block that the casino was built in.


Should we say they were in the casino for about two weeks?


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3 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:



I mixed the show up with the books, my bad. In the books they were in there for five days. In the books they were left with one day until the deadline after leaving the casino. Maybe we can have been in the casino however long enough was needed for that? Or maybe we can leave two days left so they can rest :P


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