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Smedry Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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4 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Slowly, the tunnel gets louder, fills with the noises of life. Beatles, worms, and rats creep out from hidden cracks and crevices. Then there's a set of thunderous footsteps, @Weaver of Lights can also hear them, and the critters scamper off.

27 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Jane Cora Rae jumps up, frightened, not by the critters, but of the creature that may follow.

She watched the direction in which the beetles, worms, and rats were scurrying, and quickly, she followed, tracing her hand on the tunnel wall as she ran. Her heart beat was louder than before, and much faster. Her pack swung from her shoulders on her back, and she was blindly following the sounds of the critters through the darkness.

Maybe they know the way out.

Maybe they know the way away.

Maybe they know the way of escape.

Maybe they know.

Maybe they know how to survive.

How to live.

Or maybe she was destined to never free herself.

I suppose I'll find out.

Very soon.

Too soon.

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7 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:

Del forgets what she’s doing and starts wandering around. She steps on a stick and it breaks. 

Mark swings towards the sound, trying to trip Del.


This will be complicated.


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27 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:

Del falls and instinctively puts her knife between her and her assailant. 




"Hey! You should stab yourself!" Mark says in a funny accent

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1 hour ago, Edema Rue said:

Slowly, the tunnel gets louder, fills with the noises of life. Beatles, worms, and rats creep out from hidden cracks and crevices. Then there's a set of thunderous footsteps, @Weaver of Lights can also hear them, and the critters scamper off.

“Jane!” Aaron yelled. He ran as fast as he could towards the footsteps, using the pouch to light his way.

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14 minutes ago, Argenti said:

"Hey! You should stab yourself!" Mark says in a funny accent

“What? I’m not stupid you know” Del replies, getting back up, still holding her knife. 


5 minutes ago, Little j said:

Zach throws a punch at the man but hits a tree instead. “Owwww!!!” Zach screams.

For now, she ignores the guy punching trees nearby. 

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4 minutes ago, Little j said:

Zach throws a punch at the man but hits a tree instead. “Owwww!!!” Zach screams.

"Hey could you aim for me? Make sure not to hit this gal!" He gestures towards Del.

1 minute ago, Lord Spirit said:

“What? I’m not stupid you know” Del replies, getting back up, still holding her knife. 

"Uh huh." Mark tries to run back into the mist



I keep trying to write mike not mark, curse other rps!



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2 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

As they walk, a few things become clear. First, this tunnel (though rough) was clearly made by people. On the floor there are...train tracks? But they're too small, and the tunnel is much too short for a train. The other is that it's sloping downward. Steeply.



xD yeah sorry, you can assume they're in a box.


Ok. Sorry for the confusion


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19 minutes ago, Argenti said:

"Hey could you aim for me? Make sure not to hit this gal!" He gestures towards Del.

"Uh huh." Mark tries to run back into the mist



Delind remembers that she’s suppose to kill him and chases him. 

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1 hour ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Jane Cora Rae jumps up, frightened, not by the critters, but of the creature that may follow.

She watched the direction in which the beetles, worms, and rats were scurrying, and quickly, she followed, tracing her hand on the tunnel wall as she ran. Her heart beat was louder than before, and much faster. Her pack swung from her shoulders on her back, and she was blindly following the sounds of the critters through the darkness.

Maybe they know the way out.

Maybe they know the way away.

Maybe they know the way of escape.

Maybe they know.

Maybe they know how to survive.

How to live.

Or maybe she was destined to never free herself.

I suppose I'll find out.

Very soon.

Too soon.

The footsteps sped up…and suddenly, she crashed into Aaron. 

31 minutes ago, Weaver of Lights said:

“Jane!” Aaron yelled. He ran as fast as he could towards the footsteps, using the pouch to light his way.

Aaron ran out of the tunnel he was in and right into Jane. 

6 minutes ago, TwinSouls said:



All good!!


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8 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:

Delind remembers that she’s suppose to kill him and chases him. 

He runs back, trips, rolls, jumps up and keeps running back towards  zach

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7 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

"Whoops my bad."

She looked around, finally being able to see because of the light from his bag.

"That was insane. Where did you go?"

“No, it wasn’t your fault. I’m…not really sure where I was. My Talent makes it so I’m not where people need me, I guess it activated.”

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58 minutes ago, Weaver of Lights said:

“No, it wasn’t your fault. I’m…not really sure where I was. My Talent makes it so I’m not where people need me, I guess it activated.”


Her face shriveled into a comical expression.

"That's not a very useful talent. In fact. It's quite inefficient. Wow." She raised her eyebrows, "That must be rough."

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1 minute ago, Lotus Blossom said:


Her face shriveled into a comical expression.

"That's not a very useful talent. In fact. It's quite inefficient. Wow." She raised her eyebrows, "That must be rough."

“Yeah, it is. Sometimes it gets me to where I need to be though. Do you have one?”

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6 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

It's cooler with the sun gone, but still strangely warm. As he climbs, it gets warmer...and warmer...until suddenly, it's too hot for him to climb any higher. Even the air feels hot enough to blister his face.

he stops and goes down the mountain a little then surveyed the landscape.


what dose he see


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16 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Kaza sighed. "Well, if they dont let me in, can i at least have some food, water, maybe some type of tent to be in for the night?"


“I…I don’t know.” He says, unsure about their surroundings. 

13 hours ago, Lotus Blossom said:

"Well. Curse the skies, I'm lost. Let's face it."

And the six hour limit was approaching quickly.

Soon, the rest of her family would be dead.

And it would be her fault.

Just like it always was.

A tear slipped down her cheek.

I miss those times.

I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask for any of this.

She searched through her pack, which was quite impossible in the dark, so instead she just felt around for her paper and quill.

Sitting on the cool, damp floor, she began to write.

I write so I don't lose my mind, though what is lost is often more valuable once it is so.

Her quill drifted off her paper, so she started on the next line.

I write so I lose my thoughts, though writing is the only way for me to preserve them and preserving them is the sole purpose of writing.

She took a staggered breath, and wiped a stray tear.

I write so I can ignore the past, though the past is the the only steadiness in life when standing in front of the future, and those who cling to the present are the only ones who may stand behind the future, and so I must write.

She closed her eyes, the darkness was no different.

I write so I can embrace myself, though I do so blindly, without knowing who it is I embrace and the scars I may earn.

I write so I can love the simple, the natural, the unknown, the sunrise, and the sunset, the sound of water or the sound of the last leaf upon an autumn's palette, or the laughter of

Her hand hesitated here. She stopped. After a moment, she set the paper back into her pouch, and took Aaron's water from her pocket. She drank just a little, and stayed there, on the cold ground, for just a few moments longer.

Would a creature appear? It was such an empty cavern. Such a lonesome Labyrinth.

The least she could do was give it some company.


Very very well done

13 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Home, District Orodain

Douglas lay sleeping in the small straw bed, that he shared with the rest of his family. His brother snored to his left, the sound betraying the small frame in which it came from, and his mother on his far left, her mouth making small sounds as she breathed evenly and shallowly as she slept. 

His family were the lucky ones, some others did not even have a mattress to sleep on. A lot of people still slept on the ground. The house that they lived in was better than most as well, as his father had been a carpenter, and wood was in plentiful supply, if you looked in the right places. 

Trying to quietly slip out of bed, he padded bare foot towards the door of the house. Lifting it, and slowly easing it backwards, allowing a chilly night air to pass through the building, making his brother and mother shiver. Before he quietly slips out into the night. 


Currently, HG Arena

Douglas threw down his fire starter in disgust, he had been trying to light a small fire, so he could harden the tip of his makeshift spear, and have some warmth and light, to beat back the coldness of the northern part of the arena. 

The blanket that had been in the backpack, was slung around his shoulders, in an attempt to keep himself warm. Why did I never learn how to start a fire properly he thinks to himself, grabbing the "firestarter" which in reality was a stick with shoelaces tied like a bow. Setting the firestarter into the nook of the wood, he spins it, greatly increasing the speed. He sees a soft glow of light, and he suppresses a yell of excitement. He had done it. He grabbed the small pile of tinder nearby, and carefully put the ember in it, and within minutes, he had a small fire. 

"Let's see if there is anything in this book" @SmilingPanda19@Invisible@Edema Rue, he mutters to himself, as he sets the spear hardening. 

The book has some basic survival tips, but there is an added section in the back… you might want to flip to it.

12 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

@Edema Rue @SmilingPanda19  @The other gamemaker who I forgot who it was

Alari had just tried to steal a bag from the squid thing at the cornucopia.

Did he manage to grab it or did the 'squid' grab him?

Or should i, like, flip a coin?

The squid does not get him, you steal a bag successfully.

@Just-A-Stick @Part Of The Narrative Fox sniffles, trying to pick Echos lock. She leans against the bar. “We need to be quick before my brother gets back.” She pauses a second before whispering to herself. “But I can’t leave Ox…”

@Weaver of Lights @Lotus Blossom You feel a rumble in the ground around you. It’s getting closer, and it’s shaking everything.

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5 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

Alari scrambles away from the 'squid', back to his bush. He hides behind it again, breathing heaivly. Okay. I did it. I'm fine. He tries to clam himself down for a moment and then opens the bag.

He finds......


 A teddy bear and a bottle of water.

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