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Smedry Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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20 hours ago, Lord Spirit said:

She tries to keep hold of the blade, but the blood makes it slippery and she loses her grip. 

He tries to grab it, but his blood slicked hands, from the forearm cut a few Minutes ago makes him loose grip. The knife flops on the ground, to which he dives towards....


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6 hours ago, Argenti said:

He tries to grab it, but his blood slicked hands, from the forearm cut a few Minutes ago makes him loose grip. The knife flops on the ground, to which he dives towards....


Del tries to lunge for the knife as well, but she slips and only ends up flopping in that general direction. 

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46 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:

Del tries to lunge for the knife as well, but she slips and only ends up flopping in that general direction. 

He also falls, slipping in the ground and almost cartoonishly swings his arms around before falling to the ground beside her. "God we suck at this."

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1 hour ago, Argenti said:

He also falls, slipping in the ground and almost cartoonishly swings his arms around before falling to the ground beside her. "God we suck at this."

“Shut up and die already!”
Del blindly kicks towards Mark and scrambles toward the knife. 

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On 2/23/2024 at 11:46 AM, SmilingPanda19 said:

“No…you’ve done enough.” She says hoarsely and rides off into the falling snow. 

“Where are we going? What’s happening?!” She says, panicking. 

Rosalind steps back into the HQ. She looks around the room silently. Her fingers naturally run up her neck and pick at her steel collar for a moment. @The Wandering Wizard


"I don't know." Elsa keeps moving. That was all she could do.

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On 2/24/2024 at 12:42 PM, Lotus Blossom said:

She looked about cautiously, searching for any sign of the bird and listening for any echos of the screaming.


The bird suddenly comes down from the sky, clawing at them quickly. 

16 hours ago, Part Of The Narrative said:

"I don't know." Elsa keeps moving. That was all she could do.

Out of nowhere a giant groundhog comes flying out of the ground, it grabs Fox and she screams. 

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35 minutes ago, Weaver of Lights said:

Aaron pushed Jane to the ground, standing over her protectively and swings his axe at the bird.

"Aaron!" Jane called out quickly, trying to grab his arms and stand up. She needed to shield him from the bird, but her ankle prevented her from getting on her feet again.

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3 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

"Aaron!" Jane called out quickly, trying to grab his arms and stand up. She needed to shield him from the bird, but her ankle prevented her from getting on her feet again.

He shook her off. “Let me take care of this. If it gets me, run as fast as you can.”

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9 minutes ago, Weaver of Lights said:

He shook her off. “Let me take care of this. If it gets me, run as fast as you can.”

Jane nodded quickly and pulled herself up, moving away from where Aaron was fighting off the bird.

There was no time for pleasantries. Aaron didn't seem too vulnerable at the moment, and Jane Cora Rae stood a safe enough distance away, but close enough for her to run and assist him if the fight turned tides.

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On 2/24/2024 at 6:04 PM, Lord Spirit said:

“Shut up and die already!”
Del blindly kicks towards Mark and scrambles toward the knife. 

She slams into his face "YOU DIE FIRST!" Mark yells before trying to rush over. 


Soo who shall we make win


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Jane stumbled, cursing under her breath. She tripped and fell into a ditch, on the darker side of the hills in a patch of tall grass. She heard the distance sounds of battle and the caws of the bird. She heard the insects and small creatures rustling in the tall grass. She felt the pain of her scratches and watched as blood seeped into the ground. No one could find her here. She wished she could stay here forever. In the tall grass. In the dark. On the damp ground of the hills. Alone.

I'm hurting.

She closed her eyes.

I'm hurting because I fell.

Because I'm here.

Because Aspen didn't send me a letter.

Because Delilah didn't keep her promise.

Because I'm hungry and I don't drink enough water, ever.

Because I killed my younger sister.

Because I hate winging things but I don’t know if i'll survive tomorrow and still surviving seems worse.

I'm hurting because I must think I'm much better than I am but time and time again I keep failing so when will I realize that I'm not?

Because when the animals would keep biting me their only response was “Toughen up a little, Jane” as if that wasn’t all I’ve been doing these last few years.

As if I didn’t come out bruised and broken and burned out but still made it because I don’t care about myself but somehow I need to make you proud and I hate myself for that too.

Because I have to keep pretending like you weren't relieved when my name was drawn for the Hunger Games. Because we all need to act as if that wasn't the one thing the family wished for most. And because we all need to pretend as if you aren't terrible actors.

A tear fell into the ground.

I'm hurting because I know I can never truly make you proud. And anyone who's worse than me at anything is suddenly  “going through much more" than I am or has a “harder life” or “stricter parents." But I promise you they didn't kill their sister.

And because we ignore that too.

Because I’ve never done anything wrong or lied to you but still you don’t trust me and I never get enough credit for how sweet I’ve been and how I've never done anything scandalous or broken any rules thrown away my life or done anything before you allowed me to or not payed attention or played tricks on my siblings or rebelled against your rules or any rules. And still you love Aspen more?

Because I’m trying so hard to be your daughter and still there’s something wrong with me or you suspect I've done something wrong.

Because I know if I ever tell you this I’ll be the one in big trouble.

Because you have no idea how hard life has been for me on my own surrounded by this family and now I'm actually alone and I hate it. And I know I'm young and you won't believe me but I feel like I see the world from this new, older perspective and I hate that. But it has been hard and I’ve never stayed up too late or gossiped and still you don’t really care? But I'm crying and falling asleep in tears and getting sick because of stress and doing it all and still surviving and wearing makeup and doing my hair and still it's not enough so please tell me what's enough. Is it winning the Hunger Games? Is that it?

But I'm not eating well and I know you don't care but my anxiety has been working up lately so I can't force myself to eat more than just a seed or berry before I want to throw up and I never drink water so I always have a headache and my migraines are back.

And I feel like I've never really lived but still I'm about to die. And I don't want to die but at the same time sometimes I really really do. But at the same time I feel like I've lived a million lives because I see everyone as this multifaceted character and people that I’ve known my entire life are becoming just humans. Not mothers, fathers, aunts, or uncles, just humans with flaws and traits and personalities and journeys. And I'm just a character in everyone else's story? But stepping out of place would somehow destroy all that? So I just have to take it and make sure I always do better than my best even though it hurts so so much that sometimes I just want it all to be over. Sometimes I just wish one of these tributes would kill me or I wish I fell asleep and never had to wake up ever again because it's all just way too much. But no. I can't do that. And I do love my life and I want to stay but maybe everything else should just go.

I have been burned out again and again and it's too late now but I wish I could move somewhere random. Where no one could find me. Or talk to me. Ever again. And I could ignore it all. Because disappointment and failure is worse than death. Because I haven't actually had a funny, memorable childhood? I have no trauma or memories or role models or anything interesting? And I'm not a main character but I act like one? Because anywhere I went, the community and friends didn’t actually like me?

Because everything I've done still stings so much and Aspen and Delilah aren't even here anymore and I thought I could start over here even though everyone here wants me dead. And because I keep it all to myself because the last thing I would want would be to hurt someone so instead I just hurt myself? But not really.

And I'm just in need of a break.

But I cant figure out why I'm constantly failing and whats wrong because I'm trying my best I promise I really am and I'm doing it all and I'm doing it perfectly. And I don’t know if I even believe in fate or destiny anymore but I'm starting to because thats the only way to comfort me from this pain and this hurting but even that is starting to fade because I'm not sure if I'm meant for anything anymore. Certainly not to win this. 

I want to pause life.


And most of all

I just want you to like me?

Be proud of me?

Or show any acknowledgement of everything I’m going through?

Or even just say anything at all?

Like keep going, you got this?

Or you’ll survive, I believe in you?

Or really anything that’s not

“Toughen Up”?


please keep in mind that this is what Jane Cora Rae is going through (not me!!)

i am 100% okay but i wanted to write this so anyone who wanted could have a bit more of an inner look on her character and her mind. this is what she feels at this moment in time. but i just wanted to make clear that this is her, not me, and confirm that i am not in any danger <33

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