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Smedry Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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thaaaank you elan

The sky was clear and blue. Sharpo was in another place . . . far away from where he really was.

Fluffy clouds rolled over the field as he sat there in the grass. The heat was gone, and in it's place a cool breeze played with his hair. 

"This isn't right . . ." he mumbled as he looked around. The big house sat on the hill where it always did, old and falling apart, but also full of good memories. The golden statues sat on the porch like they always did, the only thing really taken care of on the property.

Po rubbed his eyes. "Shar'i . . ." he turned his head to see his friend sitting next to him. "This isn't where I am."

"Where were you?" Sharp'i asked as with the sort of smile that said he thought Po was playing a game. 

"I was in the Hungar Games!" He exclaimed, wanting to be taken seriously. "It was so dark, there was lava everywhere and I was going to die . . . we were going to die."

"You don't need to worry about the games Po," Sharp'i said softly, "It's over."

"No it's not!" He started crying, "It's not over . . . I was going to die and my arm was gone and Kaza was there too and . . ."

"It's all over now," Sharp'i said, running his fingers through Po's hair. "You can rest now little one."

"No! There was more to do! I had to keep going! There was . . . there was more to do . . ."

"You did everything you could." The young man said pulling Sharpo into a hug, "And it's okay to rest now."

"But Kaza . . ." He pulled out of the hug and looked up at him. "Who's going to take care of him?" 

"He's in a better place already."



There was a moment of silence as Po thought it all over. The wind picked up and rushed through the grass, making it look like waves. The sound was familiar, calming.

"You need to go there too," Sharp'i finally added, his voice calm.

"No I have to stay! Who's going to take care of you?" 

"Me? Oh, I'll be alright, and we'll see each other again some day."

Po started to cry again. "I don't want to go . . . I don't want to go!"

"It's okay," His friend brushed the tears away, "You need to rest, and Kaza needs you there, I'd think."

Everything started to melt. Fading away.

"O-okay . . ." Po mumbled as the last of the dream or hallucination or whatever it was disappeared.

He heard the boom of the explosion, somehow quiet because it was so loud. Suddenly, everything was everywhere. Flashes of light and dark, debris and lava filled his vision in a blur. For a second he thought he glimpsed his own knife, catching the light of the explosion as it shot through the air. 

He didn't feel it. It all passed by him--through him. Because, even though this part was real, it faded as well. Just like the dream, he moved on from it. Quietly, peacefully, slipping away.

The sky was clear and blue. Sharpo was in a new place.

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