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Smedry Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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39 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:



"Ah crap that's not good . . . this is really really not good."

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2 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

He swallows the foam. "Tastes like crud though-" he manages to cough out.

"That's . . . could be worse I guess."

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Home, District Orodain

Douglas glanced down at the body of his mother. His little brother clinging to his leg, and whimpering "Mummy, Mummy..." Douglas looks down at him next, tears dripped down his little face. Maybe he was connected to her as well he thinks to himself. He had asked around for someone to look after his brother, but non wanted too, although he was a nice boy, everyone was too busy. 

He picks up another twig, and a piece of wood, putting them to the pyre under the body. His brother whimpers again. Douglas had decided to cremate the body, letting his mother's spirit wander the world, and see what it wanted to see. He picks up the torch in one hand, and holds it near the small fire nearby. It lights with a small 'whoomp' the oil on the rag helping it. Holding his brothers hand in one of his own and the torch with the other, he lowers it.

"Love you Mum" he tears up. "I will look after him".


HG Arena (Winter)

Douglas feels the hit vibrate up the spear, jarring it from his grasp, and he feels the pain acutely, slowly spreading up his arm. "Storm it" he mutters, and shakes his arm, trying to increase the blood flow to the arm, and to get it back into the circulation. He glances at the body again. "I am so sorry" he says over it, "but I need to look after my brother, I had a promise." 

He digs into the pockets of the body, finding the two knives, and little else. At least I have some proper weapons again the thought buzzes through his head. They gleam in the sunlight, and he feels the sharpness with his finger, and the grips as well.

"Smooth" he mutters, his increased sensitivity detects no bumps or crevices. They were masterfully made. He sighs, and sits back against the wall nearby. His muscles resting, and recuperating. 

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2 hours ago, Weaver of Lights said:




You’re alive, but not by much. 

Aby watched the fights, trembling. So…so many were dead, and so soon. 

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1 minute ago, Lord Spirit said:

Del hears him and turns around. “Hi, I’m Del. Who are you? Are you going to attack me too?”

"my name is adonis. i might kill you or i might not. it depends."

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2 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"depends on whether you want to team up to kill the other. and if i like you."

“Last time I tried to make an ally, he betrayed me. But sure, why not try again?” 

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42 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:

“Last time I tried to make an ally, he betrayed me. But sure, why not try again?” 

"i wont betray you. i will outright tell you before i batray. last time i tried to team up with someone the gm's killed him."

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19 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"i wont betray you. i will outright tell you before i batray. last time i tried to team up with someone the gm's killed him."

“Very well then. We can be allies. So what do we do now?”

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33 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:

“Very well then. We can be allies. So what do we do now?”

"umm. we look for outher people nearby. that or we set a fire with extra green leaves to produce extra smoake to lure the others into a trap."

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Just now, RoyalBeeMage said:

"umm. we look for other people nearby. that or we set a fire with extra green leaves to produce extra smoke to lure the others into a trap."

"Good idea. there's plenty of wood and leaves over there" Del motions towards the forest. "I'll start the fire and you get ready to ambush whoever notices it."

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