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What if Mistborn had interludes?


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I think one of the interesting parts of the Stormlight books is the random interludes we get during the story. It helps me understand how big Roshar is in and how detailed the world-building is. Mistborn is a different kind of book but hypothetically if there were interludes in mistborn era 1 or 2 what characters/stories would we see to help us see more of Scadrial? 

My current ideas are:

Era 1

A metalurgist making a new kind of metal and either being killed by inquisitors or delivering it to Vin

I read a short fanfic of the Kolos named Human before being turned into a Kolos that was interesting 

Some kind of Obligator/servant preparing a storage cache for the Lord Ruler

Era 2 ( I know the broadsheets already do this but this is for fun)

Anything to do with Kolos-blooded 

A terris ferring experimenting with one of the lesser know abilities like storing connection (in the arcanum unbound for one of the books it mentioned the terris were experimenting on what could be done with these powers) 


Anyone else have ideas? 


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There are a lot of things from the annotations that Brandon indicated he left out because there was not room for the scene or because it wasn't the focus that was needed. Unfortunately some of that is because it is "flashback" based (which does not really mesh with the idea of Interludes). 


  • Eleventh Metal information (specifically after the short story and before returning to Luthadel)
  • Vin's history with Reen before Luthadel
  • Kandra scene (not spoiling the reveal, but to add context / other viewpoint) for TenSoon's activities in TFE before being "given" to Zane
    • He did have his Foreshadowing Cameo. . . (Ch 28)
  • A Fedrex Interlude to foreshadow Cett and show what he was like before TLR fell
  • Foreshadowing of "Human" as an outer Dominance rebel (before we see him as a Koloss in HoA) and also reinforcing how TLR deals with rebels
  • Annotations:

Ch 19:


This is the only chapter where we get to see directly what Kelsier is going about doing at night. You may think that a thousand manuscript pages is a lot of room to do things in a book, but you’d be surprised. With the focus on Vin’s progress, I really can’t spent that much time showing Kelsier running about being sneaky. 

So, other Kelsier Antics, maybe in one of the (non Felisse) outlying cities

Ch 22:


Ham’s family makes no appearance in this book. I added this line in on a whim, since I figured it would add some more depth to a character who–unfortunately–I just don’t have much time to develop.

I am happy, however, that I found a chance to spend some time with Dox.

A Ham POV would be awesome itself, set in the Caves without Kell there would be even better. Ditto a Clubs POV - but that would slot better in WoA I feel. 

Ch 27:


I do worry that it took too long to get to this scene. You’ve probably been wondering for quite a long time what the ninth metal did–and that concerns me, because if you wonder it, you’ll also wonder why Vin herself didn’t get around to figuring out what it was.

The problem is, this really is the first place I could work it in. Allomancy is a very complicated magic system, and I wanted plenty of time for you to get used to it before I delved into its more… odd aspects.

Maybe a scene from another noble house - showing a Snapping that resulted in an Auger and/or them teaching about Gold from the noble POV

Ch 38:




I wish, again, I could have done more with him. There was another whole book going on with him being watched by the Inquisitors–him thinking that he’d earned their suspicion when they were really just impressed with him and planning to make him one of them.

A scene with Marsh in the Ministry and showing more "normal" Obligators


  • Outlying Village being attacked by Jastes' Koloss
  • Foreshadow of Urteau with Straff's army gone - before/start of First Citizen's rise to power
  • A scene of the Synod in Tathingdwen, before the Inquisitor's came
  • Annotations:

Ch 11:


He gets far more screen time–and depth of characterization–than Ham, Clubs, or Dockson do. You just can’t develop everyone. (Especially if you’re not George R. R. Martin.) I did my best with the side characters


During the development of this book, I tried to resist using the ‘there’s a spy among us’ plot, but in the end, I just couldn’t do it.


So, in this book, I had to sew seeds of distrust. I wanted Vin to have to deal with those problems again, and really have to confront her suspicions and paranoia. The only way to do that was to have her begin suspecting members of the crew.

Besides, you don’t just put in a race of shapeshifters then ignore the tension of people wondering if someone they know has been replaced. That would just be irresponsible.

A Dockson scene on why he was in Terris before returning in Ch 5.
A Clubs scene adjusting to his new role (and maybe Clubs having to interact with the Assembly when Elend is not present). 
A Ham Scene on him and Demoux's efforts to discover the "Kandra Spy"

Ch 42:


It’s tough to remember that Ham has a family.


But I wanted to keep it, so I had to write it into book two.

I eventually decided that I wouldn’t show any scenes with his family, just like I hadn’t in book one. It was easier, and it seemed to fit with their place in the novel.

A scene with Ham's family (maybe his POV convincing them to leave, or their POV after having left him behind)



  • Scenes of random destruction (like the volcano eruption at the end of Marsh's scene in 
    • e. g. King Lekal's city destroyed by an Ashmount eruption mentioned in Ch 61
  • Keepers out "teaching" being hunted by the Inquisitors
  • Felt securing the storage cache in Statilin City
  • One of Elend's messengers being rebuffed by Yomen (before the Seige)

Ch 9:


It’s never fully explained who MeLaan is, so I’ll give you the background here. One thing that kandra do is take Contracts serving mankind in exchange for atium. However, there are other jobs that kandra can do back in the Homeland. One of the more prestigious ones includes the training and instruction of a child kandra.

This can take years and years, as kandra grow very slowly. TenSoon was appointed as a “parent” of a single kandra during his lifetime.

  • (Many of the Fifth Generation have been parents dozens of times, but the Thirds are a rebellious group, and it was only after much consideration—and political pressure in the Homeland—that Thirds were given chances.)

MeLaan, then, is kind of TenSoon’s adopted daughter. 

A MeLaan scene  in the Homeland showing more "normal" Kandra and/or discussing events - possibly including the mushroom farming also added to the annotations

Ch 23:


On a more serious note, I’m glad I had an excuse for this one. I like to avoid flashbacks when I can—they’re usually more of a hassle and an annoyance than they are useful. However, on occasion they can add something that would have been very hard to get across any other way. This is one of those times. We get to see Spook as a kid, the day that Clubs recruited him.

By this time, Clubs had already served in the Lord Ruler’s army and had been wounded in the leg and discharged. Though I rarely mention it, the borderlands of the empire include a large population of rogue skaa who are constantly causing trouble.

A Clubs Flashback interlude with him travelling to save his nephew so we learn more about what he endured while in TLR's army

Ch 49:


Spook brings up that he feels they should have been attacked by now. This is an echo of what I said earlier, where I had planned to throw in an attack here in the middle and have them defeat some assassins. Like I said, I cut that out.

Quellion planning an attack on the Ministry building (before deciding to send his sister-assassin instead)

Ch 61:


We finally get a brief mention of Janarle in this chapter. He is a side character who became a side side character. 


Even as a koloss, though, he didn’t end up doing much that was important. He didn’t even reach the front lines.

Janarle's Fate described in the annotations 

I'm sure I did not find all of the annotations where he mentions having to leave something out, but there is plenty there that would at least be tangentially related to the books while increasing how much of the Final Empire we get to see. 

Edited by Treamayne
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