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17th Shard Apparel/Store?

Titan Arum

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So, I was thinking that it would be cool to have a 17th Shard t-shirt. When we go to signings or anything put on by Brandon, we could then easily identify who in the crowd is a 17th Sharder. I've created a simple/quick mock-up of what such a t-shirt could look like, but any designer could do something even better. 




Additionally, if the fansite were able to sell these shirts or other accessories in some type of store, we'd be able to better fund the site, no?


Anyways, this is just a thought. What does everyone else think?


UPDATE: The following are items that people have expressed interest in for any future 17th Shard Store (this will be updated as more items are proposed):


1) T-shirts

2) Stickers/Decals/Bumper Stickers

3) Hoodies

4) Wristbands

5) Lanyards

6) Water Bottle

7) Pins/Badges/Buttons

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We have discussed having custom 17S merch, including t-shirts (possibly a custom designed shirt from Isaac. The idea has been thrown around but never had a "Yes, absolutely"). I personally want lanyard, or a water bottle thing, wrist band things, a few other ideas I've batted around. The issue is getting the funding to get the store set up. Eventually I'll get off my lazy butt and attempt to do a kickstarter for it, but, well, that requires time.

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Okay, since there is an interest, in case I ever get off my lazy butt and get this kickstarter going, what type of things would people want to see?


If you want help setting up the kickstarter, I'd be more than happy to support that effort with you and whomever at the 17th Shard would contribute. I could help write it up and potentially make mock-ups (or find friends to do it). I bet we could get a good effort here on the boards to figure out who has a friend/ability to make an awesome video, design items, etc. I know I have a few videographer friends and a few graphic designer friends as well.


Anyway, items I'd like to see would include t-shirts, decals/stickers, hoodies, koozies, etc. T-shirts, in my opinion, are a must, because how cool would it be to walk down the street and see a fellow Sharder and to help identify Sharders at events too. Seems like a must!

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Why hoodies? I see a couple of people want them, and I'm not sure I understand why.

I personally start wearing a hoodie outside when it's 65 degrees or colder. It's simply another apparel option. When I was an undergrad, every single student was wearing a hoodie while walking around campus in the fall, winter, and early spring. They're stylish and comfortable!


However, if we were to start a store, I'd say start small with the items we'd assume would be bought the most frequently like a t-shirt (or two), lanyard, etc. Maybe we run a poll and allow people to pick the top five items they'd want/be willing to buy and we take the top 3 across all the choices to stock first in the future store. If they all start selling well, we can add a few more items to the inventory.


Also, to make the potential store work with high enough initial demand (because I have a feeling the use of this fansite is rather cyclical, with core users always here and fairweather users here at/shortly after a book release), it'd probably be best to open it shortly before the release of a new Sanderson book. I'm thinking maybe when Shadows of Self is published or the third Stormlight book. That way, people will also be ready for the next book signing tour and we can identify who our Shard brethren are!

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I would definitely want a sticker, if not something else, too.  I'm a bumper sticker/decal addict.  The allomantic symbol on my car is still a little too obscure - my brother, who's read the Mistborn books, SA and WoT, didn't recognize it until I reminded him.  Not that people know what the 17th Shard is, but they could look that up in a google search and then they'd know!  ^_^

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It would be awesome if the front of the hoodie was the 17S logo, and the back was the nick.

Like how sports teams have them.


Unfortunately, doing them that way would be prohibitively expensive, as apparel is much cheaper if they're making an identical batch, vs making each a unique item.

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How about novelty Inquisitor spectacles? Looks like spike heads in the front?

I really like where your mind is going! Those would be awesome. I already see them being similar to those gaggy arrow-through-the-head headbands. Instead they'd be some type of glasses/goggles version.


There's one problem with all of this though...this would require us to actually find a manufacturer and work with them to create molds, etc. With basic store stuff like t-shirts, decals, etc, the process is much easier and usually would only require some type of printing.


Maybe one day, when the 17th Store is going strong with good sales, we can do items like this. I know there'd be quite a few hardcore Sharders who'd buy them! 

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Oh I know the goggles are more of a longshot and a more difficult thing, but I think there are enough fans to muster a reasonable demand. I know I for one would leap to buy a set. 


Store could also probably contract with some of the colour contact people to make Rosharan contacts for both light and darkeyes in a bit more vibrant ways than are normally done to get the glow effect right.


Temporary Parshendi tattoos as well perhaps? Some kind of premade mold you could apply to your face and then only need to fill in gaps with makeup? I know there would be a market for at least temporary Bridge 4 Glyph tattoos. 

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All the normal kitsch for me anyway, t-shirts, hoodies (it's in the name after all), maybe a sticker for the car? 



I have nothing to say, just that if I didn't make that comment, it would have driven me insane.


Also, I want a Pony Vin shirt.

I admit, I'm terrible at coming up with merchandise. Only thing I can think of might be to have some comedy shirts, like one with a logo saying "I survived the Final Ascension and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" or something.


Or a where's Waldo style poster, but looking for Hoid.

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I have nothing to say, just that if I didn't make that comment, it would have driven me insane.


Also, I want a Pony Vin shirt.

I admit, I'm terrible at coming up with merchandise. Only thing I can think of might be to have some comedy shirts, like one with a logo saying "I survived the Final Ascension and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" or something.


Or a where's Waldo style poster, but looking for Hoid.


I would wear either of those t-shirts every minute of every day of every year. I would wear it until it physically rotted off my body, compelling me to buy yet another from the 17th Shard store.


There is no force on Earth that could keep me from either of those shirts.


(Except maybe money. :P)

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Okay, so I've been looking into a few things since we've actually got the fan based to make it worth while now, and a custom hoodie (for just our logo) that is actually of good quality would be about $50 or more. Is that actually something people would want right now, or something we should wait until later to offer?


And, just so I'm looking at the right things, let me run this past everyone. Right now, I'm looking into T-shirts, decals of the logo, lanyards (dang it, I want a lanyard! Plus, the logo would look awesome on one), and metal water bottles. I will update you guys with pricing to see if it's worth it, but would right now would you guys buy at least one of these things? 

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I would for sure buy a t-shirt. I'd probably buy a Hoidie now that it's getting cooler (and if we do have them, Hoid's face should be included in a small image somewhere, maybe on an arm just below the shoulder?). If I had any input towards what should initially be stocked in a 17th Shard store it'd be the following:


1) T-shirt

2) Car/Window Decals

3) Bumper sticker

4) Water bottle

5) Hoidie

6) Lanyard


I still think we should do a site poll asking people what they'd want initially stocked and we take the top 3 or 5. 



Also, firstRainbowRose, logistically, how would the store work? Would we try to mimic the official Brandon Sanderson store? Would we be able to use their operations to warehouse inventory and to fulfill orders? If not, do we outsource fulfillment to some company or does a very dedicated Sharder fulfill orders on their own time?

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Also, firstRainbowRose, logistically, how would the store work? Would we try to mimic the official Brandon Sanderson store? Would we be able to use their operations to warehouse inventory and to fulfill orders? If not, do we outsource fulfillment to some company or does a very dedicated Sharder fulfill orders on their own time?


We're looking into the logistics.

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