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The Phobias Thread!

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5 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Harmony’s forearms! That’s a lot of lightning!

yeah it is. we get a lot more days in a row of lightning around midsummer and midwinter and at the moment it is quite dry but it could easily start pouring down tomorrow with lightning

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On 3/1/2024 at 7:58 PM, Through The Living Glass said:

Agoraphobia is the fear of wide open spaces; which I don't technically have. For part of my childhood in the South I lived in Tornado Alley, so wide open spaces in the REAL WORLD don't bother me. However... the few times I've ever used a VR... Y'all know that endless white landscape when you log into a VR for the first time?


Maybe don’t play Superliminal then? Theres a part where it’s just empty space, and another with hundreds of thousands of lights like those on the side of the highway.

Also I’m kinda terrified of things falling in the middle of the night. For example if I’m lying in bed and I hear something fall over outside me room, I’m scared out of my mind. Mostly because I don’t have a door, only a curtain, which doesn’t provide much protection. (My door got messed up so that’s why I don’t have one.

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I have decent claustrophobia, I don’t like loud noises or background noise but I’m not particularly afraid of it

Im Afraid of being mentally alone or socially alone

im afraid of being judged

im afraid of being a disappointment 

Im afraid of rejection

im afraid of being abandoned

Im Afraid of being replaced

im afraid of change

Im afraid of being sexually assaulted or r—

I’m afraid of loved ones dying

Im afraid to put my full body weight on someone or something 

I’m afraid of trusting people

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1 minute ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

I have decent claustrophobia, I don’t like loud noises or background noise but I’m not particularly afraid of it

Im Afraid of being mentally alone or socially alone

im afraid of being judged

im afraid of being a disappointment 

Im afraid of rejection

im afraid of being abandoned

Im Afraid of being replaced

im afraid of change

Im afraid of being sexually assaulted or r—

I’m afraid of loved ones dying

Im afraid to put my full body weight on someone or something 

I’m afraid of trusting people

oh my-

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1 minute ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

I have decent claustrophobia, I don’t like loud noises or background noise but I’m not particularly afraid of it

1.Im Afraid of being mentally alone or socially alone

2.im afraid of being judged

3. im afraid of being a disappointment 

4.Im afraid of rejection

5.im afraid of being abandoned

6.Im Afraid of being replaced

7.im afraid of change

8.Im afraid of being sexually assaulted or r—

9.I’m afraid of loved ones dying

10.Im afraid to put my full body weight on someone or something 

11.I’m afraid of trusting people

*hugs* all very valid.

1. Autophobia or Monophobia

2. A tie-in for social anxiety (i low-key couldn't find a real name-)

3. Atelophobia 

4. like #2 that's all it says :PP

5. Isolophobia

i'll do the others tomorrow cause I gotta go T-T

Love you, girlie!!!

I'm here!!!


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2 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Daaaang girl.

You good? 😅

Eh. I’m working on my fears. I have very specific fears in very specific scenarios. My brain works kind of like code and an algorithm I’ve found. (Of course not always, but sometimes)

If my friend says they don’t want to be called the nickname ‘Honey’ I won’t ever do it again.

if that person got mad at me when I said or did ____ then if I do ____ they will get mad.

It’s wonderful and horrible all at once.

I can list some specific fears if you want…

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1 minute ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Eh. I’m working on my fears. I have very specific fears in very specific scenarios. My brain works kind of like code and an algorithm I’ve found. (Of course not always, but sometimes)

If my friend says they don’t want to be called the nickname ‘Honey’ I won’t ever do it again.

if that person got mad at me when I said or did ____ then if I do ____ they will get mad.

It’s wonderful and horrible all at once.

No, that makes sense. You don't want to annoy people or make them mad, I get it.

Why do you say it's horrible?

3 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

I can list some specific fears if you want…

If you want to, go ahead. Totally up to you!

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2 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

No, that makes sense. You don't want to annoy people or make them mad, I get it.

Why do you say it's horrible?

If you want to, go ahead. Totally up to you!

If something goes against the code I’m so confused and I have to “rewrite” it in order to understand. This usually conflicts with emotions too cause emotions are irrational and I’m trying to rationalize them. I have a tendency to apologize a lot and ask people if they want me to say, do, be ____?

Lets see. Mind you these aren’t like to die for fears, more like, everyday anxiety and stress. 
1. one of my friends or someone I know being in the restroom with me. (They didn’t come in with me) 

2. my hair being greasy or icky. (There’s some past ‘trauma’ ? To this one)

3. Throwing away -particularly food- trash in a classroom or around other people. (I shove it into my lunchbox) 

4. Eating pasta in particular in front of people.

5. Touching someone’s foot with my bare foot. (It’s just… ew… nobody touch my bare feet please and thank you) 

6. someone on an upper bunk falling onto me (it comes and goes lol) 

those are silly little things tho

some more serious things 

1. a pet or loved one dying and not understanding how to grieve

2. dropping a knife onto my foot by accident

3. Being replaced by my best friend (I am a jealous and overprotective person I admit. Mostly in self preservation)

4. Moving again

5. Accidentally hurting someone I love physically or emotionally

I don’t trust people… like ever

my best friend who I’ve known for 3 years… she still literally had to shove me onto her in order for me to give her most of my weight when she was giving me a hug and snuggles. (My love language is physical touch)

I NEVER trust enough with my body weight. Hardly even family. I just can’t. 

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4 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

If something goes against the code I’m so confused and I have to “rewrite” it in order to understand. This usually conflicts with emotions too cause emotions are irrational and I’m trying to rationalize them. I have a tendency to apologize a lot and ask people if they want me to say, do, be ____?

Lets see. Mind you these aren’t like to die for fears, more like, everyday anxiety and stress. 
1. one of my friends or someone I know being in the restroom with me. (They didn’t come in with me) 

2. my hair being greasy or icky. (There’s some past ‘trauma’ ? To this one)

3. Throwing away -particularly food- trash in a classroom or around other people. (I shove it into my lunchbox) 

4. Eating pasta in particular in front of people.

5. Touching someone’s foot with my bare foot. (It’s just… ew… nobody touch my bare feet please and thank you) 

6. someone on an upper bunk falling onto me (it comes and goes lol) 

those are silly little things tho

some more serious things 

1. a pet or loved one dying and not understanding how to grieve

2. dropping a knife onto my foot by accident

3. Being replaced by my best friend (I am a jealous and overprotective person I admit. Mostly in self preservation)

4. Moving again

5. Accidentally hurting someone I love physically or emotionally

I don’t trust people… like ever

my best friend who I’ve known for 3 years… she still literally had to shove me onto her in order for me to give her most of my weight when she was giving me a hug and snuggles. (My love language is physical touch)

I NEVER trust enough with my body weight. Hardly even family. I just can’t. 

Oh, girlie...

I want to give you such a big hug right now! *hug*

Is there someone close to you who you can talk to about all this irl? I do feel some of those, really, but social anxiety doesn't seem fun at all...

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2 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Oh, girlie...

I want to give you such a big hug right now! *hug*

Is there someone close to you who you can talk to about all this irl? I do feel some of those, really, but social anxiety doesn't seem fun at all...

I have a therapist and my best friend. My parents don’t think I have social anxiety though…. 😬

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5 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

I have a therapist and my best friend.

That's good! I know too many people who either don't have anyone to talk to or don't talk to anyone about anything at all. (literally me up until three months ago though 😅)


5 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

My parents don’t think I have social anxiety though…. 😬

Yikes... That's not so good.

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2 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

That's good! I know too many people who either don't have anyone to talk to or don't talk to anyone about anything at all. (literally me up until three months ago though 😅)


Yikes... That's not so good.

I’m so glad I have them though!

Yeah…It’s okay though I guess. I have diagnosed GAD and depression (I think?) but I believe I have ADHD or ADD and social anxiety. But that doesn’t really matter I guess. 

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11 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Yeah…It’s okay though I guess. I have diagnosed GAD and depression (I think?) but I believe I have ADHD or ADD and social anxiety. But that doesn’t really matter I guess. 

Yeah, I'm also pretty sure I have depression and ADHD. Both are technically undiagnosed, but the first I have for sure, and the second... Well, you'd be able to tell if you met me irl, trust me. 😂

It's pretty frustrating sometimes, honestly.

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14 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Yeah, I'm also pretty sure I have depression and ADHD. Both are technically undiagnosed, but the first I have for sure, and the second... Well, you'd be able to tell if you met me irl, trust me. 😂

It's pretty frustrating sometimes, honestly.

It isss

okay tell me what habits you think make you feel like you have ADHD or something cause IM PRETTY SURE IM SIMILAR-

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1 hour ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

It isss

okay tell me what habits you think make you feel like you have ADHD or something cause IM PRETTY SURE IM SIMILAR-

Okay, so first of all I'm super fidgety all the time, I can't hold still unless I'm either consciously thinking about holding still or in a really, really uncomfortable situation. I'll twirl my pencil a lot, or bounce my leg almost constantly, or sometimes I even just start bobbing up and down when I'm with my friends without really thinking about it (they think it's hilarious, and actually I do too 😂). Second of all, I have a hard time concentrating on things for long periods of time. I'll be in school, in math class or something, and I just zone out. All the time. Hate it. 🤦‍♀️ Thirdly, I have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep, which doesn't help with my fidgeting or concentration, either. I also talk a lot, which doesn't sound like a huge deal, but when I say a lot I mean A LOT. Not even interesting things, just random things that pop into my head. And maybe that's not a symptom necessarily, but I've heard of it being one.

Oh and I hum and sing a lot without even realizing it. That one's always a bit embarrassing afterward. 😅

What about you?

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7 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Okay, so first of all I'm super fidgety all the time, I can't hold still unless I'm either consciously thinking about holding still or in a really, really uncomfortable situation. I'll twirl my pencil a lot, or bounce my leg almost constantly, or sometimes I even just start bobbing up and down when I'm with my friends without really thinking about it (they think it's hilarious, and actually I do too 😂). Second of all, I have a hard time concentrating on things for long periods of time. I'll be in school, in math class or something, and I just zone out. All the time. Hate it. 🤦‍♀️ Thirdly, I have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep, which doesn't help with my fidgeting or concentration, either. I also talk a lot, which doesn't sound like a huge deal, but when I say a lot I mean A LOT. Not even interesting things, just random things that pop into my head. And maybe that's not a symptom necessarily, but I've heard of it being one.

Oh and I hum and sing a lot without even realizing it. That one's always a bit embarrassing afterward. 😅

What about you?

I usually struggle to focus on important things so my mind wanders. I’ll hyperfocus on things and I have a tendency to be obsessive over things. I have a love for certain textures and a dislike for others. I’m not super picky on food, I like a lot of food, but I eat in snacks usually and not meals. I get fidgety a lot and I’ll bounce my leg in class or carry around fidgets to fiddle with. Loud noises and lots of things and moving parts annoy me a lot, I usually try to avoid them. My anxiety is at a high during times where there’s a lot of people or noise or things to see. I’m a very touchy persons I love physical touch and affection, I dunno if that has anything to do with it but that’s a fact about me. I’m an incredibly observant person I notice waaaay to many details, overhear conversations, focus on random things like how many ceiling tiles there are. I also have a really high emotional intelligence so I’m always noticing changes in peoples behavior. I’m easily irritated by a lot of people and often impatient (I’m working on it tho lol). I also don’t like change so that bugs me sometimes like if we have to move our lunch table it frustrates me cause the noise and stuff is coming from a new angle. Etc. ig. 

So yeah, some of that might have nothing to do with it lol

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10 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Okay, so first of all I'm super fidgety all the time, I can't hold still unless I'm either consciously thinking about holding still or in a really, really uncomfortable situation. I'll twirl my pencil a lot, or bounce my leg almost constantly, or sometimes I even just start bobbing up and down when I'm with my friends without really thinking about it (they think it's hilarious, and actually I do too 😂). Second of all, I have a hard time concentrating on things for long periods of time. I'll be in school, in math class or something, and I just zone out. All the time. Hate it. 🤦‍♀️ Thirdly, I have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep, which doesn't help with my fidgeting or concentration, either. I also talk a lot, which doesn't sound like a huge deal, but when I say a lot I mean A LOT. Not even interesting things, just random things that pop into my head. And maybe that's not a symptom necessarily, but I've heard of it being one.

Oh and I hum and sing a lot without even realizing it. That one's always a bit embarrassing afterward. 😅

Same lol my dad gets annoyed sometimes when I tap in tempo with music, but it makes sense because I do it a lot. Me and my mom both have diagnosed (I think) ADD/ADHD. I do literally all of these 😆

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Yea, another friend of mine takes them and he hates it. I don’t and probably won’t because I can manage most of the time, but it’s hard.

Another reason I won’t is because I want to be able to be a pilot (not commercially) and for that I can’t take certain kinds of ADHD medicine.

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Yeah... it's not cool at all.

I just kind of deal with it though, y'know? Not much else I can do. I'm sure I'm not the only one. 🤷‍♀️

I have a friend on ADHD meds, and he's like 'oh yeah these could cause this problem and this problem and all these problems and actually it could even make it worse' and I'm like 'I'm good thanks.' 🫥

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Yea, my friend is the same way, he doesn’t eat enough because he doesn't feel hungry and then he’s really hungry when it wears off because he didn’t eat enough. Also he doesn’t sleep well.

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