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Era 2 Mistborn Hunger Games

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Just now, TheFrugalWizard said:

@justice magician

"Guards, please restrain her."

The man, unsure, makes a move. You can see the one-move checkmate.

Sharice makes the move. "There we are."

In one smooth motion she scoops up her winnings and turns to the lady. "Now what was it you wanted?"

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5 minutes ago, justice magician said:

Sharice makes the move. "There we are."

In one smooth motion she scoops up her winnings and turns to the lady. "Now what was it you wanted?"

@justice magician

The guards restrain you and take you to the stage. The woman running the reaping looks at you darkly. "I suggest you not resist further, young one." She addresses the audience. "Hopefully we can avoid another fiasco. Otherwise, there will be... consequences. Now for our boy."

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6 minutes ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

@justice magician

The guards restrain you and take you to the stage. The woman running the reaping looks at you darkly. "I suggest you not resist further, young one." She addresses the audience. "Hopefully we can avoid another fiasco. Otherwise, there will be... consequences. Now for our boy."

Sharice shrugs. "I just wanted my money."

She glances at the crowd and the stage. "Say . . . what kind of game is this anyway?"

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8 minutes ago, justice magician said:

Sharice shrugs. "I just wanted my money."

She glances at the crowd and the stage. "Say . . . what kind of game is this anyway?"

The woman glares at you. "You've been selected as district four's tribute for the hunger games!"


If people could just include their character name somewhere in their post, it would help me keep track of who's who better.


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1 minute ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

The woman glares at you. "You've been selected as district four's tribute for the hunger games!"



I'll do my best!

Sharice gives her a flat stare. "It's . . . a food eating contest?"

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, justice magician said:

Sharice gives her a flat stare. "It's . . . a food eating contest?"

"Enough funny buisness! Quiet!"


I can't tell whether she's serious or not. Also, NEW RULE: out of character posts can be out of quote boxes, but only in separate posts. So, if you're switching people in a post, put out of game stuff in quotes. Otherwise, just make sure it's clear you are commenting out of character.


Edited by TheFrugalWizard
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14 minutes ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

"Enough funny buisness! Quiet!"



She's serious with her questions, but she's not taking the situation seriously

"Nothing funny about it . . . how am I supposed to win a contest if I don't know what I'm doing."

Edited by justice magician
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5 minutes ago, justice magician said:

"Nothing funny about it . . . how am I supposed to win a contest if I don't know what I'm doing."

"We have had a reaping for the past fifty-four years! Surely you know what the games are!"


srsly though how does she not know?


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Just now, TheFrugalWizard said:

"We have had a reaping for the past fifty-four years! Surely you know what the games are!"


"If it doesn't have to do the black market then I have no idea, lady."


for comedic effect lol


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3 minutes ago, justice magician said:

"If it doesn't have to do the black market then I have no idea, lady."



okay then...

"I'm tired of you. Guards!" The guards tow you away into the justice building and strap you to a chair.

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Just now, TheFrugalWizard said:

"I'm tired of you. Guards!" The guards tow you away into the justice building and strap you to a chair.

"Wow we're a little touchy, sheesh." Sharice mutters as she's dragged away.

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4 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:


Location: District 8 (textiles)

Arthur leans lazily against the brick wall of the town square. A bright young man with hair dyed electric blue steps up to the stage, waving happily at the audience. The nervous whispers of the crowd quiet. 

"Welcome to the fifty-fourth annual Hunger Games!" he enthusiastically announces. "Isn't it a wonderful day?"

Arthur is tempted to give a biting reply, but stops himself.

"Well, we have business to be on to! First, our lucky female winner!" He reaches his hand into the large glass sphere with all of the names. "And will Allie Mudwagon please come up on stage?" After a moment of silence, a young, trembling girl makes her way up.

"Wonderful, wonderful! Please give a round of applause to Allie!" Halfhearted clapping follows. "On to our boy contestant, " he says with a smile. Oh, how Arthur would like to wipe that smile from his face someday. "And for our boy... Arthur Endsowth!"

Arthur feels a pang of shock and fear. Had he just called his name? Surely there was a mistake... but everyone is looking at him. Trembling, unbelieving, Arthur walks up onstage beside Allie. It was now, staring down the cameras and the relived crowd, that Arthur realizes the truth. He was going to the games.

Arthur follows the guards numbly. How had he ended up in the Hunger games? he was too busy sewing to worry about things like that. He knew there was no one to say goodbye to since he lived a lonely life. The only thing he wanted to say goodbye to was his sewing shop he had spent so much time at. Maybe this was what he got for ignoring those around him.

He hoped Allie would do well, she was a nice girl who visited him occasionally to try and get him to come out more, but he rarely let her. She was kind, but she was strong enough to stand a chance. He decided he would do as much as he could to help her before someone killed him.

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19 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:


Arthur follows the guards numbly. How had he ended up in the Hunger games? he was too busy sewing to worry about things like that. He knew there was no one to say goodbye to since he lived a lonely life. The only thing he wanted to say goodbye to was his sewing shop he had spent so much time at. Maybe this was what he got for ignoring those around him.

He hoped Allie would do well, she was a nice girl who visited him occasionally to try and get him to come out more, but he rarely let her. She was kind, but she was strong enough to stand a chance. He decided he would do as much as he could to help her before someone killed him.

You sit in the Justice Building for an hour, being visted by only your parents who don't seem as distraight as they should be. The guards show you to the train. In a few hours, you will have made it to the capitol.

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38 minutes ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

You sit in the Justice Building for an hour, being visted by only your parents who don't seem as distraight as they should be. The guards show you to the train. In a few hours, you will have made it to the capitol.


can I be on the train too? probably?


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1 minute ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

No this is district 8 train you are district 4. Diff trains, but you'll meet soon!


whoop my bad


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8 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

Good! I'm glad I'm getting more interest. 

I'd like to have your character sheet, but we can start. Also, I forgot to add gender to the character sheet, please specify!

I'm giving you each separate starting stories, as each of you starts in a different district.


Location: District 8 (textiles)

Arthur leans lazily against the brick wall of the town square. A bright young man with hair dyed electric blue steps up to the stage, waving happily at the audience. The nervous whispers of the crowd quiet. 

"Welcome to the fifty-fourth annual Hunger Games!" he enthusiastically announces. "Isn't it a wonderful day?"

Arthur is tempted to give a biting reply, but stops himself.

"Well, we have business to be on to! First, our lucky female winner!" He reaches his hand into the large glass sphere with all of the names. "And will Allie Mudwagon please come up on stage?" After a moment of silence, a young, trembling girl makes her way up.

"Wonderful, wonderful! Please give a round of applause to Allie!" Halfhearted clapping follows. "On to our boy contestant, " he says with a smile. Oh, how Arthur would like to wipe that smile from his face someday. "And for our boy... Arthur Endsowth!"

Arthur feels a pang of shock and fear. Had he just called his name? Surely there was a mistake... but everyone is looking at him. Trembling, unbelieving, Arthur walks up onstage beside Allie. It was now, staring down the cameras and the relived crowd, that Arthur realizes the truth. He was going to the games.


Location: District 1 (luxary items)

Roy sits in a comfortable chair. He is still thrumming with excitement from his recent visit to Taladin. He'd almost figured out how to control sand, like the people there did.

Tensions are high in district one; it's the reaping and everyone's nervous. Ria, hair done back in wavy lines of green and skind dyed a soft blue, steps up to the podium. 

"Here we go again!" she chirps. "And welcome to the start of the fifty-fourth Hunger Games!" some cheering actually follows. Only in district one would people cheer. "Let's choose a female contesant for this year. And we have..." she puts her hand into the large glass orb where the paper slips are whirling around, propelled by fans. "Lucy Evans!"

Lucy begins to walk up, but doesn't made it far before another girl shouts, "I volunteer!"

"A volunteer! Wonderful! And a name...?"

A girl, very athletic and confident strides up. "My name's Jalla Heart. And I'm gonna win these games if it kills me."

Ria beams. "Our boy, then." She reaches into the boy's orb and pulls out a name. "Roy. No lase name. odd..."

Roy isn't too worried. Surely someone will volunteer. But as he marches up, nobody did. As he steps onto the stage, his heart is racing. Could there really be no voulenteers? Ria calls for voulenteers. Nobody. Roy's fate is sealed.


You guys are now saying goodbye to friends and family in the district hall.

I'll need some more information on Cerca before creating a reaping for him.


roy started shaking. "this must be a mistake." he says as he reaches into his bag looking for something that can help him. he curls his fingers around his copper daggers and relaxes.

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41 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

roy started shaking. "this must be a mistake." he says as he reaches into his bag looking for something that can help him. he curls his fingers around his copper daggers and relaxes.

You are soon ushered into the Justice Buolding where you await your family.

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I'll join

Name: rob

Age: 18

Gender: male

District/Current Occupation: district 7 and makes wooden carvings to sell

Allomantic Abilities: tin

Feruchemical Abilities: bendalloy

Personality: kind and caring, very generous.

Backstory: Was born an orphan, Escaped at age 13  and lived on the streets teaching himself how to carveWhen she got older he would give carvings to kids for free sometimes and sometimes shared meals with them

Skills: wood carving, making little contraptions

Favored Tools: his pocket knife

Other Details: has his name in the bowl 67 times, his metalminds are implanted in his body and he lives on the streets



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8 hours ago, ..... said:



Location: District 7

Rob nervously watches the reaping. It'e his last year of the reaping, and he's nervous for what could happen. A small crowd of young children huddles up against his legs. He had collected a following of young ones from his time in the streets. He loved all of them to death. 

Bob Pollino walks onstage. "And welsome to this year's reaping!" a couple halfhearted claps follow. "Let's choose our female winner!"

He choses a name. Bob doesn't know the girl, but she looks terrified. 

"And our male!" he announces. "Lem Garth."

Lem! Had he just chosen Lem? He looks down at the little child, barely twelve. He is shaking in fright. Rob couldn't let him go, could he? the child wouldn't survive a second. Before Lem can walk up, rob raises his hand. "I voulenteer as tribute!"

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