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My thoughts after reading a book that I'm pretty sure was written just for me specifically

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Hey, look at this ultra dead forum here. I feel a little bad just making a post about my feelings when the last post that wasn't a response to necromancy was 3 years ago, but I don't care, because my life is a TRAGEDY! Jokes aside I really liked this book, and I'm glad I read it. I had kept hearing people talk about it from time to time, and I was eventually convinced to read it after hearing that it was essentially an ex-cosmere book after I had made a joke about The Reckoners secretly being a cosmere book.

Anyways, moving onto my actual thoughts, I really really like rithmatism as a magic system. I'm pretty good at math and geometry is one of my stronger math areas, so a geometry math system just makes me happy, ignoring the fact I have abhorrent handwriting and would make a terrible rithmatist. I also really like the springworks technology. Clockwork machinery and mechanical systems are some of my favorite aesthetics ever, so the fact that there are clockwork creations everywhere in this world of math magic is just the icing on top. The imagery is as impeccable as always. The scene where the wild chalklings crawl out of Harding's mouth is probably one of my favorite descriptions in the book, as eerie as it is. There isn't much that I can say about this book that I didn't like, but if I were to pick something, it would be the characters. Not that I think the characters were badly written or anything like that, but they didn't resonate with me as much as in other novels. All in all, I really like this book and it saddens me to think that a sequel is still a ways off. I know the sequel has been a topic of debate for some time now, and now I see what the outrage is about. I think between books like Elantris and Warbreaker, this is definitely the most cliffhangery of the endings. However, I did look around a bit and saw that Brandon said that he might work on Rithmatist 2 after Stormlight 5, which if that can be trusted is moderately soon, plus I can't really complain about him working on Stormlight 5 since I kind of want that more anyways...

Uh, I hope you enjoyed my rant. I only wrote this because I saw other people writing their thoughts about other books in other forums. Anyways, I hope anyone reading this has a great day and whatnot.

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9 hours ago, Shadow of Electrum said:

Uh, I hope you enjoyed my rant. I only wrote this because I saw other people writing their thoughts about other books in other forums. Anyways, I hope anyone reading this has a great day and whatnot.

Glad you enjoyed the story. Here are WoBs on why Aztlanian has taken so long:


Brandon Sanderson

I really like that one [the mystery of Roanoke]. I actually, for a while... You guys are gonna hate me for this, but I, for a while, was gonna have the second Rithmatist novel deal with that. And then I threw that out the window; one of the reasons why the second Rithmatist novel's taken forever is I threw that whole concept. But it was gonna be Lost Colony-focused, for a little while.

Miscellaneous 2021 (Oct. 23, 2021)


Speaking of Rithmatist, is the reason for the lack of a sequel still due to further research being necessary? Or is it just due to schedule?

Peter Ahlstrom

Both, plus Brandon really wants to find a good writer with Mexica heritage to coauthor it with.


Im confused. Why does the heritage of the person writing it matter?

Peter Ahlstrom

Because what Brandon wants to do requires a lot more research than he is up for. Someone with a personal connection is more likely to have already done the research.

General Reddit 2021 (Aug. 16, 2021)


How many more Rithmatist novels are gonna be?

Brandon Sanderson

The original plan was for a trilogy. We'll see if I can make that happen or not. There'll be at least one more.

Ad Astra 2017 (May 5, 2017)


When will the second Rithmatist book come out?

Brandon Sanderson

So here's the deal with the Rithmatist. Rithmatist was the book I wrote right before the Wheel of Time hit me like a train going very fast. I was not expecting this in my life. The books I was working on at the time were the Liar of Partinel, which is Hoid's backstory, and the Rithmatist and both of these books got derailed to one extent or another by me dropping everything and working on the Wheel of Time. When I sat back down to write the Rithmatist 2, I had been derailed for so long and so much had happened in my life that the outline that I had just did not work. I wasn't pleased with it. It is one of things that I considered a mandate that I must do. I will finish it, but it's gonna take me a little bit more time. I've been trying to write things, like novellas, that don't promise sequels as much and finish off the things that did promise sequels. So I finished off Legion. The last Alcatraz book is basically done. It is called Bastille Versus the Evil Librarians or subtitle "Alcatraz Versus His Own Dumb Self." We're actually sending that off for artwork and things, so that should happen pretty soon. There's like one little scene that needs to be revised and then Rithmatist will be on the list of things to do. So, I promise it someday but I'm just not sure when. Stormlight 4 is going to take all my time for the next 7 months still, most likely. I won't be done with that until July 1st and then I really need to get the next Wax and Wayne book done and there are 2 more books of Skyward that I need to write. So, we'll see. My biggest goal is to not, whatever I do, let myself slip behind on Stormlight books because these kind of form the backbone currently of the cosmere sequence. So those can't come out less frequently than about once every 3 years. Once every 3 years is about as fast as I can do them. They take about 18 months and I need about 18 months off between them, otherwise I'll get burned out. There's an answer that's not a full answer for you. I'm sorry. It will happen. I'm not sure when.

Starsight Release Party (Nov. 26, 2019)


Hope that helps.

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15 hours ago, Shadow of Electrum said:

However, I did look around a bit and saw that Brandon said that he might work on Rithmatist 2 after Stormlight 5

Well, unfortunately no plans for years to come:


Brandon Sanderson

Part Five: Updates on Minor Projects


No movement. (Remember that part about me only being able to do so much?) Someday.

State of the Sanderson 2023 (Dec. 19, 2023)



Brandon Sanderson

Part Eight: Projected Schedule

This one is going to be a little hard to gauge this year, as while a few things are set, a lot of others are in flux. For example, I’ll be writing Ghostbloods straight through, maybe with Elantris sequels in between, and don’t want to release any of them until they are all done.

Let’s assume they’re all 200k words, and I can do roughly 300k a year. That means I’d be writing them all of 2025, 2026, and 2027. That would put the first one probably coming out 2028, five years from now.

In the meantime, we’ll be working on some other cool things, as listed below.

December 2024: Wind and Truth

Spring 2025: Skyward Legacy One(?)

December 2025: White Sand Novel/Dark One(?)

Spring 2026: Skyward Legacy Two(?)

December 2026: Skyward Legacy Three(?)

December 2026: Horneater(?)

December 2027: TBD

December 2028: Ghostbloods 1

Summer 2029: Elantris 2

December 2029: Ghostbloods 2

Summer 2030: Elantris 3

December 2030: Ghostbloods 3

Note that Dan and Isaac’s Cosmere novels will be in here somewhere, as will Super Awesome Danger and likely a collection of all my non-Cosmere short fiction.

Also note that in the past, I’ve been bad at projecting things this far ahead. (You can go look at this section in previous State of the Sanderson posts to see.) So this is all subject to change!

State of the Sanderson 2023 (Dec. 19, 2023)


15 hours ago, Shadow of Electrum said:

Uh, I hope you enjoyed my rant. I only wrote this because I saw other people writing their thoughts about other books in other forums. Anyways, I hope anyone reading this has a great day and whatnot.

Yes, I love Rithmatist, it's really good, the magic system is so fun and I just want more of it. But we will be waiting a long time for the sequel. 

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