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Stormlight Rereads

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I sometimes accidentally skip lines, so my 2nd readthrough of Stormlight, some things made more sense because I didn't skip those lines :lol:

I also think I re-read the book with the talking sword after my first readthrough of Stormlight, and then when I went back, the parts with the talking sword made more sense and were clearer, and I really enjoyed those chapters more. I also like re-reading books after knowing what happens later on, it gives a different, clearer perspective than the first read-through because I know more about the world and the characters.

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24 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

I sometimes accidentally skip lines, so my 2nd readthrough of Stormlight, some things made more sense because I didn't skip those lines :lol:

I also think I re-read the book with the talking sword after my first readthrough of Stormlight, and then when I went back, the parts with the talking sword made more sense and were clearer, and I really enjoyed those chapters more. I also like re-reading books after knowing what happens later on, it gives a different, clearer perspective than the first read-through because I know more about the world and the characters.

I know how you feel.

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I liked better context for Death Rattles, hints of spren activity, and certain characters appearing or their actions' consequences being felt. I also liked knowing the ultimate end of the flashback chapters (especially for WoK and WoR), especially because I could skip over some of them that didn't grip me as much as other parts of the books.

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15 hours ago, Aeternum said:

I sometimes accidentally skip lines, so my 2nd readthrough of Stormlight, some things made more sense because I didn't skip those lines :lol:

I also think I re-read the book with the talking sword after my first readthrough of Stormlight, and then when I went back, the parts with the talking sword made more sense and were clearer, and I really enjoyed those chapters more. I also like re-reading books after knowing what happens later on, it gives a different, clearer perspective than the first read-through because I know more about the world and the characters.

This is very much how I feel. Its not that I skip lines and I wouldn't say early WoK was boring at all but it did take me 5-6 chapters before I felt like I had my feet under me and a picture of what's going. I also read warbreaker after RoW so def looking forward to that.

13 hours ago, Returned said:

I liked better context for Death Rattles, hints of spren activity, and certain characters appearing or their actions' consequences being felt. I also liked knowing the ultimate end of the flashback chapters (especially for WoK and WoR), especially because I could skip over some of them that didn't grip me as much as other parts of the books.

Favorite death rattles?

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On 3/8/2024 at 3:21 PM, Unholy Truth said:

About to start my 2nd journey through Stormlight and I was wondering were some of your favorite things you picked up on the 2nd time through or some things you were able to appreciate more?

The thing is, WoK might have the highest "reread bonus" in the Cosmere - there are just so many small details, chekhov's guns, etc. that I defineitely found some new detail or connection I had previously missed on each reread (current SA counts):

  • WoK - read 6 times
  • WoR - read 5 times
    • Edgedancer- read 4 times
  • Oathbringer- read 2.6 times*
    • One reading was "skip all Shallan Chapters" - hence the .6
    • Dawnshard- read 3 times
  • Rhythm of War - read 2 times

 That said, another thing I like to do on some re-reads (recently did on my last Mitborn Era 1 reread) if I like to go to the TV Tropes Pages and read the Awesome, Tearjerker, Nightmare Fuel, etc. pages to recap big moments, then find that passage in the text and re-read that. Mistborn Example (spoilers):


I was adding the Annotations to my epub, so I re-read the book, while also reading each annotation. Then, as I was cleaning up the formatting to the whole thing, I reviewed the Mistborn Awesome page and looked up those scenes to read more closely (since the reread was more of a skim read due to fomattign challenges)


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On 3/8/2024 at 3:16 PM, Aeternum said:

I sometimes accidentally skip lines, so my 2nd readthrough of Stormlight, some things made more sense because I didn't skip those lines :lol:

I also think I re-read the book with the talking sword after my first readthrough of Stormlight, and then when I went back, the parts with the talking sword made more sense and were clearer, and I really enjoyed those chapters more. I also like re-reading books after knowing what happens later on, it gives a different, clearer perspective than the first read-through because I know more about the world and the characters.

Stormlight has a lot of details that are not crucial to the current scene, but become more relevant as the story progresses. On my 3rd read through I was still catching some pretty significant details. Sometimes I actually remember reading the line before, but  didnt actually connect to the overall story the first few times. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn’t realize till my second re-read of Stormlight, that Hoid and Jannah were a thing 😭

Also, it’s fun being able to pick up on the foreshadowing Brandon does in his books. Like, “Oh no way, that’s what he was hinting at?!” 

As well as references to other books, those are always fun to stumble upon.

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