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The Hunters RP

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So, I recently saw on one of the threads a suggestion for a monster hunter RP, @Scars of Hathsin I think is the one who said it, would need to check again, but, why don't we start one?

So, this RP takes place in the lowlands of Scotland, a small village beside the lake Loch (No not going to be Loch Ness) Lomond.

The village of Lomond has always had stories of monsters in the waters, in the mountains, but one day, the stories came to life.

It happened as a shooting star went across the sky, as a small meteor hit the nearest mountain, Mt. Noshar, (Mountain is not real, lake is, village probly named something else Idk). A traveler was walking on that mountain, telling his friend about the stories of the creatures. The magic of the meteor made those stories come alive.

Here's some more info :


So, thing #1. This takes places in the past. Radio exists, so do guns and cars, but no cell phones, only landlines.

Thing #2 : The characters should know each other but be relatively new to the town, not really important, but so that you don't already know the people of the town.

Thing #3 : The characters were there on the mountain the night the meteor struck, for whatever reason. A hike, camping, etc... They saw vaguely monstrous shapes in the darkness but didn't see anything specific, since the monsters are going to be surprises. (YAY!!)

Thing #4 : The characters should probably know each other or run into each other whilst being scared of the meteor strike and the monsters. (btw was a very small meteor. Like, really tiny. Like, a pebble once it hit earth. No crater or anything. Only monsters.)

Thing #5 : Here's what a character sheet should look like 


Name :

Age :


Reason to be on the mountain the night of the event :

Fears :

House : (Where do they live, house, shack, squatter, in a hotel for the moment, etc...)

Random objects they have on them :

Amount of money : (low, medium, high, very low, very medium, very high, not actual numbers,)


Thing #6 : Don't expect me to write out scary descriptions and stuff. This is not going to be horror at all. Its mostly a challenge to see if you can find the monsters, and if you can kill/trap/Drive off the monsters.

Thing #7 : Uh add in some random objects you'll be surprised how useful the most weirdest stuff can be in this type of scenario.


Edited by The Stormfather
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1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

So, I recently saw on one of the threads a suggestion for a monster hunter RP, @Scars of Hathsin I think is the one who said it, would need to check again, but, why don't we start one?

So, this RP takes place in the lowlands of Scotland, a small village beside the lake Loch (No not going to be Loch Ness) Lomond.

The village of Lomond has always had stories of monsters in the waters, in the mountains, but one day, the stories came to life.

It happened as a shooting star went across the sky, as a small meteor hit the nearest mountain, Mt. Noshar, (Mountain is not real, lake is, village probly named something else Idk). A traveler was walking on that mountain, telling his friend about the stories of the creatures. The magic of the meteor made those stories come alive.

Here's some more info :

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So, thing #1. This takes places in the past. Radio exists, so do guns and cars, but no cell phones, only landlines.

Thing #2 : The characters should know each other but be relatively new to the town, not really important, but so that you don't already know the people of the town.

Thing #3 : The characters were there on the mountain the night the meteor struck, for whatever reason. A hike, camping, etc... They saw vaguely monstrous shapes in the darkness but didn't see anything specific, since the monsters are going to be surprises. (YAY!!)

Thing #4 : The characters should probably know each other or run into each other whilst being scared of the meteor strike and the monsters. (btw was a very small meteor. Like, really tiny. Like, a pebble once it hit earth. No crater or anything. Only monsters.)

Thing #5 : Here's what a character sheet should look like 

  Reveal hidden contents

Name :

Age :


Reason to be on the mountain the night of the event :

Fears :

House : (Where do they live, house, shack, squatter, in a hotel for the moment, etc...)

Random objects they have on them :

Amount of money : (low, medium, high, very low, very medium, very high, not actual numbers,)


Thing #6 : Don't expect me to write out scary descriptions and stuff. This is not going to be horror at all. Its mostly a challenge to see if you can find the monsters, and if you can kill/trap/Drive off the monsters.

Thing #7 : Uh add in some random objects you'll be surprised how useful the most weirdest stuff can be in this type of scenario.



Sounds fun!


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can i join? i think it might have been me who first mentioned it but i might be wrong. i have been wanting to do this kind of rp for a while 


Name : roy

Age : 35

job/skills : ceo of verry profitable company.

Reason to be on the mountain the night of the event : was forced to be walking on the mountain for a family camping trip. (his family dont know how rich he realy is.)

Fears : dirt, the outdoors, anyone with less money and worse clothing then himself.

House : in a hotel for the moment

Random objects they have on them : gold crusted watch, a set of decorative silver knives.

Amount of money : so much that its somewere in either the millions or billions.

let me know if you don't like it.

@The Stormfather

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I guess I'll play. Got nothing better to do.


Name: Ben Alison

Age: 21

Job: Freelance actor, mostly for advertisements.

Reason to be on the mountain the night of the event: Film shoot

Fears: Isolation, his phone dying

House: Large house near hollywood.

Random objects they have on them: His phone, a portable charger for his phone, a pair of wireless earbuds, a magnifying glass, and a map stage prop that depicts a forest in northern Russia.

Amount of money: More than average, but not filthy rich


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Name : Arranis Reelwiron

Age : 25

Job/skills : Company Owner

Reason to be on the mountain the night of the event : Camping with son

Fears : Darkness

House : (Where do they live, house, shack, squatter, in a hotel for the moment, etc...), Tent

Random objects they have on them : Camping Gear, Weapons

Amount of money :very high


Is not actual numbers, a really large amount?

Edited by Scars of Hathsin
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Name : rob 

Age : 25 

job/skills : he has no job

Reason to be on the mountain the night of the event :he lives there he’s homeless

Fears :Meeting his family again

House : (Where do they live, house, shack, squatter, in a hotel for the moment, etc...)a tent on the side of the mountain

Random objects they have on them :anything you might need to survive outdoors except for a gun, including a really nice knife, a random bar of gold, and also a powerful magnet

Amount of money : (low, medium, high, very low, very medium, very high, not actual numbers,)very low

That good?

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So, uhhh, I guess I'm starting this, so, uhhh @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ @RoyalBeeMage @TheFrugalWizard @..... @Scars of Hathsin

Each of you, the day after the events on the mountain awake, dreams filled with images of those creatures that they had seen upon the mountain, images of death, destruction, and they know that those creatures must be stopped before they attack Lomonde.

The day begins as it normally would, until, at around noon, there are news reporters pouring in from the sides of the village, asking people for interviews, and asking if there was anyone upon the mountain whilst the meteor struck.

They also ask if anyone was hit, and whether they survived or not.

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2 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

So, uhhh, I guess I'm starting this, so, uhhh @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ @RoyalBeeMage @TheFrugalWizard @..... @Scars of Hathsin

Each of you, the day after the events on the mountain awake, dreams filled with images of those creatures that they had seen upon the mountain, images of death, destruction, and they know that those creatures must be stopped before they attack Lomonde.

The day begins as it normally would, until, at around noon, there are news reporters pouring in from the sides of the village, asking people for interviews, and asking if there was anyone upon the mountain whilst the meteor struck.

They also ask if anyone was hit, and whether they survived or not.

roy walks up to the center of the crowd. "i was up at the top of the mountain camping when i saw the meteor strike!" said to the many camerasd.

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2 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

So, uhhh, I guess I'm starting this, so, uhhh @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ @RoyalBeeMage @TheFrugalWizard @..... @Scars of Hathsin

Each of you, the day after the events on the mountain awake, dreams filled with images of those creatures that they had seen upon the mountain, images of death, destruction, and they know that those creatures must be stopped before they attack Lomonde.

The day begins as it normally would, until, at around noon, there are news reporters pouring in from the sides of the village, asking people for interviews, and asking if there was anyone upon the mountain whilst the meteor struck.

They also ask if anyone was hit, and whether they survived or not.


Sorry! At the moment I don’t have the time to do this. But…


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5 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

roy walks up to the center of the crowd. "i was up at the top of the mountain camping when i saw the meteor strike!" said to the many camerasd.

A short, blonde reporter steps towards you, holding a microphone. "Here we have someone who was on the mountain at the time of the strike. So, what did you see? what did it feel like to see the sky fall in front of you?"

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3 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

A short, blonde reporter steps towards you, holding a microphone. "Here we have someone who was on the mountain at the time of the strike. So, what did you see? what did it feel like to see the sky fall in front of you?"

i saw death! destruction! i saw the posiblility of the end of the world as we know it. there were monsters. indesribable horrors that were on the asteroide. or were re-awakened by it!"


wait a second! have you been playing Expeditions by stonemire games?


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my character, mostly stolen from a sonic fangame out of boredom:


Name : Barry

Species: Awakened Quokka

Age : 13

job/skills : (ex-)royal cleric of barkingburg, nomadic trader.

Reason to be on the mountain the night of the event : camping.

Fears : finding the beast that spared him when his mother threw him at it, being caught by loyalists to the tyrannical queen he fled from.

House : tent.

Random objects they have on them : jade ring, lamp, oil, matches, pocket-cannon, a bag of "ammo". (it's all silver, he just doesn't know it's silver.), full powder flask, ram-rod.

Amount of money : yes.


Edited by Just_a_Fan
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On 3/25/2024 at 7:20 PM, RoyalBeeMage said:

i saw death! destruction! i saw the posiblility of the end of the world as we know it. there were monsters. indesribable horrors that were on the asteroide. or were re-awakened by it!"


"Monsters? Are you sure?" the reporter turns to a camera. "Here in the town of lomonde someone is claiming that otherworldly beings rode the asteroid down to earth." They turn back to you. "Right? That's what you say?"

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22 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

"Monsters? Are you sure?" the reporter turns to a camera. "Here in the town of lomonde someone is claiming that otherworldly beings rode the asteroid down to earth." They turn back to you. "Right? That's what you say?"

“Yes that is exactly what happened!”

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