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Epilogue: In which the GM miscounts the number of Villagers, and feels really bad about it.


Samuel Kessen was shocked when Wyatt accused him of being a Forgotten. He was going to defend this camp to his dying breath. Just as he was about to kill the man for daring to vote for him, he stopped. "Why would he want to kill his leader?" His thoughts faded away, as he was possessed by the Forgotten inside of him. Wyatt smiled as his eyes turned black as well, while Jain and Roland looked on in horror.

Jain managed to squeak out, "We can take them, right Tory?"

Unfortunately for the two remaining soldiers, Tory Farth's eyes had also turned black.

"Well, this looks like the end." said Roland, as he drew a circle around himself.

Wyatt tsked, "Honestly, humans are so bloodthirsty. It barely took any provocation to get you to kill yourselves."

Jain stammered, "What are you going to do to us?" while he drew a shaky Easton defense.

Wyatt smiled again, "Don't worry. You won't remember a thing."

As the wild chalklings swarmed their circles, the two Rithmatists said a silent prayer to the Master. He didn't answer it.

A few days later, the platoon was rescued, and each of its 5 remaining members received Medals of Honor. The military didn't realize the truth though. The survivors might have looked like ordinary men, but they were only hallowed out corpses. In their place, stood 5 Forgotten, who could turn at a moments notice, seeking the destruction of the human race. Wyatt smiled as he received his Medal. Everything was going according to plan.

I apologize for the confusion but this ends Mid-Range Game 3. I miscounted the number of Villagers left, and assumed there was one more cycle. Once again, my apologies, but congratulations to the Forgotten for winning the game. I'll talk more about the game in a wrap-up post, but I hope you guys had fun. If you want to join a game, Long Game 9 is still accepting sign-ups. See you guys later.

Edited by Alvron
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Well, there goes my gambit. I was really hoping Tavi was a Forgotten.


(Sigh). I know this is bandwaggoning, but I'm also going to vote for Alv. There really isn't anything I can do. And no, I don't have a Line of Revocation. i'm not the kind of person that would be given one.


Looks like we're going to lose this game. Mea culpa, mea culpa...


Edit: iNinja'd by Satrams!


Well, GG all. Great GMing, smart. Sorry for insturmenting the loss.  <_< 



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That was pretty much me, in MR1. Especially after he went and got himself spooked and therefore revealed right after I died and used my Voidbringer PM to PM him. And the best part, Jain: you'll have to get in line. I think Tulir wants to express his feelings of great betrayal too, since he basically gave King Advanced Rithmatics.

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Wyrm, Meta had you pegged from Day One. You're lucky you killed him. That was the one thing he kept going on about in the dead doc. That and accusing Chase based on RP. :P


I feel bad about advocating Meta's death early on in two games in a row, but in my defence, I am absolutely terrified of him as a player :P.


I really thought Jain was forgotten with that gambit at the end. I thought that the forgotten were either you and ronald or Wyrm and Joe. I was wrong on both accounts.


I'm surprised you didn't go for myself and Jain. That was part of what I was trying to go for with my defence of him, getting Jain lynched after my death.

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I'm surprised you didn't go for myself and Jain. That was part of what I was trying to go for with my defence of him, getting Jain lynched after my death.


You evil and devious little backstabber...


But hey, another Game I've survived! And another Game I've been Good in... See? I don't need a rant to be good.

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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I'm glad I managed to peg the other two Forgotten in the Dead doc. (It was out of a list of four, but hey. :P) I wasn't at all useful while I was alive, (really should have voiced my suspicion of Wyrm while I had the chance) but I got that at least. 

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First off, I just want to say, running this game was a blast! I had so much fun watching you guys form suspicions and submitting actions.

Here's some of my random thoughts about this game:

  • I was surprised by how well the Eliminators did this game. I knew putting 4 Eliminators in was going to be challenging for the camp, but I thought that since everyone had a role, it would be mostly balanced.
  • Originally, this game was going to have 2 Artists, 2 Non-Rithmatists, and 1 Sentry, with a total of 20 players. If we had gotten one more player, he would have been a non-Rithmatist, just to add to the chaos of the game.
  • We've started to not do as much RP on this sub-forum. I would be really interested in a game with no blue text, if only to see the writing skills of you guys. Although I must say, it looks like LG8 will have a lot of RP which is always a good sign.
  • I've also noticed a bad tendency of our group to lynch those who are inexperienced, which can really hurt our community. We need to keep new players playing, and stop lynching them on the first day. Also, the Forgotten targeted experienced players with their kills. I know that is normally a good strategy, but it's somewhat unfair to experienced players, especially Meta.
  • To combat this, I've thought about running a game in which we are all anonymous. However, that goes against site policy, since we are not allowed to make burner accounts. Still, we could try running a game in a Google doc or something...

Here's the links to all of the Google docs associated with this game:

Spectator Doc (Very Quiet): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xRWXmG2TQIOZ4WhVE5T02Lq4XhOePtSe-o83nd_orN8/edit?usp=sharing

Dead Doc (Great Discussion): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jf8MSuxwh0mQ4zoR0yL1djkHLtgEEHkNfpi31YPZcTg/edit?usp=sharing

Eliminator Doc (Lots of Discussion): https://docs.google.com/document/d/10UJzLsG229KeudeR8SRhHz95qd9BmZR_haGFuLaH8yA/edit?usp=sharing

Master Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1voTyiBs2zJ212KZ299wyJX3gqL6u1DgHAZK9_7APwsA/edit?usp=sharing


I'll try to answer any question you guys had about my game. See you later.

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I feel bad about advocating Meta's death early on in two games in a row, but in my defence, I am absolutely terrified of him as a player :P.


As you should be; as you should be. Mwahahaha!!! :P But I've got to hand it to Kas and Twelve. You guys basically stayed off my radar pretty well. If I had survived, we might have gotten Wyrm, but there's still a good chance we would've still lost to you two, so bravo!


  • I've also noticed a bad tendency of our group to lynch those who are inexperienced, which can really hurt our community. We need to keep new players playing, and stop lynching them on the first day. Also, the Forgotten targeted experienced players with their kills. I know that is normally a good strategy, but it's somewhat unfair to experienced players, especially Meta.


I'm not too concerned about getting killed off early. It makes sense to take out those that pose a big threat. I have no problem being so feared that I'm a primary target! I take it as a sign of respect and prestige.

It's just going to be incredibly difficult for whenever I'm part of the evil faction, as no one will expect me to survive longer than the first few rounds! :P  


I would like to apologize to the villagers alive after I died.  I misjudged Wyrm, and gave him Advanced Rithmatics.   Sorry...


Don't be too hard on yourself. Wyrm is very good at not looking suspicious. Besides, who else would you have given it to? Kas? That wouldn't have worked out much better! 



Thanks for a great game, Sart! Even dying early didn't keep me from enjoying this one immensely and I've never read the Rithmatist yet! Your write ups were great and now I'm going to have to get a copy of the Rithmatist, as you've peaked my curiosity with your excellent write ups! 


....Oh, and I suppose I should congratulate the Forgotten for pulling off the win... So, yeah, congrats... I guess.... ;)

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Probably not. I wasn't kidding when I mentioned that I was dealing with RSI (well, shoulder issues) and uni stuff, so more time away from the computer is probably good for me. It's just that I was awfully good at procrastinating, so I was on on the doc a bit more than 17S, even when I shouldn't have been.


And yeah: I'm not surprised Aonar picked me up. As King and I mentioned in the doc, we were really surprised he didn't have to pry a lynchmob off me and Twei with a hammer and a lever. It was a fun game, I have to say--once again, thanks to everyone for playing and Sart for his GMing and well-constructed writeups. But I guess role madness always adds that extra level of trickery/confusion.


And actually, Joe, you shot a line of Vigor at Dig during Cycle Three, when we killed Aonar, so you had no role whatsoever in Dig's death. He simply didn't do a Line of Forbiddance. Dig died during Cycle Four (sorry, Great Lord!)

Edited by Kasimir
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I always wondered what would happen if Wyrm and Kas ended up as eliminators together.  Now I know.  :(


I try and be more pro-active and I end up bungling everything. ^_^   Back to the shadows for me I guess.  At least until I get better at playing on Team Good. 

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I always wondered what would happen if Wyrm and Kas ended up as eliminators together.  Now I know.  :(

Long walls of text in an Eliminator doc. What's new? >> If it helps, I spent most of the game terrified of you and thinking we should take you down soon because of LG5.

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Well, maybe one last comment. I'd like to nominate Jain for some sort of MVP-type honorary award, because it's really heartening to see him actually trying to rally the village, contributing far more that he used to, (and you did that for both LG8 and in here) and in general, promoting discussion. Think we should recognise/encourage the fact he's trying and doing his darndest :)


And he survived! And so did I (for the first time!)


Seriously, Jain, here, have my respect :P


I know it won't save me from the bamboo stakes, but I really do think it should be acknowledged, anyhow. 

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Well, I'd like to say a definite job well done to the Forgotten in this round! It was a good thing you killed Dig when you did. There was no way he could have kept up the number of holes for graves needed! :P

My actions this game were rather selfish, as I Did a Line of Forbiddance Cyles 1 and 3, and Lines of Warding 2 and 4. (Then you know, death.) It is a shame that I jokingly placed a vote on Kas, when he actually was trying to distract and mislead us with numbers, I suspect. ;) Although with the Sentry, 4 Eliminators was a good number, I think. Although the game did go rather fast, so maybe a couple more villagers would have been a better buffer for our mislynches. :P

As for the Camp Defense aspect, I kind of liked that. It was new and interesting. It did help promote a bit more discussion, as to making plans to help make sure we were protected that way, and I definitely can't wait to see how that mechanic can evolve and be used in future games!

A big thanks (and many upvotes) to our Mighty GM on running a fantastic game! It was very fun and you did a great job!


......Underneath the dry Nebraskan sky, with the hot, arid sun at high noon on a cloudless day, all was quiet on the Chalkling front. A daring ambush, turned into a lethal trap, turned into a massacre had left the bodies of an entire unit of dead Rithmatist's littered across the plains, behind enemy lines. One of these bodies was buried in an unmarked grave. A small, shallow hole, to be exact.

Deep down under arid soil, a worm was making it's work through the dirt and sliding over a rotting, eyeless body. The worm had worked long and hard to reach this prize, and it was content. A lot of good could always come from a little bit of digging.

The worm did whatever passes for a smile for a worm, and it went back to it's feast. Dig a hole, dig a hole.


Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Well, I'd like to say a definite job well done to the Forgotten in this round! It was a good thing you killed Dig when you did. There was no way he could have kept up the number of holes for graves needed! :P

My actions this game were rather selfish, as I Did a Line of Forbiddance Cyles 1 and 3, and Lines of Warding 2 and 4. (Then you know, death.) It is a shame that I jokingly placed a vote on Kas, when he actually was trying to distract and mislead us with numbers, I suspect. ;) Although with the Sentry, 4 Eliminators was a good number, I think. Although the game did go rather fast, so maybe a couple more villagers would have been a better buffer for our mislynches. :P

Glad to be of service, Great Lord. Though I do want to say, before I get a rep for distracting and misleading with numbers as an Eliminator--the maths expression was basically legit, unless I accidentally missed a variable or two, which is possible. So there's nothing misleading or distracting about it: I just put it in mathematical form because it's easier to understand and harder to misunderstand (or so I thought). Messing with figures is rather silly because people can easily tell and call you on the underlying logic.

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