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Okay, so I love seeing new fan art, don't get me wrong. I love seeing how each person's view of the characters vary slightly in appearance. However, it drives me crazy every to see new Kel art because EVERYONE GETS HIS FREAKING SCARS WRONG!!! I mean, really, let's take a look at the text:

They covered his skin, running lengthwise, as if some beast had repeatedly raked its claws up and down his arms. (MB, FE)
“This man,” Mennis said. “He had scars on his hands and arms, reaching past the elbows?” (same)
there would be no crystal-lined holes to reach through with torn, bleeding arms—stretching, seeking the atium geode hidden within.(again, same place)

Okay, so we've got scars that go up his arm. Note UP. Not across, or around. And if you think about it, that makes sense. He's having to reach his arm into a hole with pieces of crystal hanging down. That would scratch your arm not in a circle around, but in a wrist to elbow direction, right? Well then, why can't I find any pictures where the artist has done this?

Please, someone, feel free to correct me about all of the art. And if you're planning a picture, please do it right!

Okay, rant over. And I'm sorry if this offends someone, I don't mean to. It just confuses me to see it otherwise.

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Well then, why can't I find any pictures where the artist has done this?

Do you mean art where the scars are just straight lines, or art where the scars run from wrist to elbow?

If the latter, then try this:

Kelsier, Lord of the Dance

Kelsier, drawn that way

Kelsier, your Friendly Neighborhood Mistborn

Not really sure why there's a decent amount of art with scars entirely the wrong way. Sure, he probably had to rotate his arm occasionally to get him hand to the atium, but it seems like some artists draw him like a life long cutter.

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