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Who is your favourite character in SA?



230 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favourite character?

    • Dalinar
    • Kaladin
    • Shallan
    • Renarin
    • Szeth
    • Eshonai
    • Adolin
    • Jasnah
    • Rysn
    • Lift
    • Navani
    • Rock
    • Lopen
    • Sizgil
    • Wit/Hoid
    • Other

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I´m new so don´t actually know for certain if you had this poll before?


Absolutely hate Wit/Hoid. Talks in riddles most of the time. He is just annoying.


Like Renarin a lot. He is the only one who hasn´t done anything wrong yet. Hope he will figure more and more as the story developes.



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Easy one for anyone who has followed my posts on the 17th shards -_-


Adolin is my favorite there is absolutely no contest here :D


After him, I would say Dalinar, Shallan, Kaladin. Kaladin lost a lot of points, for me, in WoR. I like Navani as well even if she does not get a lot of screen time. I feel I can relate to her. Jasnah is alright, but she does not rise any passion in me, we'll see where she goes in the future. I don't care much for Renarin or Hoid. Pattern is my favorite spren. Teft and Skar are my favorite bridgemen. Rock would be a close third. I don't care much for Lopen. Lift is my favorite interlude character. I don't care much for Rysn except for the occasional interlude.

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Hmm, tough call. I'd have to say either Dalinar or Jasnah


Dalinar because he is such a BA warrior who is really trying hard to do all the right stuff. Jasnah because she is smart, grounded, and willing to go against the grain to do what she thinks is right. I like Adolin too.


That being said, each time Kaladin speaks a new Ideal and the glyphs burst frosty air around him, I get all emotional because it means he's finally getting it, and he is doing that which I would do if I somehow possessed magical powers, protect those who can't protect themselves. 


Honorable mention, Zahael. I loved him in his first book, definitely my favorite from there. 

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I loved Kaladin since the beginning.


Watching his progression as a slave in WoK struggling with his limited options just left me amazed.


And I'm really worried about the 2nd half of SA, I hope he'll still remain a major PoV character.

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I decided not to bring Pattern into the poll, but it was tempting. Rock always makes me laugh, Jasnah is probably my favorite as far as human characters go, but Pattern... Pattern has always just been... right.


Getting him together with Navani's notes on the Dawnchant that Dalinar has been speaking... AUGH! This intrigues me even more that what Nightblood will do. Dawnshards!

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Oh it's very hard to tell since I like almost all of the main characters and a bunch of minor characters, but I'll try to make a list here :)

Among female characters:

- Shallan / Definitely my all-time favourite character across the Cosmere (by now)! At first I was attracted by her drawing skill and quick tongue, but then I find I can relate a lot to her.
- Rysn / Since I'm a big fan of the Thaylen merchants and their long eyebrows, I often pay special attention to the Thaylen characters appear on screen (I know it's quite odd). So Rysn! I'm so glad that she gets some POV chapters. When reading WoK I don't know why I like her but after reading WoR, I'm deeply impressed by her boldness :) And we also get a larkin!
- Eshonai / Female warrior is the type I can't resist and I really really like her before she turns into Stormform. Hopefully she will get rid of Odium's influence and finally attract her own KR spren.

Besides, Jasnah the Awesome Scholar and Navani the Great Artifabrian work well for me and Lift also gets lots of potential. In personal aspect, I'm also quite curious about Iyatil, Dalinar's wife and the girl called Tarah whom Kaladin met in Amaram's army.

Among male characters:

- Kaladin / There's no doubt! What he struggles for is a big encouragement and that helped me conquer some real life problems. What he represents in WoR made me a little annoyed during the first read-through, but when rereading the book I realized I can somehow understand his feelings because sometimes I fall into the depression just like him. But what I learn from Kaladin is that we must at least try to get healed and be ready to do what is right :)
- Wit / Since we don't know much about the true nature of Hoid, I'm going to say I like the Wit he plays on Roshar. Perhaps I just have a soft spot for those “witty” characters, thus I always assume he and Shallan make good bantering partners :D Another reason is that he is likely to tell a different story for each book with the help of various music instruments, something like this is my favourite part of fantasy novels. The Wandersail and Fleet chapters are endearing. In the epilogues Wit also makes some interesting comments and I'd love to read them again and again :D
- Axies / Ha he is a cutie! Though there's only one POV chapter of him, that one is among the most hilarious things happen in SA. Aimian is a mysterious species, which I long to know more through Axies' perspective. His occasional meeting with Rysn also makes me rejoice a bit :)
- Szeth / Marvelous fighter with scholarly training, who has a terrible past and is completely broken, who weeps when killing… I like Szeth from the very start. Even though he acts strangely sometimes, I believe he will undergo a big character development, perhaps find redemption in the end.
- Zahel / Absolutely my favourite “new” character in WoR! The biggest reason may be that I often feel protective for those mentor characters in literature. Zahel the Grouchy Swordmaster wins my heart when he first reveals himself, and at that time I didn't even know his real name. His difficulty with the Rosharan language is an interesting spot and every time he says “Damnation language!” I'll laugh out so loud :D Also his interaction with Kaladin and Kholin boys is awesome to read. (Another thing, will he try to retrieve his sword? Can't wait to see that.)
- Dalinar, Adolin and Renarin / I put them together because I like to see them as a family, a face of the Kholin house who act with honor. Honestly, I got no feeling for Adolin in WoK, but after reading WoR I think I should put him in the list. Really hope he won't take the dark path in the future.
- Sigzil / This one I can't tell why, but I quite like the pronounciation of his name. (Azish names!) :D Seriously, maybe the scholarly type is my favourite and I get the vague feeling that he is going to play a role in the future books.

As for some other secondary characters, I also have feelings for Rock, Mraize, Taln and Kalak but I can't place the exact reason. Time will see :)

Edit: I forgot about the spren! Sure, Syl is the most adorable and I really wish to know more about Ivory. All of the Nahel spren seem to be an amazing lot.

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Besides, Jasnah the Awesome Scholar and Navani the Great Artifabrian work well for me and Lift also gets lots of potential. In personal aspect, I'm also quite curious about Iyatil, Dalinar's wife and the girl called Tarah whom Kaladin met in Amaram's army.


Oh good ones. I forgot about Dalinar's wife and Tarah. Both have struck my interest, especially Shshshshsh. I do not care much for Iyatil though, but I could add Ialai to the list. A good strong female villain would be nice. I would be especially thrilled if she turns out being even more trouble than Sadeas.

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Kaladin no question! - he seems the most real to me, he has real inner turmoil and i have a soft spot for underdogs.

He struggles with trust for lighteyes which is understandable considering they keep screwing him over and his battles with depression are inspiring considering he overcomes them eventually... Last but not least his epic battle scenes bring the book to life!


1. Kaladin 

2. Wit

3. Dalinar

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1.  Stick

2.  Shallan

3.  Jasnah


Kaladin featured in there after WoK, but WoR forced a re-ordering of the world.  I mean, Stick was just awesome.  Can't wait for Jasnah and Stick to have a confrontation in future books. 


(On a for serious note, though, it'd be Shallan, Jasnah, Lift.  I'd like Hoid to be up there, but I have grave concerns about him currently; Kaladin annoyed me far too much after WoR to put above characters that I loved in both, and I'm not yet done being mad with him about killing Syl; and Adolin is seriously growing on me.  Dalinar is far too stuffy and ignorant of how people actually work, but he is also slowly turning into a character that I see me loving in the not-too-distant future.  Also, Syl and Pattern are both great, and should be on the list.  And man, I also forgot Lopen and Rock.  This is really a "Who are your five, I mean six, no wait, eight.  Yes, who are your eight favorite characters in The Stormlight Archive? question.)

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Well I forgot a few on the list(Teft, Pattern, syl etc) but wouldn´t be right to add them now so they have to fit under other

I know, it's fine, was just poking gentle fun at you and the poll  :D  The problem with creating a favorite character poll for SA is a testament to how great the series is--there are just so many damnation good characters it's hard to choose, and yet they all remain entirely distinct in my mind.  (And, to be completely fair to you, I believe that your poll is the most inclusive of all of the potential favorites that I've seen on here.)

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I know, it's fine, was just poking gentle fun at you and the poll  :D  The problem with creating a favorite character poll for SA is a testament to how great the series is--there are just so many damnation good characters it's hard to choose, and yet they all remain entirely distinct in my mind.  (And, to be completely fair to you, I believe that your poll is the most inclusive of all of the potential favorites that I've seen on here.)

Very true! I love many of them. The poll show clearly that Kaladin still remains the favourite though. That can maybe change in the future when we learn more of other characters.

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"Well, there's my vote- what! I'm the only one to vote for Rysn?"


I don't know why I'm surprised; after all, Rysn doesn't do much in the novel. It makes a lot more sense to vote for the other characters (and for the record, I was very tempted to vote Jasnah).


Still... I like Rysn. Yes, she's had less screen-time than... just about everyone, really, but something about her really stands out to me. She's very memorable.

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Very true! I love many of them. The poll show clearly that Kaladin still remains the favourite though. That can maybe change in the future when we learn more of other characters.


One of the great thing about SA so far is that Brandon managed to create evolving characters as opposed to static ones. If you had ask your question before the release of WoR, my answers would have been completely different.


After reading WoK, my favorite character was Kaladin followed by Dalinar, Shallan and Adolin. I had found the story of young Kaladin very compelling and I felt I could emphasized with his struggles as a bridgeman. Dalinar was another great character, struggling to come in terms with visions telling him a tale long forgotten while maintaining an air of sanity. There has always been this brute force about Dalinar that is just endearing. I had also loved reading the story of Shallan, a young gild trying to steal a powerful artifact from a woman she ended up admiring. Adolin, I thought was funny to read... All the other POVs were so serious and grave, his felt light and amusing. During most of WoK, I though he would turn into a complete brat and betray his father up until he finally showed up his true colors. I liked him well enough in WoK, but it is in WoR that he really grew on me.


After reading WoR, I changed my mind. I found Kaladin difficult to read at times and I couldn't emphasized with him as much as I felt he acted like brat most of the time. Dalinar was pretty static for me during this book: I still love him the same. Shallan went up a notch as she started to grow herself a strong backbone and took her destiny into her hands. I respect her for achieving that even if I don't always agree with the means she used. Adolin stole the show for me in every single of his appearances. The banter between him and Kaladin was priceless and I loved to see his progression as a character. To me, he is the one who had changed the most since early WoK. Each time he took a decision, I felt he set foot deeper into something bigger we haven't seen yet. Needless to say the ending for him was so dramatic, I just can't help angsting for the next book to find out what will happened.


All this to say, our perception of characters is bound to evolve and yeah for now Kaladin is still most people's number one, but who's to say how most people will feel after next book? I sure changed my mind and this fact alone simply enlightened how great Brandon is as an author: he can make those characters grow and it is a hard thing to do. If I compare to WoT, for example, I feel the characters have evolved less in 14 books then Brandon's did in 2............

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"Well, there's my vote- what! I'm the only one to vote for Rysn?"


I don't know why I'm surprised; after all, Rysn doesn't do much in the novel. It makes a lot more sense to vote for the other characters (and for the record, I was very tempted to vote Jasnah).


Still... I like Rysn. Yes, she's had less screen-time than... just about everyone, really, but something about her really stands out to me. She's very memorable.

I like Rysn too. It will be fun to see what she does in the future. She has that larkin. Could be intresting.

Renarin is my favourite though. Really like to know more about him. He is a mystery.

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Reading through the list just made me realize how solid the whole cast is.  First time I can say that about a Sanderson book.


Anyway I hate to go with the crowd, but Kaladin.  He really grew on me in WoR.  I love how everyone not in Bridge 4 tends to hate him.


And how does Dalinar only have one vote?  He was easily my favorite in TWoK.

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I'm still partial to Kaladin.  His character in WoK was one of my favorites in all of fiction so regardless of his "issues" I'm always rooting for him and found those efforts highly rewarded at the end of WoR.  


A character that I absolutely adore and who surprisingly wasn't an option in your poll is Syl.  I was borderline devastated when I

thought she was gone.  Thankfully, that wasn't the case and I was thrilled when she returned.    


Yep.  I have a spren crush.  :wub:

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Kaladin!! He is most inspiring and a brilliant leader despite whatever situation he is in..  But as already been said, there is too many great characters in there, it is very difficult to choose..  Kaladin and Dalinar are still at the top for me, but I would really like to see more on Axies (whose character looks very exciting, humorous and mysterious), Ishikk and Rysn..

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A character that I absolutely adore and who surprisingly wasn't an option in your poll is Syl.  I was borderline devastated when I

thought she was gone.  Thankfully, that wasn't the case and I was thrilled when she returned.    


Yep.  I have a spren crush.  :wub:

Sorry about that. Could not put them all in there and kind of forgot about the sprens.

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Im actually pretty surprised by the number of people that have Kaladin as a favourite!


I really think that has to do with the fact that Kaladin is the one who had the most "screen time" so far, so gave more space for people to bond with him. I guess this will change over time

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