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Plot Twist in Archive, humans really belong to Roshar

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4 hours ago, bmcclure7 said:

that quote just proves my point.

1. Rlain never went into combate in dull form, who didnt even learn the spear in dull form just heild one.

2. Not a single parshendi went to war in anything other then warform. 

3.  im not argue with dradon your just using him out of context. 

You do understand the word "specialization," do you? Warform is a specialized form for fighting, it's much better at fighting than Workform or Nimbleform, as seen in RoW Eshonai's flashbacks. Rlain learned to fight with a spear in WoR off pages, but being a Dullform didn't prevent him from fighting, even if he never had to fight, he still performed guard duties. They would not allow him to guard Kholins if he was unable to fight at all, the risk of assassination was too big to put someone totally unable to fight next to Dalinar. This proves that a Dullform is capable of fighting, even if it isn't that good at it, it's at least capable enough to become a guard. Therefore just as a Dullform is capable of fighting to some extent, many forms other than Mateform/Slaveform are capable of reproduction, even if they aren't that good at it.

I'm not using anything out of context, Brandon literally said what I'm quoting times and times again, which you refuse to accept. Read the WoB again.

WoR ch 47:


He urged the man to take the spear, and Shen finally did so. “Leyten and Natam practice in the mornings with a few men. They’re willing to help you learn so that you don’t have to train with the greenvines.”

WoR ch 50:


And . . . why was there a parshman wearing a guardsman uniform, holding a spear with the others?


4 hours ago, bmcclure7 said:

1. No fear Malen form cant even grow a beard i doudt it can get hard. 

I do not understand you. Malen Warforms have beards.

4 hours ago, bmcclure7 said:

2. at the very least malen is asexual i doudt he would have any interest in sex consenual  or otherwise. 

Yes, I agree. Malen/Femalen is asexual, they don't feel any sexual attraction. But I've already given you examples of why a Malen/Femalen form would want to engage in those forms rather than in Mateform. 


That's the last response from me. I'm repeating myself as there is nothing more to add as the WoB I've provided is definite.

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1 hour ago, alder24 said:

You do understand the word "specialization," do you? Warform is a specialized form for fighting, it's much better at fighting than Workform or Nimbleform, as seen in RoW Eshonai's flashbacks. Rlain learned to fight with a spear in WoR off pages, but being a Dullform didn't prevent him from fighting, even if he never had to fight, he still performed guard duties. They would not allow him to guard Kholins if he was unable to fight at all, the risk of assassination was too big to put someone totally unable to fight next to Dalinar. This proves that a Dullform is capable of fighting, even if it isn't that good at it, it's at least capable enough to become a guard. Therefore just as a Dullform is capable of fighting to some extent, many forms other than Mateform/Slaveform are capable of reproduction, even if they aren't that good at it.

I'm not using anything out of context, Brandon literally said what I'm quoting times and times again, which you refuse to accept. Read the WoB again.

WoR ch 47:

WoR ch 50:


I do not understand you. Malen Warforms have beards.

Yes, I agree. Malen/Femalen is asexual, they don't feel any sexual attraction. But I've already given you examples of why a Malen/Femalen form would want to engage in those forms rather than in Mateform. 


That's the last response from me. I'm repeating myself as there is nothing more to add as the WoB I've provided is definite.

1. not true actual.  Dull Form dulls mind.  Not very good for fighting. Work form encourages  Cooperation and obedience. Not exactly the best traits in the soldier. Mate form is easily distracted also not the best trates.  You would be a fool to fight in most of these forms . It would be similarly stupid to have sex in a malen form.


2.  The exceptions that you brought up are just that exceptions. Your theory is that every race Comes from a different form. But you acknowledge that mating outside of mate form or similar forms is extremely unlikely. Just like fighting out of war form or similar form is exsyeamly unlikely. Additionally you acknowledge that at the very least fertility is decreased in these forms.  If you're a theory were true 99% of the human population could trace their lineage to  A singer in mate form and No other form.  

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10 minutes ago, bmcclure7 said:

2.  The exceptions that you brought up are just that exceptions. Your theory is that every race Comes from a different form. But you acknowledge that mating outside of mate form or similar forms is extremely unlikely. Just like fighting out of war form or similar form is exsyeamly unlikely. Additionally you acknowledge that at the very least fertility is decreased in these forms.  If you're a theory were true 99% of the human population could trace their lineage to  A singer in mate form and No other form.  

Who is "you" in this? Your pronouns require antecedants. If you mean "Alder" you might want to notice that the theory of different forms being the progentors of different human/singer hybrids is not his theory. In fact, he was arguing against that theory:

Dofurion (the OP):

On 3/25/2024 at 9:51 PM, Dofurion said:

My argument is that humans have indeed inherited characteristics from the Singers, only that these characteristics are qualified according to the shape in which the Singer was when granting the child.

Alder's initial respoonse:

On 3/26/2024 at 10:25 AM, alder24 said:

While I think it's possible for Singer's DNA to be present in Rosharan humans, I don't think it would be relevant in any way, or be a plot twist - just like all humans on Earth have a tiny bit of Neanderthal DNA it doesn't mean that we are direct descendants of Neanderthals.


 I think it's more like some Horneaters or Herdazians, who are direct descendants of Singers, have children with normal humans, which seeded and diffused their Singers DNA in human population, which over time became a tiny, inconsequential bit. 

So, please clarify exactly what it is you are arguing against.

Edited by Treamayne
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