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Ok, so I was thinking about this the other day, Allomancy is end-positive right, the intent being to preserve your own energy at the expense of using energy granted by Preservation, accessed by burning the metal.


So when Vin and Kelsier are 'pewter-dragging' to run huge distances in a short amount of time, they experience a huge fatigue build up as they're running, which makes sense if pewter only increases your durability, resistance to pain, and physical attributes (strength and speed). However, Vin ends up pewter-dragging so hard she ends up asleep for a nearly a week, this doesn't quite add up to me, seeing as your energy should be preserved and therefore you're essentially channelling energy from another source, through your body.


Also, would this mean using Gold feruchemy after pewter-dragging would remove the physical fatigue?


Shoot me down if I'm wrong.


Also, first post on the forums.


Welcome to the forums!


My understanding of Allomantic pewter is that it boost your natural abilities to an unnatural level, not that it replaces them. You can still get cut or bruised when burning pewter, but the initial impact is dulled by the pewter, and your healing is sped up afterwards. So pewter "supercharges" everything, but still has to work through the scaffold of your body, which is necessarily going to suffer some amount of strain whenever you move it around.


If you've read the Way of Kings, I imagine it's similar to how those wearing Shardplate still grow fatigued, as the Plate only enhances their actions, it doesn't replace them.


Yes, I think Feruchemical gold would remove fatigue, though not the bare need for sleep. Which books have you read?

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So far, only the MB trilogy, I haven't read AoL, but I'm in the process of acquiring the rest. Thing is, as I read through the books I realised there was something more than just what was written in this saga, so I had a quick look online and turned up all these fansites, including the Coppermind. I'm studying Chemistry, which is what got me so interested in checking out what the rest of the metals did. 


I'm looking forward to picking up the WoK books, and I absolutely love anything involving easter-egg material, especially when it comes to lore related stuff in fantasy fiction.


I'd just like clarification on compounding gold too. So, you store health in the goldmind, then ingest it, and when you burn it, you get both visions of 'what you might have been' and you heal at an accelerated rate? Also, would love to see the effects of duralumin on compounders abilities, shame the only Mistborn Compounder we've seen is TLR.

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Whether or not you see gold shadows when you compound is a matter of debate, though I believe that the consensus is that you can choose between getting the Feruchemical and Allomantic effects: you don't need to get both. So a Compounder would normally just burn for the Feruchemical effect and get super-large amounts of Health, not the shadows.

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Welcome to the forums, buddy!

I can't give you a good canon answer, but I'll say that, while the "magic" comes from Preservation, I don't think it's ever been said that everything you do while burning comes from Preservation. Pewter pumps power into your muscles but they're still _your_ muscles, and still your calories to burn.

EDIT: I appear to be an entire page slow on my response.

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Whether or not you see gold shadows when you compound is a matter of debate, though I believe that the consensus is that you can choose between getting the Feruchemical and Allomantic effects: you don't need to get both. So a Compounder would normally just burn for the Feruchemical effect and get super-large amounts of Health, not the shadows.

Do you get to choose? I thought if you had stored at all in the metal you were burning, Compounding resulted no matter what.

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Do you get to choose? I thought if you had stored at all in the metal you were burning, Compounding resulted no matter what.


That would imply 


Since Darkreyas hasn't read AoL yet

Miles had ingested uninvested gold for some reason


Which seems unlikely to me.  So I'm guessing, as Vin pointed out, you simply have a sense of 2 reserves.  You'd just notice both depleting no matter which you choose to burn.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Note: I use the following convention when speaking of the Shards:  shard = a 16th portion of Adonalsium exclusive of a conciousness which holds the shard;  Shard = shard +holder.


The rub is, realmatics has not been fleshed out very much canonically(Emperor's soul and Mistborn have the most info).  Especially so in the Particular case of the Shards themselves.  There are several theories and a few tidbits that have been teased out.  But there is a lot of conjecture and speculation underlying a lot of it.  I personally expect that the shard itself has a cognitive aspect which is most fully expressed in the governing intent of the shard.  The holder of the Shard definitely adds to the cognitive aspect of the Shard as a whole.  The physical body of the holder of the shard is retained somehow and somewhere.  The physical aspect of the shard itself is to my knowledge unknown as yet.  Many of us speak of it as if Adonalsium was a crystal of sorts and the shards are pieces of that crystal, but I am unsure that this is accurate.  As to the spiritual, there is of course the soul of the holder of the shard.  But beyond that, I really don't know.


Edit: By the way, welcome to the forums jbookworm100.  If you are interested, there is an "Introduce Yourself" forum where you can post an introductory thread so we can get to know you a little.

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Note: I use the following convention when speaking of the Shards:  shard = a 16th portion of Adonalsium exclusive of a conciousness which holds the shard;  Shard = shard +holder.


The rub is, realmatics has not been fleshed out very much canonically(Emperor's soul and Mistborn have the most info).  Especially so in the Particular case of the Shards themselves.  There are several theories and a few tidbits that have been teased out.  But there is a lot of conjecture and speculation underlying a lot of it.  I personally expect that the shard itself has a cognitive aspect which is most fully expressed in the governing intent of the shard.  The holder of the Shard definitely adds to the cognitive aspect of the Shard as a whole.  The physical body of the holder of the shard is retained somehow and somewhere.  The physical aspect of the shard itself is to my knowledge unknown as yet.  Many of us speak of it as if Adonalsium was a crystal of sorts and the shards are pieces of that crystal, but I am unsure that this is accurate.  As to the spiritual, there is of course the soul of the holder of the shard.  But beyond that, I really don't know.


Edit: By the way, welcome to the forums jbookworm100.  If you are interested, there is an "Introduce Yourself" forum where you can post an introductory thread so we can get to know you a little.


I read in the Emperor's soul that the cognitive part is how one views the thing and how it views itself, then what's the connection of said cognitive realm to the Shadesmar? 


Oh, and I have posted something in the Introduce Yourself forum. Hehe. It was the first post I wrote.

And thank you for answering, there's so many questions with regards to the cosmere universe that when you answer one another batch of questions arise. It's sooo interesting! XDD

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TES's account isn't the whole story: we also have from Harmony that 

...each power has three aspects: a physical one, which can be seen in the creations made by Ruin and Preservation; a spiritual one in the unseen energy that permeates all of the world; and a cognitive one in the minds which controlled that energy.


No doubt there are other facets to the Cognitive as well.

Edited by Kurkistan
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Shadesmar is the cognitive realm.  It is where the cognitive resides, as it were. 



Oh, and I have posted something in the Introduce Yourself forum. Hehe. It was the first post I wrote.


Ha, I even posted in the thread.  Although it is a good thing I welcomed you here.  Nobody did there, they just answered your question. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a question that has probably already been answered, The Way of Kings paperback edition page 788, Kabsal is talking to Shallan in the library about the voidbringers, he says

"Everything has its opposite, Shallan. The Almighty is a force of good. To balance his goodness, the cosmere needed the Voidbringers as his opposite."

Sorry, I don't know how to do quotes. But my questions are, Shallan never questioned the cosmere, and it is mentioned soon after in their conversation and again she doesn't question it. Could Roshar be more advanced and know there are other worlds. Also, in one of Dalinar's visions he is shown lights in the sky going out, being told (it's not just about us).

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It could be as simple as the cosmere is just their word for the universe, the cosmos, everything everywhere.  If the word 'cosmere'  was the Yolen word then it stands to reason that that term and concept could bleed into every shardworld since they all have a strong tie to Yolen in their god(s).  Or it could simply be a word to represent a concept to us.  Remember that the shardworlds do not have a shared language so each of these books is arguably a translation. 


On the other hand, the ardentia seems to be familiar with Shadesmar and traveling there as evidenced by the Geranid interlude.  This suggests that they me rather cosmere literate and it is also very conceivable that the worldsingers could have been seeded with cosmere knowledge from Hoid.

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This might be better suited for a separate discussion thread, but I thought I'd try here, in case I've missed some piece of information. Which is entirely possible.


As I was doing my catch-up-on-cosmere-lore spree, I found myself reading Brandon's http://www.reddit.com/r/Stormlight_Archive/comments/1a3fj0/discussion_of_the_week_shadesmar_truthspren/'>Shadesmar & Truthspren Reddit discussion. In it, one of his replies reads the following:

Q: If you wouldn't mind answering, does Roshar have a similar problem [it's dangerous to travel to Shadesmar on Sel], with Honor being Splintered?
A: No, Roshar does not have the same problem. There are some differences going on. (One reason being that the spren are far more extensive on Roshar, and provide something of a "release valve." The Seons and the Skaze on Sel are not numerous enough to fulfill a similar function. Though, of course, that's only one part of the puzzle. Raw power is dangerous.

This made me wonder - why are Seons and Skaze together less numerous than Roshar's spren? If anything I would expect things to be the other way around, considering that Sel had to suffer the Splintering of two Shards, while Roshard had only one (that we know of? Cultivation is presumably still around). I'd try to discuss this on my own, but my realmatics has never been too strong, and since my hiatus from the forum, it's even worse...

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I would guess that some spren existed before Honor's death, and/or that Cultivation/Honor's combinatorics might just be amenable to producing spren.


Also, since Cultivation is still alive (and thus, obviously, outlived Honor), she might have deliberately released extra Splinters to "tie down" some of Honor's power in new spren, in accordance with the theory (I don't think we have WoB on it, though I'm not sure) that spren were far less abundant before Honor's death.

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Thank You Shardlet, I was worried I had missed a debate, since I came late to the party.



Q: If you wouldn't mind answering, does Roshar have a similar problem [it's dangerous to travel to Shadesmar on Sel], with Honor being Splintered?

A: No, Roshar does not have the same problem. There are some differences going on. (One reason being that the spren are far more extensive on Roshar, and provide something of a "release valve." The Seons and the Skaze on Sel are not numerous enough to fulfill a similar function. Though, of course, that's only one part of the puzzle. Raw power is dangerous.


My thought on this was that honor just invested more. Like I said though, I'm a little late to the party, so I could be wrong.

And to all that helped with the wiki site, it is amazing, very easy to navigate, and mostly facts with a little bit of spectulation for fun, amazing job.

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Do we know anything about the language similarities or differences between the shardworlds?   I was re-reading Warbreaker yesterday and came across the letter "Shash" when Siri was teaching Susebron to read:


“That is the letter ‘shash,’ ” Siri said, smiling. “I can teach you them all, if you wish.” (http://brandonsanderson.com/warbreaker-chapter-twenty/)


In WoK, Shash is mentioned often, including:


- A month: Collected on the first day of the week Palah of the month Shash of the year 1171, thirty-one seconds before death. Subject was a darkeyed pregnant woman of middle years. The child did not survive.

- Kaladin's Dangerous glyph

- A number (not 100% sure)


That suggests to me that they share at least parts of a language.

Edited by Scott
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Do we know anything about the language similarities or differences between the shardworlds?   I was re-reading Warbreaker yesterday and came across the letter "Shash" when Siri was teaching Susebron to read:


“That is the letter ‘shash,’ ” Siri said, smiling. “I can teach you them all, if you wish.” (http://brandonsanderson.com/warbreaker-chapter-twenty/)


In WoK, Shash is mentioned often, including:


- A month: Collected on the first day of the week Palah of the month Shash of the year 1171, thirty-one seconds before death. Subject was a darkeyed pregnant woman of middle years. The child did not survive.

- Kaladin's Dangerous glyph

- A number (not 100% sure)


That suggests to me that they share at least parts of a language.


Argent is right that this has been spotted before.  In conjunction with this observation, Brandon has stated that all Shards share the same origin.  This suggests that some terminology and such are found in more than one world without there being a direct connection between those worlds except for that they both have Shards.


If you are interested here are some of those previous threads that have discussed this:









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Do we know anything about the language similarities or differences between the shardworlds?   I was re-reading Warbreaker yesterday and came across the letter "Shash" when Siri was teaching Susebron to read:


“That is the letter ‘shash,’ ” Siri said, smiling. “I can teach you them all, if you wish.” (http://brandonsanderson.com/warbreaker-chapter-twenty/)


In WoK, Shash is mentioned often, including:



I admit that I didn't check the threads Shardlet posted but I remember the following quote:



My question is in regards to the writing system. In Warbreaker, when Siri is teaching Susebron to read, she mentions the letter "shash," which we now know better as a Glyphair from WoK.

so onto the questions:

Are the two writing systems related, or is this a chance coincidence of names? If they are related, did they stem from the same source? (i.e., do the people of Nalthis and Roshar both descend from a more ancient group of people?) If I haven't gotten a RAFO yet, did the separation from these other people create the legends of being cast out of the Tranquiline Halls?

Brandon Sanderson

There are interesting connections around the cosmere between linguistics and some cultures. Though different groups of humans were created on different planets, the Shards all share a single point of origin. However, the Tranquiline Halls legends are not related to a Nalthis/Roshar connection.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just thought of something. Would a tinfoil hat actually work against Ruin?

What are you hoping it would do? Stop him from speaking into your mind (assuming you had a spike)? I doubt a tinfoil hat would do anything more than make your head glow a bit in his vision :P


An aluminum hat on the other hand...that may have potential, similarly to blocking emotional allomancy. (I personally think that alluminium blocks any form of allomancy, but this is far from confirmed.)

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Look!  Ffnord is bi-lingual!  :P



An aluminum hat on the other hand...that may have potential, similarly to blocking emotional allomancy. (I personally think that alluminium blocks any form of allomancy, but this is far from confirmed.)

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