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The Sorceress and the Ire

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I'm currently reading Tress and the Emerald Sea, and I was thinking of the Sorceress. I've also read Secret History, and the Ire in it all seem to be Elantrians. Could the Sorceress also be part of the Ire? She's an Elantrian too.

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8 minutes ago, Doomslug_Is_Cool said:

I'm currently reading Tress and the Emerald Sea, and I was thinking of the Sorceress. I've also read Secret History, and the Ire in it all seem to be Elantrians. Could the Sorceress also be part of the Ire? She's an Elantrian too.

She is, she was in Secret History. Kelsier tricked her into leaving behind that ball full of Connection Juice that Kel used to Ascend.

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57 minutes ago, Doomslug_Is_Cool said:

I'm currently reading Tress and the Emerald Sea, and I was thinking of the Sorceress. I've also read Secret History, and the Ire in it all seem to be Elantrians. Could the Sorceress also be part of the Ire? She's an Elantrian too.

48 minutes ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

She is, she was in Secret History. Kelsier tricked her into leaving behind that ball full of Connection Juice that Kel used to Ascend.

Technically, that was Alonoe. The Sorceress is Riina, still one of the Ire in Secret History - just not the one carrying the Connection Orb. 

M:SH Ch 5-3:


“That’s one of Alonoe’s robes,” a woman whispered, hand pulled to her breast in shock.

Another of the ancients looked in the satchel. “Empty,” he said. “Merciful Domi . . . What were we thinking?”

“Back,” Elrao said. “Back! Everyone get your horses! We’re leaving. Curse Alonoe and this idea of hers!”

They were gone in moments. Kelsier strolled through the forest, stepping up beside the discarded robe—which they’d left—listening to the main bulk of the expedition crash through the jungle in their haste to escape him.

He shook his head, then took a short walk through the underbrush to where Alonoe and her lone guard were now trying to follow the sounds of the main body. They were doing a pretty good job of it, all things considered.

When the ancient one wasn’t looking, Kelsier grabbed the guard around the neck and hauled him into the darkness. The man thrashed, but Kelsier got him in a quick lock and hold, knocking the man out without too much trouble. He pulled the body back quietly, then returned to find the solitary ancient one standing with lantern in hand beside her horse, turning frantically.

The jungle had become eerily still. “Hello?” she called. “Elrao? Riina?”

Kelsier waited in shadow as the calls became more and more frantic. Eventually the woman’s voice gave out. She slumped down in the forest, exhausted.

Alonoe was the mark, Riina was the one to notice the empty robes on the ground. . . 

Elantris/SA Spoilers


As far as we know, all Ire are Elantrian As it is a Selish organization and ire is the Aon for "Ancient." That includes Riino ("Beautiful once, so beautiful" Hoed from Elantris, last seen as the Lighhouse keeper in Shadesmar during Oathbringer. 


Edited by Treamayne
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1 minute ago, Treamayne said:

Technically, that was Alonoe. The Sorceress is Riina, still one of the Ire in Secret History - just not the one carrying the Connection Orb. 

It's been a while, so the details are a bit fuzzy to me, thanks.

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8 hours ago, Treamayne said:

I cheat - I have all of the eBooks and use Calibre on my PC - so searching is super easy. . . 

I have most of the physical books, I started just buying the eBooks on my phone when The Lost Metal and the Secret Projects came out. It'd be expensive for me to buy the eBooks version of all my books so I haven't bothered. 

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1 hour ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

I have most of the physical books, I started just buying the eBooks on my phone when The Lost Metal and the Secret Projects came out. It'd be expensive for me to buy the eBooks version of all my books so I haven't bothered. 

Oh, I certainly have not done it for all of my books. . . but certain authors I don't mind supporting by buying twice (Sanderson, Butcher, Weeks, Hearne). But I also did it slowly, over years; so I could buy most "duplicates" on sale (for example Mistborn Era 1 is the Omnibus version and IIRC it was 35% off when I bought it in an "Omnibus and Anthology sale").  It was less "go out and re-buy the Cosmere in eBook" than "Oh, another sale - are any I need cheap?"

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On 3/30/2024 at 7:06 AM, Treamayne said:

Oh, I certainly have not done it for all of my books. . . but certain authors I don't mind supporting by buying twice (Sanderson, Butcher, Weeks, Hearne). But I also did it slowly, over years; so I could buy most "duplicates" on sale (for example Mistborn Era 1 is the Omnibus version and IIRC it was 35% off when I bought it in an "Omnibus and Anthology sale").  It was less "go out and re-buy the Cosmere in eBook" than "Oh, another sale - are any I need cheap?"

Off topic, but how do you track when things go on sale. I usually only find out about these sales after they are over (ie. I missed all the MB Era II books when they were free).

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51 minutes ago, Lego Mistborn said:

Off topic, but how do you track when things go on sale. I usually only find out about these sales after they are over (ie. I missed all the MB Era II books when they were free).

I do get the newsletters for Kobo and Barnes and Noble - but that's usually spam  (even if it does pay off once a year or so). More often, I'll go looking for something else entirely; and, before checkout, I'll look in the "wishlist" and see X, Y, or Z happens to be on sale. Since I am in no rush at all, I have no problem waiting 12-15 months (or more) for the best time to buy the ebook duplicate of a physical book I already own (for example, I recently picked up Defending Elysium and Skyward epub because they both went on sale when Defiant released - but I have no plans to pick up the Defiant ebook until/unless I can get it for under $10 (the price will remain inflated while the only physical version available is hardcover, then it will drop shortly after the softcover release - if pattern holds)).

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