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Character Images


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I found some pretty sweet Szeth concept art by Inkthinker today. I wanted to add it to his page. However, when I went to add it to the page it and the character info box were interfering with eachother. They wen't right next to each other and took up way too much space. So I tried to add the image to the character info box so they would be the same thing. But then it wouldn't even show up. I checked the formatting for the TWoK cover which is inside a similar info box and it appeared I did everything right. So did I mess up, or is this not possible right now?

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Yeah, I'll keep looking around and see if I can figure something out in the meantime.

Edit: Actually what do you think of this


just a blank entry in the column, better than having image showing up I'm sure that there's a better option but that's all I've found so far

Edited by Voidus
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Yeah it's largely because Joe just doesn't have an image parameter in the Character Infobox template. I'm not totally sure you can just add in extra rows unless you edit the template itself. Definitely would be cool to see this.

And also, Joe is definitely the man for templating things :P I just sort of hack his stuff.

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Yeah, Joe's the Wiki man! He made my Hemalurgy table look way nicer then from the code I copied off of Wikipedia. It'd be nice for characters to have images. I saw the Kaladin concept art too, which would be a great image for him to have for his wiki.

Should we use fan art at all? They do it in the WoT wiki. We'd need author permission and some sort of approval mechanism, so people can't upload just anything. It might be more trouble then it's worth...

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Yeah, Joe's the Wiki man! He made my Hemalurgy table look way nicer then from the code I copied off of Wikipedia. It'd be nice for characters to have images. I saw the Kaladin concept art too, which would be a great image for him to have for his wiki.

Should we use fan art at all? They do it in the WoT wiki. We'd need author permission and some sort of approval mechanism, so people can't upload just anything. It might be more trouble then it's worth...

Short answer, yes we should use fan art when available.

As of now cite where we got it. We will come up with a more robust system later.

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Oh one more idea, you can just insert the file into the title of the infobox, so something like this




Looks a bit better than my last suggestion.

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yeah, whenever you add an image please try where possible to add a link as close as possible to the original source :) I've added an image attribute to the template, which just needs the filename (minus the File: prefix)

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Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to make sure the new one was noticed. I think the Alethi character infobox template will have to be edited to allow for images. It doesn't appear to be working, probably because it's separate from the default character infobox.

Also when I uploaded the Kaladin image the full web address is also in the comments box, unlike the Szeth one you fixed. I can't find any difference between the two, and it doesn't look great to have the code in there. I'm sorry that I'm so incapable... :(

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I'm not sure if there's a great deal of benefit for having an Alethi infobox. Is it really that hard to type in "Alethi" into the usual Character Infobox template? I just think that it doesn't gain us a lot and it makes things more annoying to edit, if we need to edit the main Character Infobox, like we are now.

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I find myself agreeing with you Chaos. I had no idea that there was a separate Alethi box for characters until I actually attempted to edit Kaladin. If we had a unique info box for every race it might be more useful. But to have on special case info box seems strange and it might confuse casual people who are trying to edit the wiki. I tend to think we should just have general info boxes for everything. So one for characters, places, items, religions, and etc. The only problem is that we don't have much info on those things, so they might end up being not so useful. Also, does a magic info box seem like a good idea? It could fall like this.


Powered by: Preservation

Focus: Metal



Accessed through: Snapping

Origin World: Scadrial

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well if you come across any Alethi infoboxes (or Skaa, Herald, Returned}}, please just put subst: between the opening {{ and the words. Like so: {{AlethiInfobox becomes {{subst:AlethiInfobox. Thanks :D

The main reasoning behind the specialist ones was because all the Alethi have the same birthplace/race/etc fields. I've realised we can use the {{subst:Alethi info}} templates for this instead. so all is gravy XD

If you ever see a {{cat}} template, please do the same (change {{cat| to {{subst:cat|) thanks :D

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A Places infobox would be good. A magic infobox would be good, though I don't agree with some of those categorizations with Allomancy. I say hold off on the magic one for a bit, because we're going to need to be very careful to be consistent.

For example, Allomancy is "Accessed through", technically, metal. And I believe "form-based" refers to shape-based focuses, like Aons.

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Oh, no I totally agree, those were just some ideas for categories I was throwing out. We probably need more information about the magic before we try them out. Also, I thought that the essay in the end of AoL implied that it was the form of the metal that allowed the magic to be accessed. So the power accessed would be based off of form but the focus would be metal. I could be wrong about this though.

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Sure, I get ya. Now that I look at articles like AonDor and Awakening, a magic infobox would be rather good. So I'm thinking we have

Name: Allomancy, Awakening, etc.

Related to: Shard or Shards. The template would need to be able to accept multiple Shards if necessary, like for Feruchemy. In theory, this could be used for Splinter-based magics. Also, I don't like "Powered By" because Feruchemy is powered by the body, but it is related to both Preservation and Ruin.


Other prerequisites: This is kind of vague, but for Awakening I'd include "Breath, Color", for Allomancy, "Snapping, Genetic ability" or something. Does that make sense?

Type: End-Positive, etc. and any other categorizations we discover later.

Found On: Insert Shardworld name.

Okay, so I guess that's basically the same as what you did, Windrunner :P

Obviously any of these slots can be placed as Unknown. In fact, we may want to remove "Type", possibly. It's easy for the Metallic Arts, AonDor, and Surgebinding (the latter of two I believe are end-positive), but Awakening could be argued both end-positive and end-neutral. Additionally, there may be other categorizations we don't know about. So if we do keep Type in, if there is any reasonable doubt for what Type something is, we put Unknown or Undetermined.

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