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2 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

When's game start estimated to be

This Sunday, assuming we can get a tenth person or figure out Wit.

1 hour ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Yeah, That s what i thought too. I think ill have to sit it out.

Yeah, it should be starting on the 26th (not checking for sure, give or take a day). But this game does have 48 hour cycles, so if you can get roughly 4-5 posts every 4 days, you could probably maintain enough activity. Alternatively, something could be worked out with @Ashbringer, who is currently signed up as a Pinch-Hitter. Ultimately, it's up to you, we probably don't need you to join to get this started, so if you're not confident and can't work something out with Ash, you can feel free to just spectate.

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14 hours ago, The Unknown Ajah said:

This Sunday, assuming we can get a tenth person or figure out Wit.

Yeah, it should be starting on the 26th (not checking for sure, give or take a day). But this game does have 48 hour cycles, so if you can get roughly 4-5 posts every 4 days, you could probably maintain enough activity. Alternatively, something could be worked out with @Ashbringer, who is currently signed up as a Pinch-Hitter. Ultimately, it's up to you, we probably don't need you to join to get this started, so if you're not confident and can't work something out with Ash, you can feel free to just spectate.

I think I'll Spec.

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53 minutes ago, Experience said:

When would the rollover be?

I currently have it at 9:30 AM Mountain Time. I can fudge it a little if necessary (in fact, I may have to) but it shouldn't go lower than 7:30.

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1 hour ago, The Unknown Ajah said:

I currently have it at 9:30 AM Mountain Time. I can fudge it a little if necessary (in fact, I may have to) but it shouldn't go lower than 7:30.

I may be able to play. I'll know by tonight what my schedule will be next week and I'll let you know.

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7 minutes ago, The Unknown Ajah said:









@Araris Valerian

I think I'll just make do with 9 players if Exp doesn't get back. Also, rollovers will officially be at 7:30, as will game start.

Yeah, I don't want to commit because there's a chance I won't be able to be active the entirety of the game. Ill still spec tho!

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2 hours ago, The Unknown Ajah said:

I think I'll just make do with 9 players if Exp doesn't get back. Also, rollovers will officially be at 7:30, as will game start.

Have gone on record as saying being hostage to player numbers is not a good place for a game to be.

Considering withdrawing though, as I'll be busy for the first two days. Not sure if that's a problem.

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19 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Have gone on record as saying being hostage to player numbers is not a good place for a game to be.

Considering withdrawing though, as I'll be busy for the first two days. Not sure if that's a problem.

It's one cycle /shrug. I think you'll be fine. (Note, I thought I sent this earlier, I'm going to distro assuming you stay, I'd rather have you at low effort in the beginning than not have you at all, and I think most villagers would agree).

I'm not going to officially close sign-ups until I have the distro to a point where I'm actually sending PMs out, but if someone signs up and makes me use a 10 person distro I'll happily glare at them.

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Posted (edited)

Day One: Let the Dice (and the Heads) Roll


The hall was oddly empty. Normally novices and Accepted would be bustling about, but the hall only held a warder set on an errand, and a gleeman. 

“Hey, hey, Dargven, I want your thoughts on a joke I've been working on.” The gleeman ran up, his patched cloak swirling around him.

“I don't have time for your nonsense, gleeman.” The warder didn't even turn to look. He was too busy for an acquaintance that he found rather annoying. 

“Just wait one minute.”

“Fine. What is it?” 

He stopped and turned, scowling. The gleeman stopped, slightly out of breath from catching up to the gleeman. 

“It goes like this, a Myrddraal, a Forsaken, and a Dragon walk into the White Tower.”

The warder scrunched his brow. “What's the jo—”

His words turned to a gurgle with the plunge of the man's dagger.

“The joke is you.” He wiped the bloody dagger on the warder’s cloak. “Just be glad you don't have to see this tower fall into the hands of the Great Lord you hate so much.”

When the body was discovered, the culprit was long gone. The message, however, was clear as day, and received like a dagger to the gut.


Dovie'andi se tovya sagain!


Welcome to LG100 - Death is Lighter Than a Feather. As my father often says, always late but worth the wait.

Some things to note:

  • PMs are essentially closed. You may only use any Warder PMs you may have been sent, though you can send in your actions to be able to PM next turn.

  • There is a two vote minimum, the top player must have two votes to die

  • Ties of the vote will be resolved by a coinflip, make your sacrifices or, if you're not on good terms with the gods, I do take bribes

  • This cycle will end at 7:30 AM Mountain Time on Tuesday the 28th of May

  • Try not to die intravenously, and have fun!

Rules doc for your convenience:


Player List:

If I missed anything, let me know via PM. Everyone should have their role PMs and such by now.

Edited by The Unknown Ajah
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Haha I think we'll get it as we go along. 

Mechanically, I don't think we have any plain warders or blademasters. Because there's only 9 people, and some rolls appear as that to a role scan by the keeper. 

Though I suppose it is possible that one of the Lord characters is not in the game. 

I also expect that we'll probably have 2 elims. I don't remember for certain, but I think 4 years ago that we liked to have 20-25% be elims. 2 would be 22ish percent. 


I would role play but I don't have energy at the moment. Perhaps later today or tomorrow. 

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1 hour ago, Stick. said:

hi friends 


ive read the rules doc about three and a half times and i still don’t understand the mech


but maybe i am just stupid 👹

As the person that help vet the rules, I can sympathize :P. The gist is that most folks have a bunch of available actions depending on their elemental ratings, but they are inconsistent unless you Concentrate or Link.

Something really important to note is that the Forsaken cannot vote, but can guarantee a single weave to work. For this reason, absolutely everyone should vote every cycle, to force the elims to use Compulsion to hide this.

39 minutes ago, CadCom said:

Mechanically, I don't think we have any plain warders or blademasters. Because there's only 9 people, and some rolls appear as that to a role scan by the keeper. 

Though I suppose it is possible that one of the Lord characters is not in the game. 

I'm not sure why it would follow from the fact that the role scan isn't foolproof that there would be no warders/blademasters. Of course we should be wary about assuming any roles exist, and also about any assumptions of alignments of those roles. Still, seems like an odd conclusion, so I'll vote CadCom for now.

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3 hours ago, The Unknown Ajah said:
  • PMs are essentially closed. You may only use any Warder PMs you may have been sent, though you can send in your actions to be able to PM next turn

  • PMs are essentially closed. You may only use any Warder PMs you may have been sent, though you can send in your actions to be able to PM next turn

Doubly closed pms mean they’re actually open, right? 👀 

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Wb sis U_U

25 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

As the person that help vet the rules, I can sympathize :P. The gist is that most folks have a bunch of available actions depending on their elemental ratings, but they are inconsistent unless you Concentrate or Link.

As the other person who helped vet the rules, I can also sympathise because I refused to touch it with a ten foot pole until Araris told me I didn't need to care about doublechecking weave interactions :P

I still don't bloody know what the rules do and don't really have the time/energy to go over them until after law class ends but hey in theory the most important thing is Villagering right?

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2 hours ago, Stick. said:

hi friends 


ive read the rules doc about three and a half times and i still don’t understand the mech


but maybe i am just stupid 👹

Same lol

Off I go to reread!

I'll be around later today when I'm not working.

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55 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I'm not sure why it would follow from the fact that the role scan isn't foolproof that there would be no warders/blademasters. Of course we should be wary about assuming any roles exist, and also about any assumptions of alignments of those roles. Still, seems like an odd conclusion, so I'll vote CadCom for now.

Understood. What I mean is that with only 9 players, but 11 listed roles, we don't have all roles. Because certain roles appear as warders and blademasters with a scan already. 

On compulsion, it says change a players vote to whatever you wish. Is this supposed to say to whoever you wish? If can they change a vote to an action? 

Is compulsion the only vote manipulation action or ability? I didn't see any other in my 30 second skim just barely. 

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