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Just now, Stick. said:

I think we are potentially near lylo rn

We are, but not at this cycle unless you are Evil, in my view. I'm saying that if we do go after Aet and misexe, that could if RNGesus hates us push us to 2/2 and then a Night loss. Really depends on what TUA means by 'when Village can no longer win' since I guess my votejack would mean that if I don't die at Night, then they can't brute force the exe. It gets screwier because suppose the Elims queue Compulsion, etc etc, since you can theoretically multi-weave. Coinflip battle.

I'm saying it's break glass point in my head but my internal threshold is a tad bit higher because of the potential dual kill. If this is misguided, then yeah I'm cool with being talked into it.

Speaking of though, @Aeternum, you did any weaving last Night?

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12 minutes ago, Stick. said:

I think we are potentially near lylo rn

In a way, you feel self-resolving in the worst possible way due to balefire swinginess blocking a NK. Hard to see you not being removed as part of Elim PtV. I think Compulsion essentially neutralises my votejack, as does a physicalblock.

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I guess they could always try to Shield you.

Edited by Kasimir
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11 minutes ago, Stick. said:

One in <Aet/Bee> + one in <mat/aeo> 

Royalbee is not with Mat (tried to kill him d1) so it’s either royalbee/aeo or aet/aeo or aet/mat. technically aeo/mat is possible. I’m looking at these names and thinking aeo fits on most teams lol so maybe - Aeoryi

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Sort of lost in the discussion at this point (read it quick, doing other things, can thoroughly think about it in an hour or so) but I'm a Blademaster. Not exactly sure the distro implication there-- I feel like it works pretty well with e!AesSedai w/ Warder so I'll throw my vote on Aeternum for the moment.

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15 minutes ago, Stick. said:

One in <Aet/Bee> + one in <mat/aeo> 


Keep in mind Bee and Mat are very much not-teamed - Mat froze his vote on Bee D1 (second Bee voter) and Bee CWed on Mat even when you tried for a Wierdo pivot. If you believe E!Bee, that worldview entails E!Aeo.

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3 minutes ago, Stick. said:

Royalbee is not with Mat (tried to kill him d1) so it’s either royalbee/aeo or aet/aeo or aet/mat. technically aeo/mat is possible. I’m looking at these names and thinking aeo fits on most teams lol so maybe - Aeoryi

ffs Kas this is why you read the damn thread instead of coming here half-cocked

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1 minute ago, Aeoryi said:

Stick I do need your reasons for why you'd shoot Araris and not, say... Aeternum, who you had a chronic suspicion of for seemingly all of n1?

Role Claim, killing aet means 50% chance royalbee also dies and if that v/v we are cooked 

3 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

Stick I do need your reasons for why you'd shoot Araris and not, say... Aeternum, who you had a chronic suspicion of for seemingly all of n1?

also this is a weird question given I had both araris and aet in the same tier in the list that I posted yesterday  

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Just now, Stick. said:

Role Claim, killing aet means 50% chance royalbee also dies and if that v/v we are cooked 

But you wanna open the cooking today?

I think the only two teams Bee works on at this point is Bee/Aet (assumes lying about the Warder) or Bee/Aeo. (Refusing to speculate about myself, but I was third voter on Bee so I guess I don't work that good either.) Stick pushing Bee to force a threadclaim and then backtracking off is extra unnecessary drama - I agree E!Stick is screwy but that's Drake level husky single brain cell.

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3 minutes ago, Stick. said:

Role Claim, killing aet means 50% chance royalbee also dies and if that v/v we are cooked 

8 minutes ago, Stick. said:

Royalbee is not with Mat (tried to kill him d1) so it’s either royalbee/aeo or aet/aeo or aet/mat. technically aeo/mat is possible. I’m looking at these names and thinking aeo fits on most teams lol so maybe - Aeoryi

Aren't you like, also kinda chronically suspicious of both of them?


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1 minute ago, Kasimir said:

But you wanna open the cooking today?

She’s asking why I didn’t kill aet yesterday - it was different yesterday bc araris was in everyone’s poe and the odds of bee/aet being v/v were higher because araris was a potential elim and in my eyes he didn’t work with either of those two (already explained d1 that aet’s comment on araris was never partnered and royalbee’s read on araris seemed like potential tmi on a villager)



2 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

Aren't you like, also kinda chronically suspicious of both of them?


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For the record, if TUA let the Elims have a freakin' Aes Sedai with a statblock for Balefire such that even Lord of Luck is useless in the face of it, and I don't even have the Spirit stats to Shield, imma be so bloody done >>

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@Aeoryi Why no action? A physicalblock could've come in useful tbh.

Edited by Kasimir
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6 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Bee/Aet (assumes lying about the Warder)

I find this decently unlikely cuz bee couldn’t just claimed something like Blademaster instead? Why pick a fake claim that outs your teammate as well 

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Just now, Aeoryi said:

I kind of want to say stick is TWTBAW at this point, because stick can be a very decent wolf, but I mean idk...

weren’t you complimenting my shot a moment ago lol, how is that ‘too wolfy’😛 it sounded like you agreed with the araris shot 

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Just now, Stick. said:

I find this decently unlikely cuz bee couldn’t just claimed something like Blademaster instead? Why pick a fake claim that outs your teammate as well 

Blademaster is NAI - you just have to resolve the Thug if the Thug is sus.

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I see my roleclaim was decidedly unexciting :(.

Aeo is making me want to vote them with how they're dealing with Stick rn

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3 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

For the record, if TUA let the Elims have a freakin' Aes Sedai with a statblock for Balefire such that even Lord of Luck is useless in the face of it, and I don't even have the Spirit stats to Shield, imma be so bloody done >>

It's unlikely that the elims would have firepower to do that.

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Just now, Stick. said:

weren’t you complimenting my shot a moment ago lol, how is that ‘too wolfy’😛 it sounded like you agreed with the araris shot 

I agreed with it but I don't think that it makes sense for you to shoot araris.

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Just now, Aeternum said:

It's unlikely that the elims would have firepower to do that.

So you V!read Stick then? What did you do last Night, btw?

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