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Edited to add or ninjaed who knows:

1 minute ago, Kasimir said:

Blademaster is NAI - you just have to resolve the Thug if the Thug is sus.

I agree there's an element of familiarity with the game meta to a Blademaster claim but given Bee's struggles to formulate suspicions and play, I also kind of wonder if Bee would be able to metagame enough to make a Thug claim and gamble people would back off. 

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1 minute ago, Aeoryi said:

I agreed with it but I don't think that it makes sense for you to shoot araris.

Why not? He was at the bottom of my list yesterday. Aet had role claimed publicly, and in the thread we discussed the consequences of them dying as well

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5 minutes ago, Aeternum said:


My action failed

What action was it?

And interesting in what way? Stick is claiming to have balefired Araris. It is moderately likely she is telling the truth given Araris being Lord of Luck, unless TUA rules that balefire cannot overcome Lord of Luck weave immunity. You say it is unlikely that TUA let the Elims have an Aes Sedai have the Fire 5 Spirit 5 statblock for balefire. Doesn't this commit you to the belief that Stick is Village for mech reasons?

Edited to add:

I mean just to spell it out - no other weave kills Araris this way. That much is pretty clear. If there's an actual balefire shooter not Stick, they cc her here and we exe an Elim. If TUA replies my question and says that balefire cannot kill a Lord of Luck, it's clear Stick is lying and we exe her. In the absence of that, if you think the Elims can't have a balefire statblock, aren't you then implying you are committed to V!Stick if it all checks out?

Edited to add 2:

Tbh considering the odds of a Myderaal or Dragon in a game with a Blademaster.

Edited to add 3:

Wow the thread is so happening right now.

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I mean IDK mats claim is a little sus objectively and it makes me wanna put him in a difference check with the warder bros but that’s kind of where I’m at reads-wise anyway 

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Just now, Stick. said:

I mean IDK mats claim is a little sus objectively and it makes me wanna put him in a difference check with the warder bros but that’s kind of where I’m at reads-wise anyway 



I'm sorry this is what I thought of.

I have my reservations with Mat's claim, but I'll wait for him to make the first move.

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10 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Wow the thread is so happening right now.

I honestly wasn't sure my posts were going through until now 😛 

4 minutes ago, Stick. said:

I mean IDK mats claim is a little sus objectively and it makes me wanna put him in a difference check with the warder bros but that’s kind of where I’m at reads-wise anyway 

Tbh I wish I didn't need to claim cause I wanted to draw a kill but whatever I'd rather be transparent

Difference check in what way?

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8 minutes ago, Stick. said:

I mean IDK mats claim is a little sus objectively and it makes me wanna put him in a difference check with the warder bros but that’s kind of where I’m at reads-wise anyway 

That's kind of my point - that I think it has to be either Myderaal or Blademaster. I don't think we have a Keeper in this game, but either way, I'd normally assume the point of my role is to offer cover for the Forsaken in a Keeper scan, similar with BM, but we're not really seeing duplication here.

The other issue here is that there's just...a lot less tankiness than I'd expect. Again, we don't know Wierdo's or Aet's statblock, but the statblocks are just weird. 

Bee doesn't really count as a protect role IMO because Bee can only self-protect or protect Aet and if the Elims really want Aet dead, it's easy, as Devo showed us: Seal Aet, kill Aet, done, and chain-kill.

Edited to add:

Pretty sure Araris's role was why he suspected a two-Channeller Elim team though. I'm at the point where I might need to consider revising my thoughts on the issue.

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7 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

Mat claimed what?

Thread was moving fast lol

40 minutes ago, Mat said:

Sort of lost in the discussion at this point (read it quick, doing other things, can thoroughly think about it in an hour or so) but I'm a Blademaster. Not exactly sure the distro implication there-- I feel like it works pretty well with e!AesSedai w/ Warder so I'll throw my vote on Aeternum for the moment.


Just now, Stick. said:

As in there’s either 1 between them or it’s you

Oh sure yeah that makes sense

Works with my Aet theory

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Literally the beginning of the cycle: "This is lylo or a step from lylo"
Half the game: "Time to be gnomic!"

I swear I wanna come back after sleep to find y'all hiding a redcheck or something and doing the good old Rollovet strat because if not, I can only conclude it's not just a lack of WiM issue.

Edited to add:

2 minutes ago, Aeternum said:


For this to have failed, Aet was either weaveblocked or did not Concentrate. There's no way Aet fails a complexity 3 weave otherwise. If Aet didn't Concentrate, then I'd wanna ask what you were doing with your physical action slot.

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2 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Literally the beginning of the cycle: "This is lylo or a step from lylo"
Half the game: "Time to be gnomic!"

I swear I wanna come back after sleep to find y'all hiding a redcheck or something and doing the good old Rollovet strat because if not, I can only conclude it's not just a lack of WiM issue.

Edited to add:

For this to have failed, Aet was either weaveblocked or did not Concentrate. There's no way Aet fails a complexity 3 weave otherwise. If Aet didn't Concentrate, then I'd wanna ask what you were doing with your physical action slot.


I didn't

And I didn't

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1 minute ago, Aeternum said:

I didn't

And I didn't

Who'd you target, and why didn't you Concentrate? It's a free success and a 40% roll otherwise, worse if you were taking a second action. It's not implausible but it's odd to me.

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For that matter, why not Harden Air or Trace or Delve?

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Just now, Stick. said:

Umm if you take only 1 weave action and no physical actions it is automatically counted as a concentration action 

TUA said this?

Edited to add:

Hello @The Unknown Ajah my old friend! I've come to ask you this again!

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Just now, Kasimir said:

Who'd you target, and why didn't you Concentrate? It's a free success and a 40% roll otherwise, worse if you were taking a second action. It's not implausible but it's odd to me.


And I didn't

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Just now, Aeternum said:


So why me? This has got to be the most wasted action in an SE game ever as I can't actually perform any weave without a link. Cursed statblock is real.

Joke aside, I question the use of a Shield - it prevents weaving but we're primarily interested in E!hunting here. The only world in which this is useful is if you think I can fireball. The point is the physical action side of the house. Shield is much more niche in comparison, and I'm trying to understand that mindset.

3 minutes ago, Stick. said:

Just trust me bro 

Translation: "I actually did not tell TUA I was concentrating but my balefire succeeded anyway"

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